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    Land of Pineapples

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  1. Agree, the engine is extremely quiet, and I've mentioned that before on other threads.
  2. MAGA has what to do with anything in TH. Oh, you mean Trump pick their pockets ... GOT IT
  3. Next project for spare 2 lots of land ... Underground shipping containers for lining quarters. PREPPERS - R - US
  4. Please tell us what they, or any police force can do to prevent and or investigate, to solve the all important, deadly pickpocket folks. Aside from plain clothes officers in high risk areas (which the may even have), though with limited resources and shy of 40M tourist a year ... good luck with that. Didn't see who and don't know when ... yea, we get right on it. They gave him good advice. Go back to shop, if even that is where it happened, and ask to see CCTV, if they even have. PoPo has better things to do. Aside from getting enough false insurance complaints from tourist, they can't be bothered. 50 years of playing tourist, never last anything, never had anything stolen, never been pickpocketed. Just use a little of that uncommon common sense. I does go a long way.
  5. Panang moo, not 7-11 🍽️
  6. Lived in the Northeast about 17 or 18 years, which is almost as bad as Bangkok, and lungs have always been clear (non-smoker), per almost yearly x-ray.
  7. Seems the IO was ready to just approve the retirement version, but wife didn't relay that info. After stamped & paid, a wee bit late to tell the hubby. One good thing about 'retirement' extensions, they can be a bit more lenient when in a good mood. Got Led Zep's 'Communication Breakdown' going a round in my head
  8. What did he actually expect the police to do, any different than PoPo in any other city or country to do. You got pickpocketed. You pickpocketed, report taken. If the catch someone, and they have your cards on them, case solved. No different than PoPo anywhere. Next time pay attention to your bag, and be grateful, they didn't simply take the whole bag.
  9. Irrelevant what other think, the IO told you what he requires, and you apparently had it. 2 months statement of 'seasoned' funds in bank was enough for him at that office. Since it was an extension and not a first time application, 2 months vs 3 makes sense. Bummer your wife didn't tell you, as could have went to bank, got statement returned, stamped & done.
  10. Yes, irrelevant to the world, unless you live in London.
  11. ROCK ON 😎 Doesn't state what time, but 'empty taxi shelter', so guessing way after the witching hour. Who hasn't gotten their freak on in public somewhere, especially out of the 'public eye', well, almost. Envious Bolt driver
  12. to the title ... mayor of a city, and about as irrelevant as can be. Not worthy of a headline.
  13. Only because I was stoned. Same with Monty Python, as if watch either now, I wonder why I even bothered way back when.

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