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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. He (SAFETY FIRST) is of the opinion I have created this whole thing for 'posts' or 'likes'.....?????
  2. On it.....have intentionally kept out of the way......and as it happens back to the UK for Xmas.
  3. True......we could survive on just a fan, but there is nothing like a good aircon in this climate!!!!
  4. Mmmmm.......and could easily back it up with a small generator for emergencies I guess.
  5. 100%.......I guess everywhere is the same, but I seem to be more conscious of this mindless selfishness here. Ha.....a guy has just driven into the 'resort' we are staying in and parked across the access road, blocking four cars from moving in or out. Unbelievable. They just don't seem to think or care.
  6. Staggering isn't it that people are allowed to do something like that? A beautiful beach, waves lapping onto the shore and the sound of a PA system blasting out.......criminal. I will never understand why people find it acceptable to disturb anyone else's peace in anyway.
  7. Agree..... for true tinnitus that is! There maybe occasions where something triggers tinnitus like sounds that can be treated, but there is no hard and fast remedy for 'true' tinnitus. Sad, a farmer in Wales committed suicide last year......said he couldn't tolerate his tinnitus anymore. If a cure is developed I would happily stump up a good deal of money to be put on the waiting list.
  8. As I typed my response the exact same thought went through my mind!!!!!!
  9. Do you know what they actually did to help improve the situation?
  10. And I guess the Chinese are now taking over (in every sense of the term) from where the Americans left off
  11. Mmmm....thanks I will ask her. This plot is way out on its own and over looks a reservoir currently being built.
  12. Most memory you can afford. Not a fan of Apple, but the iPad is a nice piece of kit. I was torn between the iPad and a 13" MacBook Air .........having used both extensively I prefer the MacBook on so many levels.
  13. My first thought as well. You might get therapy, advice on mitigation........but treatment? I have tinnitus in both ears, but have more or less got used to it unless I see an article like this. Noisy aircons in Thailand help!
  14. I understood them to be barred from last September, but if that is not the case the tax is horrendous. I also have visions of pitching up at the dockside and getting the response....."What car?"
  15. Now you've have got me into trouble. Asked the wife what Ham Yai means and she wants to check all my messages.
  16. The cheque is in the post....give me a bell when it lands.......555
  17. Ford had a model named the Greyhound, and Willies-Overland debuted a car named the Whippet .........any help?
  18. Generally I think people are happiest when they are striving to achieve something, but not struggling. Having a goal focuses the mind......the extremes of having everything come to you or simply struggling to make ends meet results in unhappiness. Having said that I would agree with Diana Does that it is better to be rich and unhappy rather than poor and unhappy.
  19. You have persuaded me!!! Bit the bullet as well, managed to get Q class for 42K, one way BKK to UK. Might have to do economy coming back.....555
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