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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Twists of salt in crisps Scraping ice off the inside of the windows on a morning Cream so thick it was difficult to drink milk from the bottle. Putting on damp pyjamas to climb into a damp bed Breaking the ice in the toilet cistern to flush it. Midget Gems and Jelly Snakes
  2. Is there a de missing in the title
  3. Water...and I see some Thais drinking tea and salt as opposed to tea and sugar
  4. Might be wrong....frequently am....but I think you can do it 15 days before and up to 7 days after the due date.....mmmm....maybe that doesn't really help you?
  5. Yes.....I"m not saying they will have sex at the drop of hat.....just that the act of sex is not viewed in the same way as many in the west might......especially the older generations in the west who had the joy of hell and damnation thrust down their throats.
  6. Commenting out of total ignorance........I would run a mile.....
  7. Sounds like the missus.
  8. Other than a naked hatred and the destruction of anything and everything that is the US.....I really don"t see what their end game might be or what it will achieve
  9. Spot on....and as someone who hates the whole practise of shorting....I can make an exception in this case.
  10. Agree..$2 or $3 a day to live comfortably.....cool.
  11. Same here...and that is the nub of the problem.....it's recognised for what it is and accepted.....very sad.
  12. Pretty sure you don"t have to do that anymore.....and I have never done it.
  13. If this wallet scheme actually worked.....wouldn't every nation on Earth be doing it....and doing it annually?
  14. I love the (seemingly) laid back attitude to gays and trans (live and let live) and the fact they have not been indoctrinated into thinking sex is a dirty, disgusting activity in the way the Abrahamic religions try to brainwash whole societies.
  15. Wife (not me) made Homepro engineers drive for three hours to come and fix one of the electric hobs on her new cooker that was not 'working'.........
  16. Don't tell he has watch strapped to it.....!!
  17. Sounds like, having made the reckless decision to set sail, he couldn't lose the infamous "Thai face" by setting a course for any port in a storm.....
  18. i really don"t follow their logic.....it cannot be spent on liquor or cigarettes.......but if you are given B10k for your groceries you now have B10k that your not spending on groceries to buy liquor and cigarettes......??? CP will be laughing all the way to the bank.
  19. 2127.....might just be doable with a concerted effort.
  20. Worried about evidential contamination?
  21. Sounds like all you could land was a double bagger.....5555
  22. Where are the 400,000 hand guns bought on the cheap by the RTP from the US?
  23. Not when you've brought your western wife??? Did you not understand the post?
  24. Hard life...555

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