Those are the carbs I avoid, or restrict intake. Potatoes are down to Tater Tots, a couple times a month, instead of some potatoes daily. Pasta is now egg noodles, and only a couple times a month, instead of weekly. Bread is maybe, maybe 1 slice a day average, OK, it's a large slice, but usually <100 gr, instead of half a loaf And whole wheat & rye flour vs just white. Homemade only and no sugar added.
When I do eat starchy carbs, they're usually loaded up with fat & protein, to slow the sugar/insulin spike. Eat lots of fibrous carbs; green veggies, some fermented. Don't really miss anything.
Have my cheat days, and try to keep them to once or twice a month, so it's just a day or 2 spiking, and not a constant intake that would effect my glucose level, and that stays 5.3-5.5. Just a daily blood sugar spike. And I usually feel the negative effects of that, so an easy reminder to not indulge much any more.
Main difference in diet is pastries, instead of daily, way too much, they're pretty much cut out completely, except them cheat days. Non cheat days, and it's homemade Cheesecake, with minimal sugar per serving.
Being a home cook, I control all the ingredients and easy to make good tasting, whole foods, with little to no sugar. Type of, when and how you eat your sugar, carbs makes a difference also. A tsp of sugar in you coffee, washing down you bacon & eggs isn't going to have much effect on you blood sugar level. I still drink my coffee black for for those that don't, be happy, don't sweat it.
Just don't put 3 tsp in your coffee, while being sedentary for a few hours reading and posting on AN all day, on an empty stomach. Your ketones will stop doing their thing, and you'll get a spike you'd probably want to avoid, especially everyday.