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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. I love the (seemingly) laid back attitude to gays and trans (live and let live) and the fact they have not been indoctrinated into thinking sex is a dirty, disgusting activity in the way the Abrahamic religions try to brainwash whole societies.
  2. Wife (not me) made Homepro engineers drive for three hours to come and fix one of the electric hobs on her new cooker that was not 'working'.........
  3. Sounds like, having made the reckless decision to set sail, he couldn't lose the infamous "Thai face" by setting a course for any port in a storm.....
  4. i really don"t follow their logic.....it cannot be spent on liquor or cigarettes.......but if you are given B10k for your groceries you now have B10k that your not spending on groceries to buy liquor and cigarettes......??? CP will be laughing all the way to the bank.
  5. 2127.....might just be doable with a concerted effort.
  6. Sounds like all you could land was a double bagger.....5555
  7. Where are the 400,000 hand guns bought on the cheap by the RTP from the US?
  8. Not when you've brought your western wife??? Did you not understand the post?
  9. I wonder if they were even informed of the plans to move the port out of Bangkok?
  10. I read in another article that the employees working with the cadmium have been give special medicine to protect them......now that is an employer of the year award, if there ever was to be one.
  11. Up at 5 am.....walk the dog, do the usual chores and complete any tasks set by SWMBO.....all done by 9 am. Sit outside till I can no longer stand it......10, 11 ish......then bliss A/C bang. Walk the dog again 6 pm...then it is getting perilously close to beer o'clock.
  12. Perfect spot for the new casinos.....it's going to happen.
  13. Ha.....just reading this thread and there was a deafening clap of thunder......bring it on.
  14. There is only one aspect of this policy receiving close scrutiny from the politicians ....and that is how do they get their snouts in the trough?
  15. Absolutely......but what politicians, if any, care about taking action to solve a problem that won"t really impact for another decade????
  16. You are correct...I don"t give a damn what anyone else thinks. But it does amuse me when farangs come over here with their fat, lily white, middle-aged wives. I can see them looking at tme and the wife and know they are crying inside.
  17. Sounds very similar. My wife is very slim and pretty, extremely affectionate. She looks way younger than her age. She cooks every night, she cuts my hair and nails and even showers me. She works very hard during harvesting, but still insists on cleaning the house top to bottom every day. We are together 24/7......she bought 'our' house and land (about 20 acres) out of her own money that she earned working for the British Army. I pay what few bills there are any other expenses that arise. All in all not a bad deal.......!
  18. Brooks.....100%......taken a while....lots of blind tasting....but Brooks are the only edible baked beans.........at a reasonable price....B72
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