Just been travelling for 10 weeks on public transport.......why do people think it is okay to..........
1. Play games on a console with the speakers on full blast.....usually war games.
2. *Put their smart-phone on speaker to talk to a friend*.
3. Put their smart phone on loudspeaker and listen to their music or watch a movie.
4. Put their feet up on the seat opposite.
5. Sit in an aisle seat, but put their bags on the window seat.
6. Speak as loudly as possible to a friend sat right next to them in a packed, but otherwise totally silent, train carriage.
7. Press their knees hard up into the seat in front on an aircraft.
Confessions of a grumpy, miserable, old expat........or understandable complaints?
* Someone did explain to me that women do this to avoid smudging their makeup.