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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Presumably all the judges that summarily dismissed claiming the election was rigged .....how many cases*?.....were all Biden plants or paid off by the msm.....you are classic fodder for Trump world and Qanon. Just checked approx 60 cases....yes 60....many by Trump appointed judges.....OR WERE THEY????
  2. Careful.....a few on here might giving a resounding YES!
  3. Oh boy.....you must have had an 'interesting' upbringing. I'm guessing Catholic nuns? Followed by indoctrination into some Andrew Tate cult?
  4. No good deed goes unpunished....it seems.
  5. I think he has slowly transitioned from being a selfish moron to a selfish mornor with dementia. Producers edited The Apprentice to stop Trump from looking like a ‘complete moron’ - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-the-apprentice-lucky-loser-moron-b2615226.html
  6. I actually did one funnily enough. Eventually circumvented the whole problem by doing the application by post. Sent Monday pm, got 90 day slip back Wednesday pm...?????
  7. ???? Donald Trump shared at least one flight with Jeffrey Epstein. According to flight logs, Trump was on Epstein’s private plane for a flight from Palm Beach.
  8. That ignores the massive increase in voter registration......but I guess you will argue that was down to young, stupid, airheads rushing to register to vote for Trump.....oh wait....based on that description you might be correct.
  9. The overall prevalence of herpes in US males over 18 is likely to be around 50-60%......I think he will have a pretty good defence there.
  10. They are already laying the groundwork to dispute the result by insisting on (frequently erroneous) hand counts to validate machine counts.
  11. How are these company owners supposed to make obscene profits if they have to pay a living wage? Screw the workers.....if the pay is no good get another job or a different job or both. When I were a lad I was up at 4am and had to walk for two hours just to get to work. My dad said he used to dream of lying in till 4am.
  12. Just about to post something similar.....we are on the main drag for the school buses from the villages......the roof of the bus often has kids (boys) sat on the roof or hanging off the back step....criminal.
  13. Wonder if he ever shared flights with Trump on Epstein's private jet?
  14. Oh dear........sounds like an intelligent, stand up guy to me. General Mark Milley did not ignore any direct orders from then-President Donald Trump to protect the Capitol. In fact, no specific public record shows that Trump gave Milley direct orders to intervene in the events at the Capitol that day. What is known is that General Milley and other military leaders were deeply concerned about the events surrounding January 6 and the possibility of violence. However, Milley was careful not to involve the military directly in the election dispute, a stance he emphasized in the weeks leading up to and following the attack. He also took steps to ensure that any actions taken by the military would be in accordance with the law and would not appear to support any political objectives. Reports suggest that Milley coordinated with Vice President Mike Pence, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and other leaders during the attack to ensure the situation was brought under control, and to offer assistance from the National Guard and other forces. After the attack, Milley made comments about the military's nonpartisan role and expressed concern about the risk of Trump attempting to use military power to stay in office.
  15. Can I ask a few questions? .......the reason being I was headed your way re: Barrett's.......Just ignore me if you wish. I have a hiatal hernia/open LOS valve. I was put on PPIs and told not to have an operation as the risks were to great. Were you offered an operation? What medication were/are you on? Have you heard about the new operation that inserts some plastic device into the oesophagus if PPIs don't work? Hope you get sorted regardless.
  16. I had my honeymoon on Sukhumvit soi 4.....that's doesn't mean I......oh wait....🤭
  17. Taylor Swift done much nude modelling?......or is nude modelling okay in your book? Oh yes......It's women having relationships that "keeps you up at night"....555
  18. As an aside....all my kids grew up in Germany where the pecking order is...... pedestrians.....cyclists.....car drivers. They got a serious shock when they returned to the UK.
  19. I've stopped doing that......I've had too many cars overtake as I sit there waiting for a pedestrian to cross......my nerves were getting shot to pieces.
  20. Just read an article saying this new law (rule?) in some states (counties?), requiring a hand count to be done to confirm the machine count is simply laying the ground to allow legal disputes when Trump loses. When hand counts are done there are invariably mistakes made by the human counters yet the machine counts have been totally accurate everytime. Who was whining on the other say about Trump and the Republicans not being a threat to democracy?????
  21. True......where we are I have never seen a cyclist right turn from the middle of the road. Even when I've been in car about to turn right I've had cars over take me....frickin loons.
  22. Just had my online application rejected after returning from abroad.......email said I had to go in person. DrJack recommended I try applying by post........went through no hassle. Not an identical situation to you, but if you have the time (the 15/7 window that is) it might be worth trying by post?
  23. Living in BKK I'm not convinced it is legally required to stop at a red light...... a % of motor cyclists certainly don't think they have to stop.
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