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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Why is a court deciding this....surely this is a coroners job after receiving the pathologists report? Thailand is a foreign country. They do things differently there?
  2. Shame there isn't a 'being let off the leash' option.
  3. I agree......but I could see it coming to that.....pathetic isn't it.....what is wrong with people?
  4. Now that 'sounds' like a potential solution to overcome the nightmare of night time music.....cheers.
  5. My mantra exactly.......I am not putting a satang into this place and was furious when she eventually confessed what she had done.......livid.
  6. It has been suggested....along the lines of reflecting and refocussing the sound back into his property.
  7. Thanks for the suggestion. If he is actively looking to wear us down though, he could just run it at 85 dB (say)........if his end game is to annoy us, to achieve whatever, he will find other solutions. Unless we reach an agreement or he runs out of money and moves we are in for a good kicking.
  8. Maybe a skip of skunk water that we can move around as the wind direction changes?
  9. Yes.....I thought the same....pay him off and bang......there is another chancer waiting his turn. Not the way to go
  10. Yes.....I was thinking her female cousins from the village could help run it with her......I have no intentions of being seen to be part of the mix.......a definite possibility!!!
  11. I did live in the heart of the village for about three months.......I can cope with 'natural' sounds, the dogs, kids, cockerels even motorbikes and tractors.......it is the selfish 'unnatural' sounds that did it for me......five day funeral music blasting out, wild wedding party music, temple speakers and the local village head who loved the sound of his own voice at 6am..
  12. It is a pretty ramshackle place that is there to make money in anyway it can I guess.....beer, food, karaoke.....you name it. I am warming to the idea of simply doing the same, food, beer etc, but at cost, or even subsidized, to drive him out of business.
  13. Cheers, thanks for that. I certainly think that if we ever move in and then travel anywhere it would be a good idea to have her family live there.......as long as they promise to move back out!!!
  14. Retribution is a word that springs to mind......and stops me from being too rash (for now at least).
  15. She bought the land, must be about three acres (guessing) and she is building, or was intending to build, four or five 'resort' rooms on the same plot as the house, possibly with a swimming pool and build the business up from there.....add a breakfast room, even a bar??? etc. Although it is currently out in the sticks, it is expected to develop somewhat in terms of domestic tourism.
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