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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. It strikes me that if there was a high degree of confidence in lie detectors they should be used every single time a statement is made under oath. They aren't, so I personal doubt their ability to detect lies to any great degree......I could be lying of course.....you will never know.
  2. Is that what happens in all these "Indian tailor" shops......the ones that have never had a customer walk through their doors in decades?
  3. Road sign......makes a change from a power pole....same outcome though.
  4. These poles are lethal..........why doesn't the government do something about them?
  5. ........a good mouthwash can lessen plaque growth. I have read that a mouth wash can also disrupt the 'natural' order of things regarding the bacterial populations in your mouth, which in turn can lead to problems.
  6. Seriously?.....What would trigger a check?.....Have you any experience/knowledge of someone being checked?
  7. Moscow and St Petersburg certainly worth a visit. Saw Red Hot Chilly Peppers at the back of Red Square years ago.....that was a wild night.
  8. Will Thailand be expecting support from the UN, the EU et al when China finally takes over?
  9. I'm sure you must do already......but if not and you are looking for radical (mental?) opinions try the Daily Excess comments section......very entertaining.
  10. So easy to tar everyone with the same brush....there must be, as you say, nice, pleasant Russians who are also totally anti-Putin.....musn't there?
  11. Hey...not bad as I don't know the place and that was straight off the top of head.......could be in TAT.
  12. Right hand side of photo......tell me he isn't pointing to the carcass of a fully grown elephant for the camera.
  13. 1. Build an decent rail link to Bangkok (that's the capital). 2. Build a decent airport 3. Build a by-pass 4. Clean up the beaches 5. Build some decent spa hotels 6. Clear up the rubbish 7. Get rid of the soi dogs Yep..........I can see it all coming together nicely.
  14. Hahaha......I had to practice on a blank sheet for a couple of minutes in order to get it to look something like. She eventually, with some reluctance, accepted it, but only because she would have had to fill out the form again for me to sign.
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