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    Land of Pineapples

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  1. I wasn't even middle age when I got here @ 45, and no thought of making it to 90. Middle age for me, at best was 35, as just hit 70, and that's a big surprise. Be even more surprised if I make to 80. Already one of the oldest members of the family, now & history wise.
  2. Actually it doesn't say anything about me. I wouldn't choose Patts for it's nightlife or P4P availability, as don't frequent either. Even avoided a couple of decent restaurants on soi samphan, once daughter got old enough to realize why the soi existed. Yes, both have traffic issues. But Patts closer to things that interest me. The Northeast doesn't interest me at all, or should say, got boring really fast. Any free time, more than a long weekend, and I left the NE area for points much further south. Which due to UT's location, that took 1 day in itself, so 2 days wasted. Most of the time, lived 15+ kms out of town, so delivery wouldn't work, and not a fan of anyway. I usually only eat at restaurants, just to get out of the house. It was quite convenient, when playing single parent, since in town anyway, to pick kid up from school, (St Mary's & Don Bosco) and just eat at one of our favorites, though traffic really wasn't that bad back then. When single, I think we ate in town, every day, and enough favorites to eat somewhere different every time. Not till about 2012, when everyone bought a first or 2nd car in the household, since 100k baht rebate was given, with most purchases. Air pollution being another huge negative about UT. I'd rather look at the surf, rather than rice, sugar or cassava fields. As stated earlier, was tolerable, IF, having to be there. But as soon as not needed to be, I was gone. Rented a place in Prachuap Khiri Khan even before she was done school, as rental options were limited, and didn't want to pass up on what was available at the time. Off topic, but as stated more than a few times, I wouldn't consider living anywhere North of Hua Hin. Usually means 4-6 months are really bad air pollution.
  3. Lived there for 17 yrs, and one of the pluses, a decent food town. Sadly, too many really good places didn't last, as cost a wee bit more, and the CCs thought it was expensive. Seem to be quite content with crap food at low prices, and washed down with even worse, cheapest beer. As good as UT was for a large metro (relative to TH), there were too many negatives for us. Did enjoy popping into town between 1000 - 1500 hrs, for a munch, but basically avoided it at all other times. Traffic was simply horrendous.
  4. Not crowded ...
  5. Are pressure gauges for diving made by Thai companies ? Since he made it back to the surface alive, and died at his hotel, I think it's safe to say, we can rule out his equipment, and the diving industry completely, with being the cause of, or contributing to his death. Y'all are nuts ...
  6. Have to agree with earlier post, why buy another one, if ready to replace this one, with low kms. If wanting to give it away ... I'll take it Cut the back off, and I'll have a pick up. Living rural, nobody will care.
  7. Wow, you made it that far. Only the misrepresented 360° got me to peek at OP. Then skipped down to the link, since no photo, and realized someone doesn't have a clue what 360° actually means. If that made his day, this would give him an orgasm ...
  8. You really don't have a clue about the diving sport. Underfilling tanks, just isn't going to happen. Think about a bar that sell weak drinks, or tap beer and doesn't give you a full glass of. How long would they stay in business. An inaccurate gauge ... don't think so, that's a lawsuit no manufacturer wants to face. A thread full of ignorant detectives with no info to go on. People know only 1 fact, someone died, that is all. Nothing new revealed in this CB thread, except how ignorant people are of the diving sport & industry.
  9. Replying, so I obviously un-cancelled you. But yes, you should cancel yourself, as I find most of your postings extremely bigoted and bias. IMHO Just an observation, as sure yourself & others, consider many, if not all of mine in the same way. Oh well
  10. Don't think you need a study, just open one's eye. Little porkers are everywhere. See a group of kids, and half will have a sugary drink in their hand. In the other hand is a smartphone, replacing any physical activity. As a youngin, even a poor teen, we use to walk or cycle everywhere, not driven around.
  11. I eat eggs everyday for first meal, and as stated, a 'perfect food', of fat & protein. At least 2 XL (-0-), if not more later on in the day. Keto - ish for me. Still addicted to bread, though in moderation now, vs the staple it used to be. Did cut most sugars & starches out of my diet. 2 XL / #0 eggs = 140 gr
  12. Certainly shouldn't surprise anyone. Thinking 1 or 2 drinks a day wasn't unhealthy or even considered healthy could have only been funded by alcohol groups. Luckily never addicted, but certainly is habit forming. I stopped indulging 'almost' completely. Don't miss it at all. Definitely a hard habit to break, as the marketing is very effective.
  13. Judging from AN, this statement is obviously spot on ... ... "While most regions have experienced escalating risks, the UK maintains a "low" rating in security, medical, and climate risks, although its mental health statistics indicate a notable proportion of the population dealing with mental health issues." ... Contrary to that unstable mental thinking, 'how unsafe the gun toting Yanks are' ... ... "In contrast, some countries remain relatively safe from a security perspective. Nations like Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Morocco, and Vietnam are considered among the safest, offering a stark contrast to the high-risk regions." ... Certainly won't be going to Africa anytime soon. List for those seeking retirement locations, though don't think some were in anyone's top 10.
  14. Don't want to go off topic, but if at Korat, click on a few of those photos in the link I posted (left side), and some tasty looking dishes.
  15. Tried ... that started off a bit ominous Ouch ... that's going to hurt 2nd hand market. Even the new market, for folks not paying cash, and like new cars every couple of years. Good luck selling the old one. Need to take what ever the tent folks will be offering, and that ain't going to be what you hoped for

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