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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Could not agree more........anyone stupid enough to shoot his own eye out should be shipped out.
  2. Fusion has been decades away .......since decades ago and remains so.......it is, without doubt, the holy grail that could 'save' mankind. Every penny spent on other Climate Change 'preventions' should be redirected into fusion....it is fast becoming our only hope.
  3. They need Jim.....he could fix it.
  4. If there is going to be a breakthrough it will be on the back of something like the Willow chip or a radical new approach that doesn't depend on a torus .....the US idea of hydrogen pellets for instance.
  5. Yes....I can smell burning plastic quite often.....we also have a "garage' in the village than burns off old engine oil and tyres about once a month......
  6. Zero, nada, zip....and everyone knows it.
  7. So in your effort to compete and win the dumbest post of the week you failed to notice he was sentenced to 52 years....yes?
  8. Forum rule from last week.....all AI sources used to be credited in a post or reply. All hell is going to break loose now if people start posting factual information.....555
  9. I'm constantly amazed at the sentences given in the UK courts. How can he ever be released? A few years ago now, a gang kicked a young girl to death in a park in England. The leader 18, got 10 years...out when he was 28......I just cannot get my head around that.
  10. So why should we take advice from a woman whose whole life is dedicated to convincing people that there is a fairy in the sky that will take care of them.? ...Absolutely no one should....tell that to your other daddy (lower case by the way).....Isn't he enthralled by the whole idea of Jesus?.....In particular the idea that there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent....5555
  11. Judges almost never let all the evidence in.
  12. Wow you really know your stuff.......that is impressive.....oh wait on......is that copy and paste? Uncredited?
  13. Not totally convinced.....bit of rough and tumble....few vodkas combined with arrogance and stupidity..... It seems odd he jumped in after him and refused to get back into the boat? Maybe realised what he had done and was mortified. Having said that if it was done in malice......happy for him to see the inside of a jail for life.
  14. I had/have a 'friend', who by the age of 25 had been in the SAS, SBS and, without knowing a word of Chinese, worked undercover for the Hong Kong police. He is now 20st and sits on the same barstool every night in our village.......telling anyone who will listen about his "adventures".
  15. Do you have to be over a certain (mental) age to post on this site....or can anyone post?
  16. You know the reason why........ you ****ing mo****.....the vast majority of drivers are not so ****ing dumb as to drive drunk....so if 99% of the population have the intelligence not to drink and drive...most of the accidents will involve drivers who are sober....FF*
  17. If you ever grow up and read your own posts sometime in the future.....I'd love to see your face as you cringe with embarrassment.
  18. Only joking. Long diatribe from the Head of the Village this am......all burning must cease. The authorities will be using radar (?), drones and satellites to identify anyone burning sugarcane leaves, they will be fined and their land will be confiscated. The photo below shows the sugarcane being burned......at the back of his house!!!

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