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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Thicker nap roll on brush will accomplish that. Thinner nap will give more flatter, smoother look. nap sizing Foam brush for no texture at all, or brush stokes a hair brush will leave. Tapered end of foam brush makes for easy cutting in molding. Once use to it, don't need masking tape, and saves a lot of time.
  2. Think the difference being, the damage caused when the Andaman gets piss'd off vs the damage the Gulf will do. Suspect zoning enforced more on Phuket.
  3. Confirms I'm not normal, as rarely go to sleep before midnight, and usually wake up before sunrise.
  4. Not really much different. Was making $5 hr/$200 week/$880 month (22 days) Mortgage was $365, so 41% of income. Using $15 hr X 8 X 22 = $2640 X 41% = $1082 That qualifies for shy of $150k mortgage, 30yr/7.97%. ($1097.51) That's a single person, flipping burgers at McD, double that for a couple $2000 for mortgage. Cry me a river. If you can't find a house for $100,000 in USA, you ain't looking very hard. My brother sold his townhouse (3bdrm w/pool), Philly suburb, last year for $55k. Don't believe the BS you read in MSM. You have choices, just need to exercise them. So a couple flipping burgers CAN afford a house, a new car & a holiday, on the 'new' minimum wage at McD OR ... buy 2 or 3 house, fix 'em up, rent out 2, live free in one, or supplement your rent elsewhere. option #2
  5. No, I'm good, as that was on a $250k trade, so <37%/92.5k. I could only BS so much, without triggering an audit.
  6. I read that as spending should be cut. Until you can find more revenue. Foreign aid should be eliminated. USA military should be on / in USA land / waters. Energy companies should be nationalized, as those windfall profits belong to the citizens. Socialism & capitalism can work together. Pharmaceutical/healthcare/Medicare pay outs are just silly. I had an ECG/EKG here/TH ... $5.80 (฿200) Philly, PA, USA, price ... $525-$1400 source
  7. Yea ... still left office with a 5.6 trillion national debt. source What's wrong with this picture: "May 30, 2023 In 2022, the federal government spent $476 billion on net interest costs on the national debt. That total, which grew by 35 percent from $352 billion in 2021, was the largest amount ever spent on interest in the budget, and equaled nearly 2 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). Interest costs are on track to become the largest category of spending in the federal budget source Money in: "Total Receipts: Up by 21 Percent in Fiscal Year 2022. In 2022, federal revenues amounted to $4.9 trillion" source Money out: "The federal government spent $6.5 trillion in FY 2022" source Try doing that with you household checkbook ... ???? Keep electing idiots that can't balance a checkbook. Oh wait, not their money, they don't care. Yea ... I left & stopped paying taxes. Why ... ... do you really need to ask
  8. And when I bought my first house, I was making near minimum wage, and mortgage was 14%. Thank you Jimmy Carter. To make the mortgage, I took on boarder, as 4 bedroom and I only needed 1. Light turned on, a little sweat equity, while working 80 hrs a week (1 job), and I turned it into a triplex, as it was 3 stories. Now the mortgage is paid, and extra payments to the principle. No, still drove my POS car, although now had money for new one, if stupid. Extra money went to buy tools, and went into self employment. Built a POS (OK, nice) trailer, to tow behind my POS car, till make enough to buy an entry level pick up, only new vehicle I ever owned in USA. My 'choice', my sacrifice, my ROI. Hmm ... this is too easy, repeat & rest is history. First house, went with an ARM, all told me I was nuts. Really, 14%, and can only go 1 direction, which it did, down, every year. I've worked 1 full time and 2 part time jobs when needing. They are there, pay sucks, but better than hoping someone pays my bills. Can't be any worse now than then, with McD paying $15 an hour. Sorry, I'm not buying the headlines of doom & gloom, as know too many, doing just fine over there. Working hard & earning it.
  9. We are, a lot more. I wrote $75k checks to the IRS, a couple good years, more than most Yanks gross a year. But when I lost $100k could only write of $5 of that. I take the risk, hit big, they take big (37%). I have an oops ... 'oh well, better luck next time' Can I credit that loss to my gains last or next year, yea, $5k ... say what. In year 2000, I owe you taxes I didn't pay ... you pay tax + 11% + penalty. You / IRS owe me taxes to return ... we pay you tax + 4% ???? That's your fair tax code.
  10. It also is their 'choice'. and they have to live with it. Not raise my taxes, because they made the wrong choice, and now need a helping hand.
  11. You do know who you are talking to. I apparently know capitalism and free market economy more than the 60% of Yanks living month to month, and hoping they have enough to retire at 67 yrs old. So you got nothing but deflection, and repetitive replies.
  12. It what the accept now that matters. And when they have extra money at the end of the month, what do they do. ... party ... buy more crap, they don't need, whether cash or credit ... take a holiday, as they deserve it. OR ... they could put it toward the principle of the mortgage, for instant ROI, that cost them nothing. Example: same monthly mortgage I posted earlier, 30yr/7.97% ... but they can't afford a 15 yr, as $170 more a month. but find they have $75 a month extra every month ... hmm what to spend it on, or, yea, pay down the mortgage. Results: over $50k saved, and pay off 8 yrs early. To me, that's common sense, but that's me. Small sacrifices = big gains Their are choices. https://www.mortgagecalculator.org/calculators/what-if-i-pay-more-calculator.php#top
  13. Perfect for the tourist without a gimbal or EIS in their cameras ???? OMG ... another hidden gem ...
  14. 90% ... why, do they think a 15 yr mortgage will cost twice as much. 30 yrs is offered, not forced on them. People don't think for themselves, they do what they are told. Extreme lack of judgement ... their choice, not based on common sense. Again, it is and always will be about choices. Live with them. They seem to sacrifice their future for wanting now. I sacrificed my now (then), a wee bit, for my future, now. Their choice vs my choice ...
  15. You can raise the taxes all you want, and tax the rich as much as you want. But just like yours/ours, household checkbook, if you don't stop spending more than you take in, you will continue to go backwards. They/govt, unlike us, seem to have an unlimited, revolving credit line, YOU ARE PAYING FOR. The more taxes they get, the more they spend, give away, steal. They don't care, it's your money, not there's. they got theirs. You gave them their high salary & months of recess/vacation time. That is and was your choice ... continue on, but stop crying about it. That's a FACT ... keep paying if you want ... UP2U.
  16. That's why I didn't vote, except in local, town/county elections. Those directly effected me. State & fed, didn't follow, didn't care, and most people vote for the best commercial anyway, so I'd be out voted. Why waste my time.
  17. I can only tell you my life experiences. Besides, I don't think there's enough bandwidth, for me to tell all the stupid stuff I did, or mistakes I made. Consider my early family life, poor, alky parents, little proper schooling, no Uni, or guidance/mentoring. Stepped in a lot of sh!t along the way, 3 divorces & 30+ sh!t, low paying jobs ... and somehow, retired early. Sorry, if I can do that, there is no reason or excuse for people to be living below poverty level, or having a hard time making ends meet. I'm a prime example of a total F'up, at times, and still did OK. Only thing I figured out on my own was, 'if you can't pay for it in cash, you can't afford it', and that's just common sense. Something I notice, people simply don't use. That appears to be the only different factor with building equity, or staying in debt till you retire. Or worse, after you retire.
  18. People are voting for the idiots that are leading them. How stupid are you to keep re-electing the same people, and expecting change. Stupidity ... comes in all forms. Live with your choices, that includes your elected politicians, career politicians. Giving away control of your livelihood to people who don't care about you ... well, that just stupid. I think someone describe stupid as, 'doing the same thing repeatedly, and expecting different results' ... that describes your voters. Everyone has choices, but fail to exercise them.
  19. You can only hide or delay paying taxes so much. Eventually, the tax man cometh. So have so much, they actually give it away, rather than pay full tax on it. A good thing.
  20. That describes me to the T, and guessing I'm not alone, in that thinking, or action. First ... I'm not rich. I'll call it comfy. But, a couple years, I did hit the 1% tax bracket, which is actually kind of low, $250k. And since not salaried, most (all after retirement) of that got hit with a 40% tax (fed + state). Most years, I made <$20k, salaried, and only 7 of the last years that I worked, did I make just shy of $50k. Pretty sad salaried income history actually, and why so many jobs, 30+. Very far from a consistent, high salaried income earner. Anything made in the market, got hit with 40% tax. My saving grace was living basically with low monthly expenses, same as here, now. And ... no kids. Much of my 'income' wasn't reported or taxed. That self employed, slum lord thingy. Cash receipts part anyway. Only had 5 units (3 bldgs), 4 rented, keeping 1 open for me. Tenants paid 2 mortgages, and all paid off extremely early. 3rd house bought basically with cash, CC, but paid off less than 1 year. Rolled sale of 'free & clear' houses into the market. After learning curve, ????(expensive) perfected my trading, and made a lot of money, very fast, <5yrs, then retired. 25-30 working yrs prior, was party time. the last, age 40-45 yrs old, was nose to the grindstone. Point is ... as with the quoted story, I could have continued making $250k or more a year, for the past 20+ years. Now tax that at 40% ... and that's what the tax base didn't get, because I was tired of doing all the work, and make no mistake, successful trading is full time work, and then have gov't take 40%. Don't have a problem with paying taxes, but do have a problem on what it's spent on. Invading & occupying sovereign countries. Yea, I got off the hamster wheel in 2001, when Cheney became president, as easy to see where that was going to lead. Oil & defense contractor leading the country, war was inevitable, along with the region needed to be attacked. A blind man could see that coming. Just like now, California, New York & New Jersey are losing their high income residents, to other states, I chose a different path, stopped completely & left. Sure a few others did also. Sooner or later, you run out of other people's money. Or, they simply leave the state, CA, NY, NJ, they are the losers now, or, simply leave the country & retire, and the whole country start to lose their cash cows. Business taxes, they, businesses moved overseas, taking jobs & tax base with them Many of those (not me) multi millionaires. Some even renounce citizenship, and their future income, unless made in USA, isn't even taxed. Or hidden in 3 levels of int'l shell companies. DISCLAIMER: TBH, being a lazy POS, I probably would have hopped off the hamster wheel anyway. If a flat, 'fare' tax, 20% across the board, then I might of still dabbled, and contributed to the tax base. Now, I'm a blight on society, and getting it all back.
  21. You can say as many times as you like, doesn't make it true. You obviously didn't look at what I posted, As you rarely do with your repetitive tunnel vision replies. Have a nice day.
  22. Yea ... I've never heard of a company giving out false info ????
  23. Live by your choices, stop blaming everything or somebody else for you station in life. Cousin posting photos of their holiday at Cancun, MX. They are NOT in the $100+k income bracket. Have decent house, cars, kids at Uni. People working unskilled labor, are getting $15 hr. McD pays that for flipping burgers,$30+k a year. 2 income = $60+k a year for household income. You can't live on 60k, then you're a idiot.
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