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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Wow, some exciting sites to be had. Loop including beach, and back around 2nd road. And surely at a premium price vs simply taking the baht bus. And the topper ... cruising soi 6 ... can it get any better.
  2. The study doesn't give or state much info, except the results. Many things affect battery life, charging just one of them. That manufacturers advise slower is better, is a bit telling. Heat is not a batteries friend, and fast charging produces more heat. Although, 'newer' tech, chemistry and built in safeguards, BMS, help minimize the negatives of fast charging. Enough so, that slow vs fast, may have minimal long term effect. Or so I read elsewhere. What the study doesn't state, is year & chemistry of the batteries being charge, and many other factors with affect battery life. Tesla use 4 different battery chemistry's, since year 2000. Where were the tests and cars in the test located. In hot or cool or colder weather. Though agree it may make minimal difference, the test if flawed for not providing more info. One brand car, no year or chemistry of batteries. Along with study possibly only using Tesla's super chargers. Who funded and provided the info that was studied?
  3. I used to work at Sherman & Williams, and never...never...never, did we ever suggest adding water in any primer or paint. Here/TH, they add water to concrete sealer, primer & paint, and wonder why they get the results they do. I repainted my first house here, as original didn't last 1 year. sold it 7 yrs later, it didn't need a paint job. Same with 2nd, now on 3rd. Do NOT add water to sealer, primer, paint. TOA fan myself.
  4. Wow ... mind boggling. I doesn't matter what the rate is, low or high, it's the length of the loan. Put any #s in you want. It's still NO cost, NO risk, Guaranteed Return. Or you can buy that new shiny car, make payments on that every month, and take 30 yrs to pay off your biggest investment, instead of 15 yrs, and put money in your pocket. Or pay the house early by simply keeping the POS car your friends laugh at. But when you retire at 46, with more money than you know what to do with, and they are still working till 66 ... then retire on fixed income. ... who's laughing now. This isn't rocket science... This isn't even Ph'd stuff Don't need a college degree. Just common sense.
  5. Spend $31k. over 15 urs, that you have to spend anyway, save $100k. You better read (lost) opportunity cost. No cost, No risk, guaranteed return. Anyone else offering that. Now you take the equity, borrow against that, buy another house, rent that out. Repeat ... 30 years you retire, have your money back, with income, along with your work pension and or Soc Sec.
  6. You really have to ask why a 30 yr mortgage is stupid. Better than renting, but that's about it. By spending (<$31k) $171 more a month, for only 15 yrs, you save over $100k. And paid off in half the time.
  7. ... nuff said Reason for the wide disparity, when top income earners get to a certain point, they actually start earning money, all bit itself, unless you do really stupid stuff. Once you have more coming in than you know what to do with, the fund, equity, income just steamrolls, like a snowball down a hill. As long as banks are sucking 20% of your income, especially on stupid crap that does not appreciate, or impress anyone, you'll never move forward. 30 yr mortgages, are people still that stupid. It's mind boggling. Tough making the monthly bills ... and there is alcohol, cigs, in the house ... nuff said. Do you really need a new car ? I owned 1 in the USA, and it was for work. You have extra money, we need a holiday ... no, you don't, you need to pay off your mortgage earlier. Credit is for investing, not toys & good times. Stupidity
  8. I watched the whole a while back, worth watching, and has some twists that come around in the end. Worth picking back up, especially now, since so little is out there.
  9. KhunLA

    Head or Heart.

    Some people live by a different code
  10. I think we paid more than enough already. 25-35+% (that's just fed tax) of our income, and the bottom half, pay 15-0% You don't have enough money, try earning more. Because ... Sooner or later, you run out of other people's money. "The top 10 percent of earners paid 74 percent of all income taxes and the top 25 percent paid 89 percent. Altogether, the top fifty percent of filers earned 89 percent of all income and were responsible for 97.7 percent of all income taxes paid in 2020." source
  11. That would be very easy to do, and far better than a month in any TH town/city.
  12. I got a feeling you missed a lot. If you consider the area between Nong PraJak park & RR station, 'downtown'.
  13. You mean 2011 ???? "The first all-new MG-branded model for 16 years, the MG 6, was officially launched on 26 June 2011" The rest as they say ... is history.
  14. Phuket was the first thing that came to mind, but not really a city. Assuming OP is staying in and around the immediate area of the city. Yes, Udon is boring a all hell, landscape wise, unless heading out to the hills or edge of plateau. As is the whole NE almost, and one reason I left. Udon has some fine eating areas, along with some parks and an OK mall. Plenty of nightlife (non P4P).
  15. But they are still having kids they can't afford, and living beyond their means. Too much borrowed credit for depreciating purchases. Pointed out by the $100k+ bracket, and still struggling. How is that even possible?
  16. If never been there before, would be easy to do in Udon Thani, and wouldn't really need a car. Krung Thep, more than enough to keep anyone interested. Added plus of public trans. Assuming one won't be cooking meals at home, though saying that, I could literally live off 7-11 & near by vendors, as there always seems to be. Wouldn't be my preference though, so a good food town would be required. Metro area better, more options, less need to self entertain.
  17. I guess I could of added, same coffee/water ratio "1 to 10, as the moka pot".
  18. August 2023 Only take away, is using about 2X from previous year, since being first month having the system and being very conservative. No need to be, as realize system provides more than enough for house & EV H/L day ... produced/consumed H -38kWh/36.3kWh L - 9.5kWj/9.3kWh (day trip to Hua Hin)
  19. Unloading ... ???? 'OK, mag is out, now how to get that round out that shouldn't be chambered ?' 2 ways ... choose wisely .... oops
  20. Visited shy of 20 years ago, it was a bit much then. Then last time, probably 15 yrs ago, and seriously, can't imagine how bad it is now. Patts is the kind of place you pick to live, only if you can walk to everything you need, which should actually be possible, IF, you chose the right part of town to live in. Then all you need to do is deal with the weekenders, which would be a good time to sit & sip poolside. Good Luck. Highs season is only couple months away.
  21. That's one reason I don't live there, too congested to begin with, whether doing road work or not. Life is about choices. You make them, you live with them. Don't cry after the fact ENJOY Got to read something while sipping my morning cup. Nakhon Nowhere doesn't have those problem, that's why I live here. No complaining from me ????
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