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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Get one of me looking really serious and concerned..........and don't forget to photoshop the watch out.
  2. Odd.....as I teach maths.....but maybe that is one step down from teaching math?
  3. Jokingly said he is trying to destroy Trump......but many a true word said in jest.....COULD HE BE? Lining himself up for 2028?
  4. JD Vance accuses people roasting chickens, of roasting pet cats. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/jd-vance-cats-grill-chicken-ohio-b2612999.html He is trying to destroy Trump
  5. Personally no.......rich people all over the world literally get away with murder because their position and wealth. However, it might be a smart move to pardon him in the interests of the US generally.
  6. No answer was the stern reply.
  7. Brexit has been a staggering success.....here is a list ...... Blue passports (which we had the option of choosing before Brexit)
  8. Not a snowball's...too many envelopes in circulation now.
  9. .....and lying is wrong now???
  10. ....and yet they are heros and victims.......and due to be pardoned.....all very odd.
  11. Ha...funny you should say that.....90 day got rejected today.....but some said it's because I recently returned from abroad????
  12. Oh my.....you don't think...surely not....no....the msm got something wrong or were looking for clickbait terms to print????
  13. Not sure it was just a lack of action.....food was 'stolen' for the war effort and other food supplies destroyed to prevent the Japanese sweeping into the subcontinent.......some estimates put the total number of deaths close to those in the holocaust.
  14. Looking forward to your evidence.......though not holding my breath.
  15. Oh!!!!.....each time I come back I put the "date entered Thailand" as the date I landed on my return.....it gets rejected every time and I get an email saying I have to attend in person. Should I put the date I first entered Thailand on my Non-O?????
  16. Yes......agree 6 rai 'lawn'.....you need a tractor....end of. Can't you...op.... just sub it out to a local farmer? I've got one rai and soon got sick of mowing it.
  17. Slow golfers should be shot (admin...that's a joke). A sniper on the second or third hole would be ideal. Would they be a movable object....free drop?
  18. Can anyone explain the logic behind having to report in person to complete a 90 day report because you left Thailand for a few weeks?????
  19. I think so...but I'll check with her first....555
  20. Sad you even know that.
  21. Yes funny that...you'd have thought there would have been someone carefully counting them as they smashed windows and doors and stormed the place.
  22. Oh you mean the independent judiciary.......the same ones prosecuting Hunter Biden...?????
  23. It would be nice to see a reciprocal comment from the armed forces.

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