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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. OMG....how toe curlingly embarrassing is that......I actually feel sick.
  2. Bullied by the likes of you....sad.
  3. Cortisone injections and practise should get him up to speed.
  4. According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), between 1994 and 2020, religious extremists were responsible for 15% of terrorist attacks and plots in the United States. In 2020, CSIS reported that right-wing extremists were responsible for 57% of terrorist attacks and plots in the U.S.
  5. OMG...yes...your right.....Antifa, agent provocateurs, FBI, CIA, under cover police......all released.....along with with three right wing MAGA fans.
  6. That is pathetic......Sanders really needs to get his act together....
  7. I give in..........the master of ready wit and razor sharp repartee has responded.
  8. 52 miles of new primary wall.....the rest was replacements and repairs to old primary and secondary walls.....and he gibbed the constitution to do that by diverting military funds.....and the Mexicans never paid a dime.
  9. NOOOOO....don't start this again.....5555
  10. Yes.....there's that mirror stuff you could put on your windows.....if it looks okay/good like on the office block windows.....provides privacy and maybe a little cooler???
  11. We stayed in a house last week...BKK....a quiet area, not gated......and I noticed at each set of crossroads there were four cameras mounted high up. I thought it was strange as there were no through roads and hardly any traffic. I assume they were put up by the 'authorities'....and they all to some extent looked into peoples properties.
  12. There is nothing worse for the constitution than warfare with a neighbour. So I would go with a neighbourly approach and explain your concerns regarding privacy....it might me worth actually looking at the view the camera affords......it's surprising what it can't see. If that fails it's open warfare.....spray paint is your best option or a glue you can spray onto the lens.
  13. This verse was revealed in the context of warfare, specifically referring to conduct during battles between early Muslims and their opponents in the 7th century. It outlines rules for warfare at that time, including how prisoners of war should be treated. It is not a blanket command for violence against all disbelievers but pertains to specific wartime situations.
  14. And I thought I had just read the most stupid comment of the day.....nope.
  15. Sat outside now,19:40, the air stinks and my eyes are stinging.....going to have to go indoors.....ridiculous.
  16. What a staggeringly dumb statement to make.
  17. So you think the pollution from all the traffic in a major city should magically disappear between, say, midnight and 3am everyday...5555
  18. All that....and still the MAGA fans are blind to his failings.
  19. OMG...How old are you now?
  20. ...and if they don't feel complete or properly committed to each as they are prevented from lawfully marrying like a man and woman might wish.....??

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