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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Looks like my eldest daughter's bedroom after she's had a serious go at tidying up.
  2. Will B Good

    Isaan Woman

    16 years...still going strong.....bought me a house.....and tells me she loves me everyday....26 years younger than me..........strange woman
  3. Was going to post a photo of the Wagner group....but it would only be taken down
  4. So banned just during Songkran.......then after that, back to 'normal'?
  5. Prices will rise until they become destructive and sales fall off.....then prices will be readjusted to ensure maximum profits......lack of competition and the government allowing monopolies are the biggest problems by far........free and fair competition is essential.
  6. If I had known that i would have stayed well clear......too late now (after 30 years).
  7. Whose name is on the contract? is the property owned or rented? Plenty of people would persuade him to leave for as little as 1000 baht.
  8. Good idea....also a great deal of burning in Isaan is by the authorities clearing the roadside verges.....they are going crazy at the moment trying to burn everything before the rains come.....criminal
  9. I guess if Putin was looking to travel abroad whilst under the threat of arrest, Thailand would be his number one pick....safe as houses here.
  10. ......... when they are not beating them with the wrong end of s***y stick.
  11. Hoist with his own petard
  12. Not my missus, but live next door to a Thai 'restaurant'.....rarely see a soul in there, however, they are clueless...........cooking on wood which fills the place with smoke, if someone does come in they immediately play ridiculously loud music, the place is dark, unappealing and ramshackle.....morons.
  13. Got a good notion of who posts the 'dribble' on here.................
  14. What on earth are you about? The only person who can post is the person who opens the thread? That would make for fascinating reading. .....and it's drivel (that you post) not dribble.....get a dikshuntionary.
  15. It wasn't an accounting error..........he fraudulently used campaign funds to pay her off.............that is what the indictment is all about.
  16. Bottled water from the local Gunga Din.........changes each time...don't recognise any of the labels.
  17. Looking to follow this with interest......have the same problem......need to get hot air out of the attic space......should also insulate, but it all suspended ceilings and not too sure what to do.
  18. I used a fixer......otherwise it would have been nightmare....think it cost me 500 baht (in 2006).
  19. Unless they are a rape/murder victim of the RTP or a hiso.......then the seem to get processed pretty damned quick.
  20. I would rather hammer a biro into my inner ear than attend an event like that.

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