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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. She led efforts to raise money for the hurricane disaster fund.......and she's a good woman?......Mmmmmm
  2. So what you need is Nana Plaza in the Bernese Oberland..........is that what people would refer to as heaven on Earth I wonder?
  3. Nice try......but you are now allowed to cherry pick, distort and/or reinterpret what the bible says in order to fit the current narrative.........5555
  4. I have always liked the...... "dinosaurs bones were planted by the devil to test your faith" .....that is a lulu.
  5. For people who think, Fox News is known as alternative media
  6. Saw one, on US TV, claiming the reason some of his parishioners were dying from covid was that............ ...........they weren't sending in enough money!!!!!!!!
  7. Spot on......hate it now emojis are anonymous.
  8. Gardener's Weekly....she could pull that off?
  9. ....and christians.............. Enough said....frickin' loons everyone of them
  10. That is a major problem when abandoning uniforms.....also what happens when kids where football T-shirts or worse gang related clothing? A cheap, easy to clean, simple uniform is the only sensible answer
  11. I'm shocked. Did not know this kind of thing happened in Thailand
  12. You're correct....who cares if they are old and/or have health issues....they should have exercised or watched their food intake.....stuff 'em....that's what I say.
  13. They would only get a proportion of that funding remember......the lion's share would always go to the Principle.
  14. The last country on the planet I would worry about, in terms of recovering from financial set backs, is Germany.
  15. You really must provide indisputable evidence to make claims of this nature.......otherwise it is no more than tittle-tattle and yet it could still be extremely damaging. The MFP should sue.
  16. Nothing wrong with it under the current constitution.......written by....??
  17. YES........It's a no brainer......everyone else benefits.......if one of these idiots veered off they would kill innocent bystanders......but people don't seem to care.
  18. One.....no one is pointing...disappointed! Two.....what is the obsession with covering up the handcuffs?????
  19. They probably went for 250k, got no takers......missed a few months rent, so now have to increase the asking price to...... 1. Save face 2. Cover the lost rent...... go figure!
  20. As I have posted previously.......the best outcome for the senators et al, is street riots which have to be crushed by the military.......and a new general strolls into power.
  21. Schoolboy error...............did you forget this is Thailand?
  22. Maybe the Americans, knowing about the two subs with the noisy, inferior Chinese engines and the rusting hulk of an aircraft carrier, are starting to worry about the might of Thai armed forces?
  23. There is only one way to stop this type of behaviour......deport every offender, every single time.......most bar bills are more than this fine. Would you be doing wheelies if the outcome was a trip to the Eastern front?
  24. Strange....last article I read the market was booming and every China man (person) and his/her dog were buying up every last condo, villa and house available.......how quickly things change!

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