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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Can you get any more racist than that. Are the other religions restricted from wearing such clothing; Jews & kippah/ tznuit Sikh & dastar Amish & organdy head bonnet Uni religion or Atheist from a scarf
  2. Didn't realize your utter distain for Americans. Have a nice day
  3. Did you read the replies so far ... ???? 4 or 23 replies have suggestions, and in touristy areas, I think. Yes agree, a 'chat' forum. Want info, then Google/Gmaps would be my first stop. If all else failed, then a forum.
  4. Use Gmap, having photos & reviews, possibly a current menu and as you can see, a much better info resource than AN.
  5. Another MVA & death ... my day is complete, with added plus of knowing one was Thai, and the other Chinese. Enquiring minds need to know. Now ... is the THB or price of beer going up or down 0.1% as I'll need to adjust my living budget ????
  6. You gave my pause for thought, while on my morning walk/cruise ... ... if not PKK, where ? In TH ... Phang-Nga as has everything we need & want also, along with some of, if not, the most beautiful landscape, along with Surat Thani next door. Only reason not to live there, daughter is at Krung Thep, and I need easy access to her. With that, only other place, if not for the 6 months of bad air, would be Krung Thep, for same above reasons. In USA ... Brandywine Valley or Delaware Water Gap areas. And big THANKS to those warning folks not to visit PKK, much appreciated. For that reason, I has changed very little, the last 20 years ????
  7. I don't find it bad at all, and love living here. I don't live on the promenade, or swim in Thai waters, except Phuket, and that was during covid, no tourist, no 1000's of flushing toilets. The bays here are some of the nicest in TH to look at. Which I do every morning almost, after my leisurely stroll in the local park with the dog. As anywhere, I avoid the negatives, and enjoy the positives. I can self entertain anywhere and prefer to do so, and happy about the lack of entertainment for others, as keeps them at bay. Enjoy the restaurants we visit, and find the % of good ones, about the same country wide. Dining out fails miserably in TH, and most would not succeed in USA. When is dining out, at open air venue, next to smelly road, with open sewer system & diesel/scooter exhaust considered a dining experience. Why we dine in 99% of the time, but would do that no matter where we live in TH, as simply are better cooks than most wanna be 'chefs'. Simply posted the negatives, to counter the OMG ... it's paradise silliness. It isn't, and nowhere is, or I haven't found it yet. It is what we make it, and lovely in our little world. Been around the whole country, and can't think of a different, better place that I'd rather be living. Or anywhere in the USA that I've lived, or visited, there or elsewhere. Got everything we need or want, or I can simply drive to what isn't here, when the urge hits. I live here 100% by choice ... nuff said Popped over to Ao Manao yesterday, waved thru as usual, had my favorite som tam washed down with my favorite chocolate drink, while enjoying a great view. What's not to love.
  8. Agree, and nice to appreciate all that there is in simply being alive, and living the way one chooses. TBH, if in USA, as TH is just a different location, I doubt if much would be different. Family & friends are doing the same back in USA. Enjoying life.
  9. Anchovies as an ingredient, no problem, as I used making Caesar Salad, but as a pizza topping ... nah. Olives, no use for them, but I use salt to enhance flavor, not to 'be the flavor'. Don't think I'd like them raw either, though don't think they sell them, as very bitter, or so I read. Usually in a brine or pickled, and don't think I had them pickled. Read some are even very mild or sweet, again, only had the ones in a brine, I think. If I see them in or on something, the get picked out and tossed to the side. Every once in a while, I'll taste and remind myself why I don't like them.
  10. Really does depend on what you were raised on. Most Yanks my age, I think were raised on Philly/NY Style pizza. Chewy crust, that does take a while to make, and the gluten to develop. I think that was the standard, Until Wolfgang Puck came along, and introduce Neapolitan, as first time I saw it offered up. Became a California thing, then countrywide. Detroit & Chicago had their thing going, but that's about it, I think. And thin crust pizza, TBH, don't think I ever saw it in the USA, and not till I came here.
  11. What's changed, as it's been like that since I was a teenager and paid attention to the propaganda. Only thing surprising is, taking 50 yrs for some people to realize it. 'Zappa & M of I' ... 1973, me, graduating High School that year. Nothing has changed:
  12. I guess you don't know any Yanks that have eating good pizza. My one chickie friend use to have a pizza & hoagie/sandwich shop ... excellent. Along with a cousin owning same. I've rarely had a bad pizza in the USA. Way too many crap pizzas here. To the point, I don't roll the dice often, and just make at home. My pizza bread/rolls at home (when lazy) is better than most pizza here. Cheese is their biggest weak point, and why I usually get pepperoni here, as makes up for the lack of flavorful or amount of cheese they use.
  13. Now ... anything goes, and depending on one's mood, and desire, it all tastes good. Pizza is simply a flatbread ... and welcomes anything you want to put on top of it. No different than; flatbread, bread, pita, rolls, wraps, tortilla, naan, and simply a conveyance of your favorite food. I will draw the line on anchovies, that's just gross, and not a fan of olives, on or in anything.
  14. ???? I've had pizza as good, but yet to have one beating what I would order in the USA. Or any other ethnic food, with exception of Thai of course, although I've had excellent Thai in USA, and better than most that is served up here, that's relative to finer dining & cost though. SoHo Pizza on Suk 11 is damn good, though daughter was disappointed last time she ordered, though not sure if from Suk 11 branch.
  15. KhunLA

    Cinema pricing

  16. If your name or DL # is not on the citation, I would think it would go to the registered car owner.
  17. I didn't have to read any more after this line: "And the federal government is also sending $1.4 billion to defense contractors and pharmaceutical companies for more Covid “countermeasures” and vaccines. ... ... Does the lunacy ever stop?" Apparently not ????
  18. Crashing ... that's a bit of a stretch, as actually up, 2023 vs 2022. The current population of Thailand is: 2023 is 71,801,279, a 0.15% increase from 2022. 2022 was 71,697,030, a 0.13% increase from 2021. 2021 was 71,601,103, a 0.18% increase from 2020. 2020 was 71,475,664, a 0.24% increase from 2019. Still in the positive, so more people here next year, probably than this year. source That they prefer a different lifestyle, instead of following the family path, may or may not be an issue. Especially farming, but with better farming & higher production and yields per rai/hectare, I don't think it's really going to matter.
  19. Do you have an unpaid citation that is waiting for your payment ? Check here
  20. Any and all replies are irrelevant, if at least since May, the system is now being instituted. We all now have the answer, conversation over, unless you just want to argue when for sake of arguing and a few more clicks. Any time this year is recent to me. The regulation, have been in effect for a long time (relative) ???? If not for below post, I would have ignored replying at all. For those with a glove box of citations, check them dates. I think the statue of limitation is 2 yrs. Either way, I'll keep using my cruise control set @ 60 & 90 kph when appropriate, as love P!ssin' the people off behind me. Point system was suppose to go into effect Jan 9th
  21. Not really a big deal, just be aware it is there, and you will need your ID Unmistakable yellow sign at entrance, and just past it, coned off, so DO NOT try to bypass it.
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