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    Land of Pineapples

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  1. I'd much rather have a conventional war against the UK than Pakistan. UK is outgunned & manned against Pakistan. (source - wiki)
  2. Nothing wrong with public transport system in the USA, as used by millions every day, if and when convenient. It's available for those that want or need it. I've even used it on a daily basis when it was convenient, and definitely cheaper than owning a car. Even though I had a vehicle or 3, I took public trans to jobs daily. Used it quite often when not wanting to drive if knowing going to have a few too many. Used to go to/from a few jobs. And used to do weekly happy hour pub crawls in the city. All location dependent of course. Those that disparage the public transport system, obviously never used or needed it, on a regular basis.
  3. Too much sugar is bad for you, that is a fact. Ask any pre or actual diabetic. Or all those over weight blobs waddling around. Obesity usually is not from eating a keto or carnivore diet.
  4. Wasn't much of a jump. Even from living in one of the largest countries (USA), as after 45 yrs, unless you never leave mommy's basement, gets a bit boring. I was always changing locations anyway, and not just across town. For myself, I wanted less govt regulation, taxation, PC BS, so a modern 3rd world country fits the bill. For a Yank, that moved around from state to state, not much of an adjustment, as you need need DL/address, electric & water service vendors, which each move to a different state. You search for, rent or buy living accommodations. Just TH is a bit further than I expected, or had originally planned for. Relationships (non P4P) have never been a problem, well, finding & having, though long term, seemed to be an issue, or a benefit. Only difference, was visa & extensions, and that's just a one day a year thing, so nothing difficult or special.
  5. Those are the carbs I avoid, or restrict intake. Potatoes are down to Tater Tots, a couple times a month, instead of some potatoes daily. Pasta is now egg noodles, and only a couple times a month, instead of weekly. Bread is maybe, maybe 1 slice a day average, OK, it's a large slice, but usually <100 gr, instead of half a loaf And whole wheat & rye flour vs just white. Homemade only and no sugar added. When I do eat starchy carbs, they're usually loaded up with fat & protein, to slow the sugar/insulin spike. Eat lots of fibrous carbs; green veggies, some fermented. Don't really miss anything. Have my cheat days, and try to keep them to once or twice a month, so it's just a day or 2 spiking, and not a constant intake that would effect my glucose level, and that stays 5.3-5.5. Just a daily blood sugar spike. And I usually feel the negative effects of that, so an easy reminder to not indulge much any more. Main difference in diet is pastries, instead of daily, way too much, they're pretty much cut out completely, except them cheat days. Non cheat days, and it's homemade Cheesecake, with minimal sugar per serving. Being a home cook, I control all the ingredients and easy to make good tasting, whole foods, with little to no sugar. Type of, when and how you eat your sugar, carbs makes a difference also. A tsp of sugar in you coffee, washing down you bacon & eggs isn't going to have much effect on you blood sugar level. I still drink my coffee black for for those that don't, be happy, don't sweat it. Just don't put 3 tsp in your coffee, while being sedentary for a few hours reading and posting on AN all day, on an empty stomach. Your ketones will stop doing their thing, and you'll get a spike you'd probably want to avoid, especially everyday.
  6. For myself, I don't eat enough to get all the balance nutrition that I should. Or another way, wouldn't burn off the amount of calories needed to get all the nutrients needed. A couple supplement fill the gaps, and my body notices the difference. I probably consume 25% of the food I use to eat when more active and working & playing due to less physical activity. Any extra from supplements is expelled, and caution should be used if taking fat soluble vitamins & minerals. I even cut taking them a couple days a week to ensure I'm not taking, storing any excess that may have a negative effect.
  7. Certainly they can and do holiday. Yanks just don't need to travel that far for a diverse holiday or quality location. The Americas offer most things the rest of the world offers, much closer and less expensive to get to. I grew up poor, and didn't have much money, and before working for the airlines, and visited more than half the states of the USA. Going west, a more northern route, and returning a more southern route. Pennsylvania to California. Up & down the east coast. Where and when is all a bit weather dependent. USA being about the same size as Europe, and that's before the wall came down, and points eastward were available. The Americas have great beaches, high mountains (west), nice hills (east). If leaving, just a couple hours away, have the Caribbean islands, Mexico, and that's before S. America. Northward, have Canada & Alaska if wanting to freeze your butt off. or chill in the hottest summers.
  8. https://www.facebook.com/reel/509582695169457
  9. I'm not on a low carb diet, I'm on a low sugar dining lifestyle, and that does include some carbs, especially starchy carbs; flour, potatoes, pasta & rice. Just common sense eating ... sugar is simply bad for you, so eliminate as much as possible. Fat & protein is good for your, and can almost eat as much as you want. Age & activity dependent 🙄
  10. Except for food, I didn't 'Buy USA' when I lived there I buy the best product for the vest price, and it rarely was 'Made in USA'. My allegiance is to 'my' wallet, and me & mine, and best way to provide for us
  11. Don't think I ever made chicken noodle soup from scratch before. OK, except for egg noodles. Way too much broth on hand.
  12. Hopefully they will, and cut NASA off completely, and nothing but waste. Can't see to do anything correct of late. Does make one wonder where all the money went.🥵
  13. The inverter will actually have that built in, to control exporting. We do have a cut off switch, that was already on the incoming grid line, before Solar was installed. We have exporting disabled on the inverter.
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