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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. In addition, 52 miles of new primary wall and 33 miles of secondary wall were built in locations where there were no barriers before. https://www.factcheck.org/2021/10/trumps-final-numbers/
  2. Still no links?evidence....you really are embarrassing yourself.
  3. Promised: 1000 miles Delivered: 52 miles Embarrassing
  4. Links/evidence? Nothing as usual.....embarrassing
  5. Trump didn’t fulfill the signature promise of his 2016 campaign — to build a 1,000-mile-long wall along the Southwest border. Nonetheless, a substantial amount of fencing was constructed. In total, 458 miles of “border wall system” was built during the Trump administration, according to a CBP status report on Jan. 22, 2021. Most of that, 373 miles of it, is replacement for primary or secondary fencing that was dilapidated or outdated. In addition, 52 miles of new primary wall and 33 miles of secondary wall were built in locations where there were no barriers before.
  6. So you agree.....52 miles of new wall...cheers....glad we sorted that out even though you still didn't provided any links and or evidence....but, to be fair, as you made a false statement I guess you couldn't provide any evidence....very poor.
  7. Hand on heart...you honestly feel a one minute, childishly edited video of someone saying "Donald Trump" repeatedly is an appropriate post for starting a new thread?........you have gone right down in my estimation.
  8. OMG...you two still going at it. I thought NowNow was already married?......What thread was that?
  9. You used to be quite sensible when posting......wrong time of the month? Oh no.....don't tell me you are a brainwashed Trumpette....you do surprise me.
  10. 52 miles of new wall https://www.factcheck.org/2021/10/trumps-final-numbers/ And please support your posts with links/evidence......just posting a number grabbed out of thin air is really embarrassing.
  11. Pathetic....truly pathetic. I'm amazed that admin allow trash like this to be posted.
  12. I don't she has either dual nationality or a Nigerian passport....but let's see what you turn up.
  13. Noise or music or recital or...whatever......they don't have the right (or shouldn't) to expose other people to it. No one needs to play anything so loud that their immediate neighbours can hear it.....no one. Where is the logic, what is the justification for playing something so loudly others are forced to hear it?
  14. Hardly.....people on here openly declare themselves as racists.....if the cap fits......
  15. And the inane comment of the day goes to......
  16. You sound like the vicar's wife in a Brian Rix farce.....555
  17. "Her gender/colour is irrelevant to me"............5555
  18. Pervert.
  19. Good point.....we live in the sticks so it is very different. Loud music is a red rag to me......not the music itself, but the sheer selfishness of people prepared to play their music so loudly. I'd make the effort to see if any motorcycle taxi guys have an idea how it might be "resolved".
  20. OMG....what am I looking at??? Just been on 270toWin and their simulation shows an absolute seismic for Trump.....tell me it ain't so!!!!
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