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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Not going to say it doesn't happen, but, if not for the history of tourist ending up in the hospital, they wouldn't be doing spot checks (too many) to make sure they are legal and qualified (licensed) to drive. And yes, that should be sorted at the rental places, but until it is, I'm all for the check points, even if targeting foreigners. It may, will save lives, if just 1 person realizes, renting is not a good idea if not legal to. One less 'go fund my stupidity' is always a good thing. I less idiot hitting my car ???? On the flip side, irrelevant, but, when, very rare, there is a local check point, and they are stopping ALL MBs, helmet or not, I seem to always get waved through ???? I am legal w/helmet, dog - no helmet.
  2. Could have left out the N of Richmond part, as either ignorant and needs to get out more, or still fighting the Civil War. Strangely, after working in the South, many are in that mind set. Personally I prefer Lennon's 'Working Class Hero'. I can relate and that type of song is timeless, until YOU, actually do something, to improve your life, instead of crying about it. Oliver Anthony, "Rich Men of Richmond" Lyrics: I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day Overtime hours for bull<deleted> pay So I can sit out here and waste my life away Drag back home and drown my troubles away. Pre-Chorus: It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to For people like me and people like you Wish I could just wake up and it not be true But it is, oh, it is. Chorus: Livin' in the new world With an old soul These rich men north of Richmond Lord knows they all just wanna have total control Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do And they don't think you know, but I know that you do 'Cause your dollar ain't <deleted> and it's taxed to no end 'Cause of rich men north of Richmond. I wish politicians would look out for miners And not just minors on an island somewhere Lord, we got folks in the street, ain't got nothin' to eat And the obese milkin' welfare. Well, God, if you're 5-foot-3 and you're 300 pounds Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds Young men are puttin' themselves six feet in the ground 'Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin' them down. source
  3. Simple ... ride legally. When on Phuket, I drove by the Chalong circle a few times, and saw as they were 'rightfully' pulled over - no helmet. Didn't notice any pulled over with helmets, though not really there that long. Would they be wearing a helmet in home country? Most of the USA - YES
  4. Bit of a rip from Goodfellas with the narration. Fails miserably in that aspect, along with not much suspense and too predictable. If you ran out of things to watch, as I did, maybe OK for a time killer, but not much else. 5.6 is a bit generous. I actually watched Star Trek 2009/2013, last night & tonight, 3rd/4th time, again, and still entertaining. Though have watch either in years. Third one/2016 didn't do much for me, so passing on re-watching that. Looking forward to new one, next year. Yea, completely out of things to watch, and only 4 series are out now that I watch.
  5. How often & how long are your outages. YT'er Prof Hobo does reviews of more power than you should need, actually solar/electric generators. Of all sizes, and here one that would be overkill. But at 6:55/58 or vid, he shows a chart of how long some standard appliance would last. Many folks use these for camping, vanning & weekend trips where electric might not be available. As I said, overkill, but they do come in different sizes & price points. Just the first Ecoflow I noticed, and they offer smaller units. https://shopee.co.th/ecoflow_thailand_distributor Review of cheapest one on that site: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lyb774YnIy0&ab_channel=HOBOTECH I don't think the standard desktop UPC last very long, and longevity has been very poor with the couple I've had. With replacement batteries here, being total crap.
  6. There's only 12 cities, with 100k+ population here/TH. Anything smaller, and people will be charging at home, and unless on a major road, most will be passing through, as not exactly a tourist town. After 100k, the numbers drop quick. 20 cities later and <50k. Not many large cities for having 76 province, and a couple of the larger ones, are part of Krung Thep metro area. cities by population Between Hua Hin and Chumphon, we have plenty, for now and that's along a major interprovince highway. Nobody is going too far E or W of the highway here, so nothing really needed, except weekends maybe, along the hwy (#4) itself. We don't even have 30k for our town, <100k for Amphur and whole province <600k, which includes Hua Hin. They could definitely use a few more along the coastlines, for those taking the scenic route, and far E border (river), or W along Myanmar, Umphang, Tak & above. Most tourist will come off the main highways, tour about then end up back on the highways without the need to charge up. Plenty of highways crisscrossing N/S & E/W. We went to these points, since having the EV, in the past 10 months, and never a problem. PKK province is long and thin, as you can see by the congested red dots, almost a line, of our 'local O&As', that don't need a CS. Living mid province we can hit top & bottom of, without need to charge, till we return home.
  7. Whoa ... that's a lot of people still missing, 850. Saw one news-blip, mirrors the one in OP. 114 lost souls & 850 not accounted for. Here's a snap of another (6 days old), put the loss in perspective (1300 down to 850, better): source
  8. Twice I didn't think I was going to make it through the night, and amazingly, I was quite content with that. Glad I did wake up next day, and appreciate everyday, maybe a bit more, not sure, as always appreciated waking up. I hate times like now, as can't really go O&A, as planned a Southern loop. Now delayed, due to having some dental work being done, and need to be closer to home, next few weeks. Might take some 'local' outings.
  9. That actually sounds about right, as I notice the 'slow' charger are by the hour. Few vendors at Charging Stations that have hourly rate, and notice 22kWh +/- the standard. They are usually at Malls & Hotels. Most be getting electric at a cheaper rate, or a perk to get you to the location. Obviously not something you want to use when on the road, when your EV will accept 76kW (MG ZS), and most fast chargers/cables put out 50kW or more.
  10. When you are one of the most populated countries in the world, your nutters will hit the news more often, especially on a forum with an anti Yank membership ... IMHO Not saying AN fits that description, but simply in general ... IMHO
  11. Don't beat around the bush, just say "it's Trump's fault" Unless Mommy & Daddy didn't buy him a phone/laptop until the 2016 election cycle, then it would just be a coincidence ... ????
  12. Let's put those numbers into context. As they skyrocket after age 15-18. Hmm ... maybe a few gang bangers in that bracket. In the eyes of most courts, would probably be tried as adults if caught committing said homicide. But hey ... what ever works for the spin. didn't bother searching for 2021 #s, but would think they are about the same: https://www.kidsdata.org/topic/659/death-rate-age-cause/table#fmt=2318&loc=1,2&tf=122&ch=1307,1309,446,1308,530,531,533,532,975,534,529
  13. Killing, shooting a 66 yr old lady, immediately puts you in the 'unstable' category with me, unless it was self defense, and highly unlikely. His motive, if actually reading the thread, was being of anti alphabet folks mentality, from his social media postings, supposedly. Don't need to wait for investigation, as know enough, and it's all mute, they're both dead. No matter what, the end results isn't go to change. Just the divisive conversations. With that ... Have a Nice Day.
  14. There's a time & place for everything. At a beach or holiday type location, then do as you please. But in a metro area, as implied with photos in OP, probably not. Thinking back, I've never went topless if strolling around Philly, no matter how brutally hot it was. Around my urban home town (suburbia Philly), yes, or just a shirt unbuttoned was more like it, just as I do here quite a bit, if not trying to avoid the sun, which has been my thing lately, where we live now/PKK. Of late if sun's out, it's been long sleeves & pants, on the scooter and walking around, as I was looking a bit too much like a chocolate person.
  15. That's a reverse scenario of you 'shouldn't confront people you don't know.' If watching the vid till the end, states the 'flag waver' had a legal concealed weapon on him, but didn't think the need to use, and pepper spray was enough to keep the aggressor away.
  16. I could have done without the first 3 marriages. Instead of living like there will be no tomorrow, started investing earlier, though it was fun not being too concerned about the future. But if I did crap out early, then that would of sucked and missed out on a lot of fun. So it worked out anyway. Aside from that, don't think I'd change much at all. Mainly less salaried jobs, and more self employment, for earlier retirement.
  17. Nope, natural weather phenomena have been happening for centuries. That people still built and live in areas affected by them is a head scratcher. You can't fix stupid.
  18. MG isn't, didn't cut their price, though also didn't raise their price when upgrading the 2022 vs 2020 ZS. Did offer a large chunk of their govt incentive to customers for the ZS & EP. Rolled that back a bit for the ES & MG4, and that spiffy A$$ van. And I don't live in CH or UK, so any happenings in other countries are a bit irrelevant.
  19. Topic: "EV sales in Thailand...." ... UK irrelevant to the conversation
  20. Apples & oranges. Using common sense has kept me alive, and know what fights you can win, and which you should avoid. A 66 yr old woman, confronting an obviously violent 27 yr old ... nuff said
  21. Do I care ... ... not really, as don't believe GW is a threat to humans within the next 200-500 yrs, if ever. Me & mine will be long gone be then. The idiots that remain may have solved it by then ... or not. Am I doing everything I can to prevent or add to it GW ... ... NO, as I enjoy my AC, and O&As using the facilities that don't have solar. Not that I think anything needs to be done. Am I doing more than most to prevent or add to GW ... ... definitely, by being off grid with solar and driving EVs exclusively. What are you doing ? ... still driving ICEVs ? ... do you have solar, or alternative, or still rely exclusively on the grid ? ... still flying in jet, locally or internationally ? ,,, using ICEV public transportation ? ... still voting for the same type of idiots to make the world a better place, and actually think anything will change doing so ? Hypocrisy - the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform.
  22. That ฿240k incentive was a pretty good damn reason for us, and no, I wouldn't own a Tesla. They're not the only BEV out there.
  23. 30-80% more, though we're usually not done what ever we're doing, and most times, it tops up completely, another 15ish minutes. That extra 50% or more, depends on the vehicle and your driving. We've yet to need more than one top up to get anywhere, in the 500 kms range. On the highway, driving w/cruise control on, set @ 90kph & AC on, we average about 80 kph at end of trip, and we get about 320 kms per full charge. I rarely drive 500 kms in one day. At an average of 80 kph ... 6+ hrs ... NO THANKS, without the break.
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