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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Tell those gun-loving pr1cks to carry on the good work. It was, is and remains irresponsible to allow private citizen the ownership of guns without proven training by professionals.
  2. Got to be many, many more than just one.......I would estimate over 80 million....at a guess.
  3. With no evidence whatsoever, my instinct suggests that this guy deserved a good shoeing.......and his mates.
  4. Definitely noticed a general relaxation of mask wearing in BKK.......and now arrogant, selfish 'two week' tourists are arriving....hardly any are wearing them.
  5. No brainer for the elderly......I am surprised the market isn't much bigger. The costs of elderly care in the UK are astronomical. Anyone with something about them must be considering care over here or other developing nations.
  6. Funny you should mention that.......wife bought something last night.....only 20 baht, but she only had a 500 baht note. They gave her change for a 50 baht note! She said no....I gave you 500 baht......they never blinked an eye, just went and got the rest of the change. I guess if they do this all the time and one in 10 fail to notice it is a nice little earner.
  7. Well let's hope their plans don't get derailed......just one of a set of points I'd like to make.
  8. Do you drink from the 'tip'?
  9. Anal-list nearer the mark?
  10. There are gangs of seemingly not very wealthy Indian 'men only', currently wandering about where we are in BKK......never seen them spending any money though......not too sure ordinary Thais, other than those employed in hotels, will benefit greatly.
  11. The driving force for relaxing immigration revolves around getting in cheaper labour in order to maximise the profits of the six big families (who are currently ruining the life chances of ordinary Thais). Any long term planning to cope with changing demographics is way out of Thai politicians league.......first question they ask themselves?.....what's in it for me?
  12. That's different....those little old dears collecting mushrooms need to be taught a lesson.......15 years should sort them out.
  13. Mmmmm....good point. I used it in the UK and assumed it would be available here. Quick search online reveals zip!!
  14. Is the Aircon beeping to say it has received the signal. We have LG and the remote changes temp and other settings on its little screen, but if the aircon doesn't beep it doesn't actually change anything.
  15. Terram. Used it before...magic stuff.
  16. The other guy might not have had an amulet either...........or maybe he bought a dodgy one?
  17. I think this a classic example of......no customers..... so bump up the price of beer up from 80 baht to 120 baht....... Now the odd customer is returning to the beach they are going to screw you for every satang they can in order to make up for two years lost revenue.
  18. Really?......So why hide the murder weapon.......complete loon.....needs to be removed from society.
  19. I am pretty sure the poem is not aimed at individuals per se.
  20. Just returned to BKK for some peace and quiet after three months in a rural location. Every single house and car has a sound system in the villages around us.

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