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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. That is a real stretch even for you.
  2. Once drank a bottle of very cheap red washed down with two bottle bottles of Newcastle brown......inches from death....555
  3. Ah! LL to the rescue...putting the world to rights.....555.....where would AN be without you?
  4. Yikes......not sure I have ever drunk 'good stuff'.
  5. Ha! I'd have gone responsible citizen.
  6. White wine is the least likely to cause a hangover of all alcoholic drinks.....so I have read......doesn't stop me preferring to drink red though. (Drink fresh orange juice in the night....the vitamin C helps breakdown toxins that cause a hangover)
  7. Still got the scars to show I should never have tried it. You should see them in Germany........maniacs....!
  8. So you've had accidents sober? Using your strange logic we should all have a few shots before getting behind the wheel.....give me strength.
  9. SWMBO says we paid 700B, but that was direct from the PEA pole. I guess you might need to put your own poles in first.
  10. Our microwave set on fire last week.....fortunately the fire was self contained.....cause? Gecko!!!
  11. Crazy thought......do you think...maybe....the vast majority of drivers are actually responsible and are sober....and that might account for 'more deaths caused by sober people'?
  12. Got to go short, especially in this climate. I hate going to the barbers, queues, tips, bad cut.....bought this and do it myself.....it is the dogs.
  13. Hardly surprising......44 and commits suicide over being denied a spliff....????
  14. Inside job, either the bank teller or his own associates.
  15. I wouldn't hesitate. Causing death by drunk driving is "tantamount to murder"......but not in a legal sense.
  16. Flew back Thursday......flashed my marriage extension and explained my wife was waiting for me.....could I go through the Thai passport section?.....yes sir, no problem. Happy days.
  17. They must send the bar girls wild....555
  18. Big mistake if the lunatic in the other car has a baseball bat or a gun.
  19. Did you get the 6000 B back once you got your house book? Wife, who knows more than Google and ChatGPT combined, says it can be on your pole, but must be outside your garden wall/fence.
  20. I made the mistake of giving someone my card and PIN.....the beatch drains my account every month....but we are still happily married after 18 years.
  21. Each to his own I guess. Of the 50 plus family members that come to mind, only my youngest has a tattoo......not even my rough, bar girl wife has one...555
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