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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. No recommendation as not in Patts. But make sure it includes a full abdominal ultrasound. Will be more useful than cancer markers. Since no recent check up. The cancer markers, unless off the chart #s, aren't too useful, as more a comparison, year after year, to see if any changes, I think. Especially for cancer patients already. Heart check up, up to you, but ECG/EKG will usually point out any issues. Unless you feel winded, and out of breath quite often for no reason. How fast you recover, pulse/BP after 5 ish minutes of exercise (pulse @ 50% above normal), and breathing will tell you a lot. I monitor my BP & blood oxygen at home. Omron BP units are accurate & inexpensive. You can get a Yuwell oxymeter at some pharmacies. I have one, all of 700 baht, and tells you pulse & oxy level, which should be 95% +/-, higher better. 90% or less, and you'll need further testing. Many docs/clinics use the same units I have. Never hurts to get coloscopy at your age, as colon & prostate cancer (hence ultrasound) are issues for men as we age. I had one done couple years ago (I'm 68), with a couple polyps removed. I did have to lie to get that done, stating blood in stools and cancer in family. Latter wasn't a stretch, but some docs don't schedule things without symptoms.
  2. Overcast last night, maybe tonight, shy of full. Although, I see a full 'moon' every night, and looks much better.
  3. Conclusion: Same as growing your own fruits & veggies at home, one should smoke homegrown Ganga ????
  4. I'll quote myself and simply highlight the 3 parts that should point out I certainly wasn't upset about her advisory. "Waitress, instead of thinking, 'ding dong farang, can't park there' informed me, odd days, you need to park on other side of street. Thank You"
  5. Bon Cafe, consistent, readily available. I like their 'Morning Blend', with added plus, being it's their least expensive.
  6. The water thing does work, though I question the use of, unless the 'burr' grinding wheels, are stainless steel, and guess, most are not. Saying that @Hummin again, if buying, the bottom square container, where grounds are deposited, will vibrate out from under it, so I put something against that/handle when grinding, to avoid it clogging up, or making a mess, depending how far it slide off.
  7. Still going strong after 2 years: If you happen to buy that, don't use the little plastic thing that goes in the bean holder, as it lessens the weight of the beans, and it tends to clog up. Stopped using it, and it rarely clogs up. If it does, you'll hear the grinders spinning but not grinding, I just use a chop stick, give it a stir near the bottom till it starts grinding again. Rare, but happens.
  8. That's a lot of exercise, as used one recently at hotel.
  9. Saw that at HP, and have 'similiar', obviously (no) branded differently, along with price, and probably quality, as I had to take apart the 'dial' and set permanently, to a fine grind. Which is fine, and the grind we use anyway, for the price difference. Seeing the HP display shortly after buying. LAZ listing: sitting on our counter
  10. I am starting to notice, many Brits only seem to like Brits, with few exception, if AN is anything to go by. Again, if the sign wasn't in Chinese .... Popped in to local place for some KraPao, and parked in front. Waitress, instead of thinking, 'ding dong farang, can't park there' informed me, odd days, you need to park on other side of street. Thank You
  11. In summation, you arrived before them, order your coffee. They arrived, ordered 15 beverages, and ate probably what the shop didn't sell. Unless the sign was in Chinese, well ... nuff said. The stench was so unbearable, you stayed and watch them finish their 3 course meal. And they are the problem, 15 drinks in less time while eating, than took you to finish your 1 coffee. Got it. I know what customers I would prefer as an owner. Added plus for making the grumpy old bigot uncomfortable.
  12. About time ... ???? They really need to ban diesel fuel completely.
  13. Doesn't read like the most responsible bike rider, or very capable at speed. One would hope lessen learned. Certainly can't blame the bike for that. Just because a vehicle can go fast, doesn't mean you have to.
  14. Death sentence ... nobody deserves to live among us if intentionally killing someone. Jail or death doesn't seem to be a deterrent, but will at least eliminate it being repeated by the same person.
  15. Don't think I missed it, but feel free to peek yourself: blue round round blue
  16. JP exports scallops, mackerel & tuna, and most of that goes to CH, S. Korea & USA
  17. 90% of Salmon comes from Norway. Another silly news-blip. CH is 100% correct, Japan being totally irresponsible. Think how the news would read if CH was dumping nuke waste into the sea. I don't think I eat any products from Japan. Certainly wouldn't be fish. Japan imports salmon, doesn't export it. source Another plot line for the next Godzilla movie.
  18. I guess it/LP was useful for the most ignorant person, which we all were at one time. Though it didn't take long to realize, half the info was wrong or dated. Did keep a copy in the car, as the maps of smaller towns actually came in handy. Aside from that, quite useless. After 2000, info was starting to be readily available on internet, making it even more useless.
  19. You really didn't go there, did you ... ... you did ???? Completely irrelevant, as I'm a fricken genius compared to some of the Ph'd holders that I know, IQ and actually using it, seems to be more important. More than a few idiots out there with paperwork stating the opposite ???? And ... I'm only a high school grad, and probably put more work hours in than school hours, on the last year ????
  20. "InstantPot" are still silly priced in TH
  21. You all can argue with the 'science' & 'youtube' all you want. I know what goes in my body, and how it comes out. What makes me tired or sluggish, or energized. I monitor my #s, BP, blood work, even my oxygen levels/95% or above. Eat what you want, but I'll keep eating my fruits, veggies, fiber, eggs, meat, breads, along with everything else in moderation. Sugars included. Pancakes for dinner, w/plenty of (fake) maple syrup & butter. Only thing I've eased up on, is cheese, as it doesn't want to play nice sometimes,
  22. If nothing works in Patts, I think I would pay BkkBike a visit in Krung Thep. Spare parts shouldn't be an issue, unless you have an oops. May want to pick up spare innertube or 3, when buying the bike, as can think of the only spare part you'll need.
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