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Posts posted by bangkokrick

  1. Why so much outrage by the Americans in this case. It seems that it was OK for Amanda Knox to get away with murdering an English girl and she will be 4 million dollars better of for it by selling her story. Will the parents of the victim have the right to try her in a UK court. The answer is a big fat no! Best look at your own judicial system which is pretty much on a par with that of the UK.

    I think that LA is guilty of the crime but unless the Thai authorities make a case, he will be staying in the UK.

    • Like 2
  2. I think that the biggest problem with driving in Thailand is the fact that the highway lights are not switched on. There are long stretches of road where people are driving in the dark, so consequently they drive on full beam, so as a driver I can't see in the rear view mirror and the onward coming traffic is blinding me with full beam. The highway lights are in situe, so why the hell don't they turn them on? I drove from Bangkok to Pattaya 2 days ago and it was a nightmare.

  3. To displaced person.

    As I mentioned in my OP I watched the documentary on TV. The title was 'Taboo' and given that you have obviously not seen it I am amazed at your comments. How can you comment on something that you have not seen? This was not sport this was kids being forced to fight for money in a ring with a large audience betting on the outcome. Now given that all these aspects are illegal in Thailand, it is not just me that finds it disturbing. The priority of the parents of these children was not the health of their children, but the purse at the end of the fight.

    Ignore away.

  4. 5 year old girls in the UK fighting in front of wild crowds of adults baying for blood! No head gear and risking death at every turn! Vile photographers capturing it all to sell on home video! The horror!!1!111

    Well DP I watched that and I really wish that was my dad. No baying for blood, no betting either and the kids are 5 upwards, not 3. I still find this disturbing, but if you get a kick out of watching children fight I really do feel very sorry for you. Did your kids fight for money when they were young, maybe diapers, of baby food. The degradation is remarkable.

  5. Don't even go there Puccini. I did and got slated for it. Its Thai culture and if you don't like it go home, as I was told. Search for my thread if interested.

    Was it your thread in which several people pointed out that it isn't a Thai Culture issue, but something that happens in other countries too, including western?

    I remember that thread. The OP of that thread was going on and on about how barbaric Thais are, and when evidence was shown about the same thing happening in the UK he completely ignored it and continued going on and on about those barbaric Thais.

    Show me evidence that kids as young as 3 years are fighting for money in the UK. Otherwise I will ignore you,as I did before.

  6. Don't even go there Puccini. I did and got slated for it. Its Thai culture and if you don't like it go home, as I was told. Search for my thread if interested.

    Was it your thread in which several people pointed out that it isn't a Thai Culture issue, but something that happens in other countries too, including western?

    I remember that thread. The OP of that thread was going on and on about how barbaric Thais are, and when evidence was shown about the same thing happening in the UK he completely ignored it and continued going on and on about those barbaric Thais.

    In my book it is barbaric to push kids into fighting for the sake of maintaining ones habits, so to speak.

  7. Don't even go there Puccini. I did and got slated for it. Its Thai culture and if you don't like it go home, as I was told. Search for my thread if interested.

    Was it your thread in which several people pointed out that it isn't a Thai Culture issue, but something that happens in other countries too, including western?

    I remember that thread. The OP of that thread was going on and on about how barbaric Thais are, and when evidence was shown about the same thing happening in the UK he completely ignored it and continued going on and on about those barbaric Thais.

    The kids in my thread were around 3 years old which in your book makes it acceptable. I also remember.

  8. If like me you have been looking for a program that enables you to share your WIFI connection with you other devices. I have found a free program that will do just this. It turns your PC Laptop into a WIFI hotspot. You can of course password the connection for security and for keeping out unwanted sharers. I am using a true dongle and it works fine with this for sharing from my laptop to my Nokia phone. I am really pleased with the results and that's why I am sharing.


    Windows 7

    WIFI connection.

    Connectify lite free version.


    I have no other interest in this program other than using it in my home.

    Mods if I am not allowed to post the link please delete it.

  9. you are another 'loser' farnd in BKK.

    Get yourself a job.

    Be a westerner, don't try to get invloved in Thai isues, unless you can converse fully in Thai.

    BTW, your Englaish is not great either, your question 'How long is there a fast track option?' is not in English, is it is not asked correctly.

    you are another 'loser' farnd in BKK.

    Get yourself a job.

    Be a westerner, don't try to get invloved in Thai isues, unless you can converse fully in Thai.

    BTW, your Englaish is not great either, your question 'How long is there a fast track option?' is not in English, is it is not asked correctly.

    Who said that I can't converse fully in Thai. In fact my Thai is probably better than your English.

    ur Englaish is not great either. Tosser

    You are just another Chang filled keyboard warrior with a scab on his back. As I politely asked earlier refrain from answering my posts and I hope that your head gets better.

  10. You don't need to get involved.

    Your wife speaks Thai, reads Thai, if it is this urgent why leave is so late.

    You seems to be another farang stickiong his nose in trying to be the 'big I am'.

    Seem plenty of your type. Pathetic.

    Let your wife sort it out as all you can do is ask other farangs fo rtheir advice which may or may not be correct. Get you wife to call the ofice in the morning. That's the easiest way.

    This forum is for questions of the nature of what I asked, that is the whole point of this forum! The big 'I am' are you mentally challenged or something? I simply asked a question on Thai visa regarding passport renewal.

    Pathetic! I take it that this is a self description.

    I would appreciate if you don't reply to any of my future posts with you smart arsed answers.

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