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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Going to look so much better when orange is the new blue.
  2. I wonder how Trump's 'drill, drill, drill' buddies........ who have promised him billions......took that?
  3. One...... I would avoid, if I were you, using the word weird... Two, it is not weird to hate Trump....millions and millions do.. ....millions hate Vance now and didn't even know he existed till last week.....it is not a function related to time.....it relates to the person and the things they say and do.
  4. In just two minutes?.....you're 'ave in a tin barf.
  5. I'd want collateral.....watch, jewelry, car?
  6. Ludicrous statement..........all entries to Thailand must be subject to the policies laid down by the Thai government......not the vagaries of an individual immigration officer.
  7. Tommy 'no balls' would have run a mile.......well, 2000 miles actually, to his £400/night luxury resort. The migrant hero who tackled Leicester Square attacker https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/aug/18/i-love-this-country-the-migrant-hero-who-tackled-leicester-square-attacker?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  8. Rearrange......musc......anyone?
  9. This isn't about politics.....it's about human decency ........
  10. Considering how law abiding the Chinese are, especially in countries other than their own.......this came as a shock..... https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/china-gambling-overseas-casino-warning-illegal-asia-embassy-macao-4211111
  11. There was obviously no thought given to it other than 'how can we bribed the whole nation'. Absolutely infantile politics.
  12. 100%....I hope she doesn't cave in and take another 'backhander'......letting him off the hook.
  13. Just like religions and political ideologies......all look fine on paper.......then human beings come along.
  14. So she's not going to get involved in corrupt land deals, dodgy share sales, tax avoidance, nepotism or extortion...... .......what an angel.
  15. We had cows liver, mash and swede.....from memory ...every single day.
  16. OMG..... that sounds so freaky in English.
  17. Trump went from draft dodger to daddy's money to stiffing people to president to convicted felon and rapist....some career you have to admit.
  18. In my experience I have always found Thais to be very friendly. I occasionally stand at the end of our driveway with the dog........and all but males, 16 to 20-ish, tend to give a smile, friendly wave or shout hello as they pass by on their tractors and motorbikes.
  19. There are no RCTs that have produced sufficient evidence to suggest vitamin D helps beyond ensuring a person's immune system is functioning as it should......a prerequisite to warding off any type pathogen.
  20. ...and a number of women bitterly regret that.
  21. What? ....I shouldn't respond to another member's question because you think you know the answer......weird.

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