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  1. In USA, before even considering the inflation with one's weekly shopping, it's the RE Taxes, healthcare ins cost, if using or not, worse if you actually need to use. Also utilities have skyrockets. It really is silly over there. My monthly living budget, is less than my brother's truck payment alone. Or less than his monthly utility bills. That's F'd up
  2. Can't comment without being offensive ... 😎 Credited to Thatcher ... "Sooner or later, you run out of other peoples (mine) money" ... then what do you do ?
  3. As long as it has GPS, and decent wind resistance, you shouldn't be crashing into sh!t. Only fly LOS (line of sight) or FPV via phone/drone camera. Flying responsibly is easy, and I've only crashed when playing around, and they didn't have GPS, or I was doing something really stupid ... away from people of course. Actually hard to crash a drone with GPS
  4. Left the silly taxation world decades ago. -0- income tax now. Research & planning is everything. Only got hit 2X since retiring, and lied through my teeth to get the 37% rate down to 27%, which was bad enough Now I get to invest, nice ROI @ 100+% profits and pay no taxes, except the minimum land transfer tax. We let them tell use what that is, and never volunteer any real sale prices I LOVE TH ❤️ Off topic ... chit chattin with my brother this morning, retired years ago & doing fine, financially, but USA, what an overpriced sh!thole, if a working stiff just starting out. USA is done, unfixable, and will turn into the same silly socialism of Europe. Kind of sad really, and only taking <250 yrs.
  5. It's called 'free speech, expression' and not social platform should be banned. If operating within the law, and not harmful. Benning, restricting thinking out loud, is simply censorship
  6. @Benjamin1975 May want to rethink living in TH for 180 days a year, if it's going to cost you 315k a year, just for the privilege. I think if I was looking for a place tor retire, TH wouldn't be it. Maybe break up your time to TH, Nam & Cambo. Living on the cheap, it would be hard for me to even spend 315k as a yearly budget I'm settled in, with family, and enforced Tax code shouldn't affect me. If not, I'd probably wouldn't consider living in TH, at least not for 180 days.
  7. You seem to miss, everyone has the same rights to file the same, using the same tax laws. The higher income earners pay more ... that's not fair. A flat tax is fair, and anything else is BS.
  8. Or ... "On holiday with me at the pool" Although, still waiting for some A I, instead of 20+ year old photo editing
  9. IF it actually becomes law and instituted, being a Yank, it won't affect me at all. Been here a while already, and all bought in already. Don't need any big ticket items, and the money for, is already here. Older married guys don't have much to worry about, and enough exemptions/allowances to barely get taxed, if any, if only bringing in about 800k to meet Imm requirements. More than enough to live on, aside from any extra brought in would get hit with a minimum tax. Not worth concerning one's self about.
  10. Something to consider, when buying DJI product. They have built in 'no fly zone', in the DJI software, which may or may not restrict from flying in some zones. I forget the protocol for overriding the software. The reason I never owned a DJI product, 'no fly zone' and 'forced registration' of drones, if buying from DJI. Don't know how enforced that is now. UAV Forecast app shows me in an airport zone, same as when i lived in Udon Thani. Before you buy a DJI product, check your area. For those reasons alone, I would opt for the FIMI 3, <฿8k at link in YT review below. Also has more features the DJI products. That price is 1 battery, and didn't search cost of extras. FIMI made the XiaoMi / MI Drone, years ago that I owned & loved. Basically a DJI Phantom drone but better & less expensive. Link to few vids I made with the MI Drone years ago. Last one, titled 'Trestle' one of the better ones.
  11. I really don't recommend where I live, though far from a secret. Not that it would interest any single folks, especially if they rely on some sort of nightlife (P4P) for companionship, or can't manage a conversation in Thai with a local. Have noticed an influx of westerners in the area. As I use to be the only westerner shopping at Makro most times, and now I see at least 5 others in there, while I'm shopping. Although they are couples (farang / farang), and rarely, occasionally a farang / Thai couple, aside from wife & myself. They don't seem to be fond of Thai food, as most seen at the only 2 westerner catering venues surfside. To the topic title, OP seems to want to leave his ghetto (if even in TH), and start a new one
  12. That would be ~315k tax, as the 115k is base, and need to tax the addition 800k also @ 25%. Built in was the 150k exempt income, I think. Of course you need to read your countries DTA to see if that helps, as guessing you home country, if knowing of your income, will be taxing that also. I sure there is some heavy duty fines and or prison for tax evasion, just like any country.
  13. torrent on PB, and I downloaded 5 & 6 the other day (4 & 10 eps)

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