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Smokey and the Bandit

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Everything posted by Smokey and the Bandit

  1. "Yvette Cooper stated, “We are taking strong and clear steps to boost our border security and ensure the rules are respected and enforced. " Liar liar pants on fire..
  2. So they are assumed innocent, until proven guilty in court?
  3. Only for some! It seem muslims are allowed to? https://news.sky.com/video/police-under-pressure-after-failing-to-stop-armed-muslim-counter-protesters-during-riots-13192163
  4. " Posted 3 hours ago "In a profession that demands unwavering impartiality," So the UK cops have failed from the get go!
  5. Well if they are in the US they can't! So its a moot point!
  6. And a 'don't come back' stamp in his passport!
  7. So Labor have been in power for just over a month and the UK is in a mess, divided, riots/protests, two tier policing etc, now this re classification of misogyny as extremism/terrorism. The question is what is next? Are the UK Government suicidal? Do they have a long term plan based on North Korea?
  8. Absolutely, Elon Musk is a smart cookie and she will only dig a huge hole for Herself! But ate least X will get a lot of views, if she did the interview?
  9. You are absolutely correct. "The World Health Organization will now refer to monkeypox as “mpox,” following criticisms of the prior name’s offensive origins. " https://www.them.us/story/monkeypox-mpox-who-name-change So when we go to the zoo with our kids, what are we supposed to call monkeys?
  10. "The ongoing crisis puts significant pressure on the Labour Party to address the underlying issues that have contributed to the unrest, including concerns over border controls and the strain on public services due to high levels of immigration" So it appears they have an idea of the problem, but do not offer any solutions, instead they, the cops, arrest people for posting on social media and the judges are giving out ridiculously high prison sentences?🙄
  11. Elon Musk has the courage and yes also the money to say what he feels like, unlike some others who are too timid. At least Musk being in the USA will not have to fear the Met commissioner, Rowley, authoritarian intimation!
  12. Indeed, it is very worrying what is going on in the UK presently, people being locked up for face book posts and the like!
  13. Once again Musk is right on point, Humza is a racist and Musk called him out...simple!
  14. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/08/06/riots-police-tackle-all-sides-equal-ferocity-two-tier/ "Musk brands Starmer ‘two-tier Keir’ amid row over riot policing"
  15. Yes it is clear with the 2 tier policing what side the UK Government is on, Elon Musk is totally correct!
  16. “Morris syndrome is now called 46,XY DSD: androgen insensitivity syndrome. These people have an extremely high level of testosterone and other male sex hormones, but the testosterone does not affect the foetal cells that usually develop into male sexual organs because of a mutation in the androgen receptor gene. These people therefore have male chromosomes but are women socially and in external appearance. They do not have internal female sexual organs, and they form testicles that remain concealed in the abdominal cavity.” What this means is they look like women on the outside, but are for the sake of argument men, they have the same physical strength, muscle mass etc!
  17. Quite so,most of the MSM are calling TR far right, only because they are far left!
  18. If it looks like a Duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, in this case fights kike a duck, then its a ...........MAN?
  19. "Morton was handed a five-year ban on travelling to Thailand, which ends this year. " Wander if he is planning to come back to LOS???
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