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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Only had to suffer that once.....never again.
  2. YES. Down three flights and four doors along.......looking for my 3D printed Glock....5555
  3. The reason being that most Teamster members support Trump. Which highly paid analyst came up with that notion?
  4. YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS......in the fashion of JM.
  5. japan is a prime example of how society should manage the existence of guns...... Japan tackled gun crime through a combination of strict gun control laws, rigorous enforcement, and a cultural approach that emphasizes public safety: 1. Strict Gun Control Laws: Japan’s Firearm and Sword Possession Control Law makes it extremely difficult to own a gun. Only shotguns and air rifles are allowed, and handguns are strictly prohibited. 2. Rigorous Licensing Process: The process to obtain a firearm is lengthy, including background checks, mental health evaluations, drug tests, and mandatory training. Licenses must be renewed regularly. 3. Strict Storage and Usage Regulations: Owners must store firearms and ammunition separately, report to the police where they are stored, and allow for annual inspections. Usage is highly restricted, and misuse results in severe penalties. 4. Police Authority: The Japanese police have the authority to search and seize illegal firearms actively. They also conduct annual checks on licensed gun owners to ensure compliance with the law. 5. Cultural Attitudes: There is a cultural stigma against gun ownership in Japan, where public safety and collective well-being are highly valued. This cultural factor further discourages gun ownership and usage. This comprehensive approach has led to one of the lowest rates of gun crime in the world.
  6. I wonder if we will see 100's of Trumpettes turn up at the next rally wearing eye patches out of sympathy`for the injured?
  7. Now physically blind as well as morally blind......wow!!!
  8. It says mostly false???? You've lost me.
  9. ......."a diversity of moral opinions".......1984 here we come.
  10. Honest Question: How is Trump a 'threat to Democracy'? Ignore the name Trump in the question, pretend this answer is not about him........ ......a serious threat to democracy arises when a leader or leaders constantly/frequently lie gaslight intentionally mislead intentionally confuse don't obey the laws we all have to obey or should be obeying see themselves above the law actively employ nepotism to their own and others benefit deny obvious 'truths' perpetuate unfounded stories fabricate stories and defend that by saying they are trying to get a message across actively use their public office to gain wealth in an immoral fashion constantly denigrate opponents at a highly personal level No country needs or should want a leader with these 'attributes'.
  11. Slightly left of centre, but praised for generally accurate reporting.....this gives a flavour of the "truth"........ https://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald-trump/
  12. Legal ones.....probably yes.
  13. I think it's actully (sic) a very democratic position to take. If people in Minnesota want to murder and kill babies up to the 8th month, they are free to do so now. I am truly amazed that you can accommodate totally different outcomes and live with the fact your prospective President is a total moral vacuum who can also live with such extremes.......that is not how a democracy works.......where is the leadership??
  14. Two minutes and he is still counting.....that is scary.
  15. "Trump has always made clear he will hand the decision on abortion to the states, he can't be bothered with it". A total abdication of responsibility. Having loaded the SCOTUS, then pushed for and claimed victory for overturning Roe v Wade..... he walks away from it all. Not only is it despicable, it shows a total lack of moral leadership....... leaving the States to decide they can murder babies after birth to demand no abortions whatsoever is atrocious.
  16. How very, very sad for Thailand.....but life is cheap here, empathy is a rare attribute and amulets will always protect you....until they don't.
  17. "What is in the Agenda about abortion is diametrically opposed to all that Trump has ever said about his abortion policy" Project 2025 takes a strongly pro-life position on abortion, advocating for significant restrictions on abortion at the federal and state levels. ....and Trump is diametrically opposed to this?
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