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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. If the purpose of raising interest rates is to take money out of people's pockets to curb inflation.........then in a country where most people don't have two pennies to rub together and who are probably in serious debt, I don't see how this works.
  2. If only the 'model prisoners' get to clean sewers in 40C, you have to wonder what happens to the prisoners who don't conform.......!!!!!
  3. They must have done something to annoy them.
  4. ......and worse, morons who put their phone on loudspeaker so you have to listen to the other person speaking......what is wrong with people????
  5. It's not the coughin' that carries you off, it's the the coffin they carry you off in.
  6. Getting more like China everyday.
  7. 1. No traps 2. No venting Just made our builder fit P traps to all the sinks, he thinks I am mental. I also made him rip up the tiles in the shower rooms and put in fast flow shower traps. His set up was for everything to openly drain into the grey water tanks. Didn't even bother to suggest venting.
  8. There is no excuse, regardless of breed, for 'owned' dogs not to be wearing a collar. With no collar there is no chance of controlling a dog.
  9. Just walked passed the labour camp on Sukhumvit soi 11. Some of the conditions maybe of their own making....the litter, but the living conditions in those tin sheds must be horrendous, plus they are right next to 'all night' bars pumping out music like only the Thais can do.
  10. Little notice by the front door....but they are rude....just ignore it.
  11. They seem to loiter around the aircon for some reason!
  12. Oddly enough have not seen a single spider.......geckos are fine apart from their poo, and we rarely see them.
  13. At least the restaurantiers must love you.
  14. Mmmmm....very much the same......everything in order.....even by size and symmetry.....banned the wife from my toilet/shower as she keeps moving things around.
  15. Careful......you sound a little paranoid about that.
  16. I'd be careful......if someone breaks in, ties you up and all they find in the safe is court documents, you might get a good kicking......might be better to stick a few thousand baht in there and some fake jewellery.............just to be on the 'safe' side.....555
  17. Like all religions, political doctrines etc,........they work fine as long as humans are not involved.
  18. Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow. (Just a wind up)
  19. My recommendation for related agencies is to stop, roll a joint, chillax, talk to each other and then educate the public with accurate information.
  20. What would the UK do to hear of a 3.1% growth forecast?
  21. With all the laws there seems to be no thought given to the practicalities of enforcing them.......it's as if they are making stuff up as they go along........555

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