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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. I would DM Nernaam and/or Mr Seeks.....they seem to be on top of the crypto scene.
  2. So potentially 53% will swerve Thailand if it remains dry.......the tourist industry should be apologetic at the prospects.
  3. Survey question 4 asks...... "if there is an alcohol plan".........????
  4. Went for a walk in the local park Sunday morning and there was guy with a 'rucksack sound system' wandering about. The bass notes just boomed out over the whole park.....it must have given him a migraine (I hope).
  5. Stop posting then. Believe me, no one is going to miss you.
  6. That would provide a clear, unambiguous definition for sure. Just need to add "......or not entitled to......."
  7. When making statements like this you really should support it with an address/location.
  8. The list of people who might have been under more scrutiny than Fauci must be quite short.
  9. Sorry to select......but that could be (mis)interpreted in so many ways by the legal beagles????
  10. Fair enough.....but don't forget the "vaccine paradox". If the vast majority of a population are vaccinated and the minority unvaccinated (some of whom could still be immunized through natural infection), then the number of vaccinated people becoming infected, hospitalized or dying could/should(?) exceed those of the unvaccinated population.
  11. We are of like minds.........when/if push comes to shove I will lay out everything for him and let he make the choice. Switch off his sound system or......... Industrial Sirens Loudspeakers Pig pens Skunk water and no customers.......or let's just get along.
  12. So let's assume ALL the deaths recorded are fully vaccinated........they are still a fraction of the deaths before the vaccine roll out.....?????
  13. You mean deaths due to infection? They are a fraction of the number of deaths before the vaccination roll out in the UK.
  14. I can see things potentially going down that road........heaven would be if he says "whoops, so sorry didn't realize how annoying karaoke played at 90+dB might be".......
  15. It will end..........it is the time scale that is uncertain. Remember there are still 20 million not fully vaccinated in the UK........20 million! That is going to result in huge numbers of infections for many, many months (years?).
  16. I do play the guitar 3/4 hours a day, but through headphones......need to look at getting some serious kit.
  17. Shame some people are too dumb to even read the start of the thread....or is this just an attempt at sarcasm?
  18. Like it. If younger ones congregate I could also go for 'mosquito' speakers.......18,000 Hz.....I am too old to hear that frequency.
  19. Need to read up on the US embassy 'Cuban Effect'......might be an option?....555
  20. Couple of hogs and an industrial blower....should do the trick....555
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