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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Understatement of the year........555 People are known to take sharp objects to his rallies.
  2. Kind of...but Willie Brown....the lying bar-steward...... claims he has never been in a helicopter......so who do you believe?
  3. Is it lizards that run the pizza place with the kids in the basement?.....I lose track of what the Republicans are saying.
  4. Good chance.....there'll be some little jobsworth rooting through dusty legislation to find a reason.
  5. ...and quite right. His time was up. In the UK we say the men in grey suits want have a word.....it's time to go. A smart move as the polls testify. There must be, I hope, for the Republicans sake, some of their own 'men in grey suits' buckling up to speak to Mr Trump.
  6. Tad harsh...but it was a no brainer he had to go. Even if he made it to a second term.....very doubtful .........what might the situation be like come 2028.....not good. And I suspect a few forward thinkers in the GOP are thinking the same re: Mr Trump.
  7. Saw the title of this thread and thought some bar-steward was having a pop at me.....but no....it's Trump...Isn't it?
  8. To be fair.....if you carried out some informal canvassing of countries across the world you would get a similar result.
  9. Am I fan? I wasn't until I found out he managed to continue playing squash, tennis and golf for his University.........even though he was suffering the excruciating pain of bones spurs.
  10. **Reason:** Several accounts associated with the Antifa movement were banned. Musk has positioned himself as strongly opposed to the Antifa movement, which he has criticized as being violent and extremist......doxing?
  11. We (me and the wife) could use the American facilities in Germany as we both had NATO visas.....OMG you do get looked after.
  12. You would be quite relaxed about doing away any form of press regulation that allowed.....say....Putin to own and distribute a newspaper in the US or UK?
  13. Free speech as long as it doesn't upset Musk....mmmm? Since Elon Musk took over Twitter (now rebranded as X), several high-profile individuals and accounts have been banned. Here are some notable examples: ### 1. **Kathy Griffin** - **Reason:** Griffin was banned after she changed her profile name to "Elon Musk" and used his profile picture as part of a satire. Musk indicated that she was banned for impersonating him without clearly labeling it as parody, which violated the platform’s rules against impersonation. ### 2. **Ye (formerly Kanye West)** - **Reason:** Ye was banned for posting offensive and antisemitic content, including an image that combined a swastika with the Star of David. This incident followed a series of increasingly controversial tweets from Ye, leading to the ban under Musk's ownership. ### 3. **@ElonJet** - **Reason:** This account, run by college student Jack Sweeney, tracked the location of Elon Musk's private jet using publicly available flight data. Musk banned the account citing concerns about personal safety and privacy, although he had previously stated he would allow it to remain active in the name of free speech. ### 4. **Journalists (Various)** - **Reason:** In December 2022, several journalists from outlets like CNN, The New York Times, and The Washington Post were suspended. Musk claimed the suspensions were due to these journalists allegedly sharing information that put his personal safety at risk, though this was widely interpreted as a reaction to their critical coverage of him. The suspensions were later reversed following public backlash. ### 5. **Mastodon** - **Reason:** Mastodon, a decentralized social media platform, was banned after it promoted the ElonJet account, which Musk had banned. The Mastodon account was seen as encouraging what Musk considered doxxing or endangering his personal safety. ### 6. **Antifa Accounts** - **Reason:** Several accounts associated with the Antifa movement were banned. Musk has positioned himself as strongly opposed to the Antifa movement, which he has criticized as being violent and extremist. ### 7. **James Lindsay** - **Reason:** The conservative author and commentator was banned after violating X's rules on hateful conduct, particularly around issues related to gender identity and LGBTQ+ topics. ### 8. **Other Political and Activist Figures** - Various other figures, particularly those engaging in behavior Musk deems harmful or dangerous, have also been banned. This includes accounts that Musk believes violate the platform’s rules around doxxing, harassment, or spreading misinformation. ### Context Elon Musk's approach to content moderation on X has been controversial, with critics arguing that his actions have been inconsistent with his stated commitment to free speech. He has reinstated some previously banned accounts (like Donald Trump's) while banning others, leading to debates about the balance between free expression and platform safety.
  14. Good point, well made. Just to add to your lines (you may know it)... You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think.
  15. Thank God Musk was born in South Africa and neither parent is American....phew.!!!
  16. 'Reports suggest' the only viable candidate to replace Trump is DeSantis ......that would be frying pan/fire.....there must be other/better candidates???
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