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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. She's been to three shops in town.....not interested in the slightest....but why would they be when they deal in 'pure' gold?
  2. Short and sweet....yes.
  3. No idea to be honest...it was years ago that she had it made.....and she's lost any paperwork she originally had. It just seems weird to me that the shop would take the chance of scamming her......she could have gone to pick it up with someone who knew what they were looking at.....then what?
  4. Far from it......of course I just shrugged, commiserated and said never mind dear.....🥵
  5. Thought Baloo said he had that all sorted......AQI is fine since he took decisive action?
  6. Wife had a 'surround' fashioned for her amulet (a lucky one???) by a Thai gold shop a good few years ago..........B40k. Just been to sell it and she's been told it is not even gold (how we laughed).........by which they probably mean it is 9 carat....I think?? So a word of warning from the stupid (us) to anyone looking to do something similar.......make sure you get the real deal. Land of Scams
  7. Double bagger....seen better at 7/11....555
  8. 40 to 50cm knife......wow......sounds more like a machete.....not the kind of thing you carry about in your pocket.
  9. I was in an identical situation......did a TM30 in the MIL's name.....obv's she didn't have a clue....all sorted.
  10. Yep that sounds like it'll work......every confidence in Thamanat knowing what to do.
  11. I had to read it a few times.....the almost is the key....555
  12. Cute sense of humor do you think?
  13. I have had it drummed into me by the wife....... you say nothing......not even politely.......and certainly never say anything to anyone connected to Thailand's finest. On the matter of the car, my father had a similar problem and the car mysteriously caught fire one night. It is wrong, I know, to assign a characteristic trait to a whole nation, but if I were to do so I would say Thais are totally lacking in empathy.
  14. Not sure I agree that........... "a road accident".......... is an appropriate description of what happened........"reckless, dangerous, negligent driving" might be nearer the mark.
  15. No Thais on a PA system big enough for Wembley stadium?........They must be in pipeline.....just love Thais doing karaoke .
  16. Plastic might be a better option over here....more expensive in the short term.
  17. Seriously.....what could the money be spent on that would benefit ordinary Thais more than jet fighters?
  18. I doubt he cares much......he's just playing at it......got nothing to lose and plenty to gain......glad-handing round the world....billions in the bank.....what the hell....enjoy it whilst it lasts.
  19. Personally I would consider looking out in the sticks, if you are prepared to travel........I imagine prices are much cheaper in....say...... Isaan.....but the choice might be more limited.
  20. Sounds like he needs a good massage to get over this ordeal.
  21. To see the end of the patient?

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