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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. I know I shouldn't have, but I couldn't help but laugh when I read that.
  2. Each to his own....mine is attractive asian women.....I'm a slave to it.
  3. Mental....wife wants a bridge to her nose and a pointy chin.....told her I am leaving her if does anything (apart from the fact it will cost me). Changing your face is so, so dodgy in my opinion....even small cosmetic changes alter 'who you are'. I learned yesterday that botox does not stop wrinkles, it only freezes what you have already........just thought I would throw that in for good measure.
  4. Got it.....ours is a bungalow......so I think the only 'beams' will be the light steel ones strung from wall to wall.
  5. Doesn't drink or smoke.....only ever eats Thai (Laos) food......although got to admit she does it a lot of it......but seems a much healthier diet than western girls.......sorry off topic......will have someone shouting at me.
  6. Forgive my ignorance......RC beams?
  7. Ooooooo......now then.....the wife is only 40kg
  8. Mmmmm thought so ....as tempting as it is to be hopping around on the wall tops.....I think I will give it a miss. I might try roll them out over our bedroom from the hatch.
  9. I would prefer to do that, but ours is all built, done and dusted.......it just struck me that the easier option is to roll stuff out.
  10. Am I right in thinking you can't wander about up there? I am puzzled as to how to cover ours if I go down that route. There is a small hatch in our shower room which would allow me to insulate our bedroom but nowhere else without getting in to the roof space.
  11. Not too sure he doesn't have the right idea.....
  12. Got all my kids doing something similar.......I didn't have a clue at their age, but share trading and the like was nothing like it is now. They are stuffing everything into shares ISA's and if full their SIPP's.
  13. ßloody ants.........had to put my McVities Digestives in the fridge.......anywhere else and they just stream in and find them
  14. Would you have any concerns covering a suspended ceiling with those silver covered rolls of (glass?) fibre insulation
  15. £5 a week scaled up by 5% pa over 10 years gets you another £5,000 a year........!!!
  16. Brilliant......looks the dogs......and a good chance I might steal the plans.....555 Wife is pestering me to build five resort rooms on our plot with a restaurant and small bar/shop.......if she thinks I am going to chip in she has another think coming.
  17. 100% Somethings just aren't worth the risk!!!!!
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