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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Whilst authorities cannot freeze a Bitcoin wallet directly in the way they can with bank accounts, they can take action through exchanges, legal orders, and blockchain analysis to limit the usability of certain funds. If you are worried, I guess you need to store (as I do) your bitcoins on an encrypted device.
  2. None.....she can have it 'all' once I'm gone.....not a satang before.
  3. Thought he was refused entry to Spain and was now back as BarBoy?
  4. 555...Got to admit it was totally unexpected, but very heartwarming.
  5. It was made infinitely worse by a guy in the general ward who was in agony......stomach cancer apparently....who screamed constantly.....'I don't want to die' (in Isaan of course). What was nice was the constant interest paid to be by little Thai faces peering through the little window in the door to my room and the large number of hospital staff who waved me off when I left.....555
  6. Well I would wholeheartedly agree with the last line of your post......that would be the best outcome for everyone.
  7. 5 years is a brave claim to make......especially in America!!!
  8. Must have a look...didn't know about the Durablade!!!
  9. The winner of a debate always feels the desire to have another go. The loser of a debate always wants out... they don't want another drubbing. You need to stop accepting childish, lazy tropes put out by the Republicans........try thinking for yourself. If Trump did so well why not go again and crush her?......seriously, get a grip.
  10. ....and the winners are.......CP.
  11. crickey blue, strewth ya goanna ... fair crack of the whip jack, if the shielas are in ya can grab a slab in the combi and vibe down to hit the beach teach ... don't be galah ... just look for the joe blakes ya cobber. You brightened my day no end....555
  12. GermanForeignOffice @GermanyDiplo · Like it or not: Germany’s energy system is fully operational, with more than 50% renewables. And we are shutting down – not building – coal & nuclear plants. Coal will be off the grid by 2038 at the latest. PS: We also don’t eat cats and dogs. #Debate2024
  13. Nice effort....but the real issue is these b****y foreigners eating pet dogs and cats....never mind the national debt......what about these pets? YOU NEED TO FOCUS ON THE REAL ISSUES.
  14. Don't mention him again and you might get away with it.
  15. I hope they're not notes on his lectern????
  16. 555...think that's what it's costing me know......555
  17. Poor lad.....I'll let him know the bad news...555
  18. It goes with the territory .
  19. Must be good stuff.
  20. Any costs/prices mentioned?......asking for a friend.
  21. In the interests of balance.......apart from dodging the hangman's noose.....what would say were Pence's five biggest achievements?
  22. Credited to Amulet NOOOOOOOOO!!! Do these morons not stop to think for a minute.....if amulets worked the tree wouldn't have fallen on the car in the first place!!!!!

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