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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. I guess these companies are savvy enough to realise these contract details are for today.....Saturday......there could be totally different requirements come Monday.
  2. I imagine she will be quietly thrilled at the prospect of you being away for a few days....🤭
  3. I occasionally make a serious effort to listen to him at one of his rallies. But to be honest, I have to keep something sharp by my side.
  4. How would they fact check something like that....unless, at the time, a local rag happened to report it. A helicopter crash landing with Trump and Willie Brown aboard would have been major news..... Trump definitely lied....Biden may have, but there is no way of telling.
  5. If the Republicans don't react in the next two weeks and dump him they are doomed. But who has the 'necessary' to move against him...? No one.....so they will end up throwing away the election as they are too scared of him.
  6. Yes...I do the same.....wandering around London. Five big lads outside?.....No thanks.
  7. I wondered that......No.....The RNC would convene to decide who should replace him.....which might be Vance.
  8. Sold the family silver to bribed the police, soldiers and fire service to toe the line.....leaving latter generations to pick up the tab......you could almost say it was clever if it hadn't had such tragic consequences.
  9. Your right one huge hoax...... The Industrial Revolution, which began in the late 18th century, is widely regarded as a pivotal period in human history that initiated significant changes in technology, society, and the environment. Key pieces of evidence linking the Industrial Revolution to the onset of climate change include: 1. Dramatic Increase in Greenhouse Gas Emissions • Carbon Dioxide (CO₂) Levels: The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, became widespread during the Industrial Revolution. This led to a significant increase in carbon dioxide emissions. Ice core samples and atmospheric measurements show a sharp rise in CO₂ levels starting in the late 18th century, corresponding with the onset of industrialization. • Methane and Nitrous Oxide: Alongside CO₂, methane (from agriculture, livestock, and fossil fuel extraction) and nitrous oxide (from agricultural practices) also began to increase during this period, further contributing to the greenhouse effect. 2. Global Temperature Rise • Temperature Records: Historical temperature records show a consistent increase in global temperatures beginning around the time of the Industrial Revolution. This rise in temperature is closely correlated with the increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. • Paleoclimate Data: Proxy data, such as tree rings, ice cores, and sediment layers, indicate that the Earth’s climate was relatively stable for thousands of years before the Industrial Revolution. The sharp rise in global temperatures since the 19th century is unprecedented in this context. 3. Deforestation and Land-Use Changes • Forest Clearing: The Industrial Revolution saw large-scale deforestation to clear land for agriculture, mining, and urban development. This deforestation reduced the planet’s capacity to absorb CO₂, exacerbating the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. • Agricultural Expansion: The expansion of agriculture to feed growing populations led to significant land-use changes. These changes included the draining of wetlands, plowing of prairies, and the cultivation of new lands, which released stored carbon into the atmosphere. 4. Ocean Acidification • Increased CO₂ Absorption by Oceans: The oceans absorb a significant portion of the CO₂ emitted into the atmosphere. Since the Industrial Revolution, the increased CO₂ levels have led to higher acidity in the oceans, a process known as ocean acidification. This has had detrimental effects on marine life, particularly organisms that rely on calcium carbonate, like corals and shellfish. 5. Scientific Studies and Climate Models • Attribution Studies: Modern climate science has developed models that can attribute the observed changes in climate to specific causes. These models consistently show that the increase in greenhouse gases from human activities, which began during the Industrial Revolution, is the primary driver of the current trend in global warming. • Historical Records and Analysis: Studies analyzing historical records, such as industrial production data, coal consumption, and population growth, show a clear link between industrial activities and the increase in greenhouse gas emissions. 6. Changes in the Cryosphere • Glacial Retreat: Glaciers around the world began retreating at an accelerated rate during the 19th century. This is largely attributed to the warming climate caused by increased greenhouse gas emissions since the Industrial Revolution. • Polar Ice Melt: The melting of polar ice caps, particularly in the Arctic, has been observed to correlate with the industrial era’s onset and the associated rise in global temperatures. 7. Economic and Technological Drivers • Mass Production and Consumption: The shift to mass production and the consumption of goods during the Industrial Revolution required vast amounts of energy, primarily from fossil fuels. This created a feedback loop of increased energy use and emissions, which continues to drive climate change today. These pieces of evidence collectively point to the Industrial Revolution as the starting point for the significant anthropogenic impact on the global climate, leading to the current challenges of climate change.
  10. YES YES YES......You can see a sea change coming....people want to move away from this poisonous, incestuous Trump era of nepotism, misogyny and tantrums. People are looking for the grown ups to take over.
  11. What a beatch.....that's a posher, more acceptable version of the word.
  12. It was the Tory government that developed this legislation. In the UK, the Conservative government has been actively involved in addressing the issue of online misinformation and harmful content, particularly through the Online Safety Bill. This piece of legislation, which has been in development for several years and is expected to come into effect in 2024, aims to regulate content on social media platforms and other online services.
  13. 100%.....Climate scientists simply didn't have a voice back then....but they already knew what was coming.
  14. "Americans want the freedom to choose what's best for their health and families. They don't like the government performing a pelvic exam, or tracking their menstrual cycles, or tracking their movement across state lines" And therein lies the huge contradiction they face....freedom, freedom....oh...but not that freedom, because we need the swivel-eyed religious loons, who want a total ban on abortion, to vote for us.......so much for separation of church and State.
  15. Will there be anything left that the Thais can actually import.......oh the submarines with dodgy Chinese engines......YIKES!
  16. Irrational? Thai air scares me having been red flagged previously for maintenance issues......and of course living here and seeing what they get upto safety wise....!!!
  17. Well that is a damned lie right there......he doesn't ever have poorly attended rallies.
  18. 70 million seemingly hang on his every word.....I blame the teachers. If teachers, as claimed by Republicans, are all LBGT+ and communists...... how come half the grown up kids still vote for this m***n?
  19. Yes...he's right.....all those XXs out there....so dizzy...doh!.....will have forgotten how he single handedly overturned their hard fought for rights.
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