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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. I stand at the end of our drive with the dog, smiling at passersby.....(I'm not mental).........and the Thais all return a big smile and a nod or a wave....... except boys/men 18ish to 30ish....they pointedly look away.
  2. UK has lost it, big time, I'm afraid..........ultimately, which ever way you look at it, it is all down to poor parenting.
  3. Not clear if it was shut when the lady parked there or when the reporters went there.
  4. I guess if any of them drown they go tits up.
  5. Seriously.....never, ever buy in Thailand.....RENT.
  6. The more religious people become, the less Christian their behaviour.
  7. Get yourself some Xanax.............. which ever dentist you go to. I was on the operating table, all prepped for a double osteotomy. There was an emergency and I had to wait for 30 mins in the recovery room........a very pleasant experience....it wasn't till afterwards the nurse explained I'd been dosed up on Xanax before the op.
  8. Not clear if it was shut when the lady parked there or when the reporters went there.
  9. Having seen how they abandon cars with engines running, double park or just block a road entirely whilst they just nip into the market for a 'few moments' .........I have some sympathy for the shop owner.............empathy would be a good topic to introduce into their schools curriculum.
  10. 900,000 dogs in Thailand don't have owners......and the rest only have a crude, uncaring relationship with what passes for ownership.
  11. How odd......just came across 5 and farmed them all out to 'relatives' in our village......good luck.
  12. We used to have a view of the tetris building from our condo.....oh wait.....no we didn't........ smog was too thick most days.
  13. An absolute wonder drug for me.....literally one dose and months of agony gone in 24 hours.
  14. I suspect they are thicker.....less sandwiches per loaf?
  15. Repeat again...............fingers crossed for you.
  16. Don't want to give you false hopes.....I was level 4 and biopsy showed up as a benign lesion......fingers crossed.

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