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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Sad, laws are needed to enforce common sense. They had child seats in the news a few years back, and remember shelves were empty w/price gouging. Expecting a repeat.
  2. So 'ignorance is bliss' for you, reference to the 'love of' people/things.
  3. Yea, the daughter was OK, but the lawyer, that's a plot line that wasn't necessary, and seemed a bit too unrealistic. Still watching though, as decent time killer, but that's it. Other options are really limited. Star Trek had another good episode (finally), ending as a cliffhanger ... till next season. I see how they are setting up to continue, after Pike dies or out of commission. Had James T already and now Scotty joining the cast. Wonder if they'll keep the title of the series, or as spin off. Wise choice on the generic show title.
  4. That's a ridiculous statement. Check ups save lives. How do you get that great diagnosis, without a check up, or symptoms requiring a diagnosis. Not all illness have symptoms, and many, if having, well, too late now to treat. Granted, all my check ups have been money spent for piece of mind, but that's fine. 10k baht a year ain't going to break the bank, and eliminates stress. I've had polyps removed, no symptoms, even lied so they'd do the colonscopy. Had other direction/endoscope done also, since there, and found a hiatal hernia, I didn't know I had. Explains a lot, and now that I know, can manage it without surgery. X rays/mamograms, and chickie check ups saves millions of lives every year.
  5. As I found out last year, and that oops could have been easily diagnosed with proper check up. I was lax in that aspect, skipping a long year of. Though cost wise, would have been the same, just elective (next week is OK) vs emergency (now or you might not be around for lunch today) ????
  6. ???? ... not sure I'd spend 1M (@ 68 yrs old) unless they could guarantee me at least 5 yrs of comfy living afterward. Not sure I can get 1 or 2M baht sick here at govt hospital. If caught early enough, and elective, could always hop back to USA, use that medicare, though take a hit on plan B. Again, at my age, not even sure I'd bother. Twice I didn't think I was going to make it through the night here in TH, and I was actually OK with that. Kind of refreshing thought process, and does make one appreciate every sunrise & sunset, afterwards.
  7. Bottom hole size is an issue, so check that. I tested them out, 'sitting on', for height/comfort level, and one I picked was expensive in comparison, to one wife picked for other bathroom.
  8. Sell & install caps on the chimney flues. Nice money maker, 200% mark up. Every flue should have one. If a bend in the flue, then proper inspection should be done at both ends.
  9. And people, expats wonder why Imm has the 'show me the money' mentality for long term visa/extension. Myself, self insured my whole life, so saved a bundle, being healthy or pay for oops as they happen. Had on oops last year, about 250k baht total, but way cheaper than 40+ years of ins premiums, that have premiums & deductibles, more than what I spend here for basic care & check ups.
  10. Unless you suspect a health issue, I'd put the funds toward yearly 'full' check ups. Better spent. Know your body, eat & exercise properly. If too many unhealthy vices, get the insurance.
  11. Heights, although, not consistent. I was a chimney sweep, wise choice, although once on a roof, nothing bothered me. Going from ladder to roof, scared the hell out of me. I bungy jumped, going up & jumping, no problem. Looked over the edge when up, and thought to myself, W T F, are you an idiot, and had to back up, as got dizzy. The jump & rubber band effect was one of the best rushes, & laughing I've ever had. Jumped out of a perfectly good plane (static line), straddled under the wing, 1 foot on the platform above the wheel, w/hand hold bar, looking 1000s of meters down, no problem, actually pretty damn cool. Balconies & rooftops, not problem, but I can't look down over the edge of a balcony, if say 5+ stories high. I actually get dizzy/vertigo feeling. Bridges. cliffs, no matter how high, even if can see through, rickety bridges, and no problem.
  12. I successfully did my first online one while O&A, and processed in 3 days, and that, over the weekend. The hoops you have to jump through ... stressful ???? At home, I actually enjoy going to the local Imm for 90 day pulse check. Gets me out of the house, nice country ride on scooter, and I'm usually the only one there, or if Q'd up (sometimes a stack of PP/per agent) for something else, they take me as soon as I walk in. OK, low key, out of the way Imm office, just wish they did extensions there, instead of the 100 km drive to Hua Hin, though good for day out of shopping & munch. 1-2 hrs a year ain't going to stress me out.
  13. Depending what 'dump' you're staying in, I'd be more concerned about fellow guest ripping me off, than 'working' staff. I've yet to have a problem, even when staying at Suk 11 GH/hostel, though travel with my own lock. I've upgraded my accommodations over the years, and most ma/pa GH, you need to get by the staff to get to the rooms, or bungalows down a drive. Most staff being long term employees or family. Locks are only good for honest people, if a thief wants in, they'll get in. Easier prey elsewhere with less risk (cctv) of getting caught, with higher pay offs. Even the Ibis s we use, the staff doesn't seem to change much. A good sign. Other places having key card entry into buildings. Better choices = happier travels ... just a thought.
  14. I'm not sure about the reliable part, as I've gotten scripted glasses from 3 different chains, and didn't tell them my script on purpose, to see how accurate they are, they've all been spot on. Lenses made accordingly. I find the frames really jack up the price here. Cost wise, haven't a clue, as been 10 yrs probably since I bought a pair. Here's a thought for some folks, if a minor script, mine are/were 25/50, and last pair of scripted shades I bought, I went 1 level darker, oops, and didn't like them at all, as too dark. Haven't worn for years, as in 7+ years. Put them on a while back, and they did the opposite, make me vision blurry. Apparently, my eyes corrected themselves, from age & not wearing. So try not to wear them all the time, if you can get by without them. Shades I wore all the time, and I had a clear pair for night time driving, which I don't do much here. But while O&A recently, did try my clear glasses, only to find out they're useless now.
  15. Must be one of the horrible Imm/visa changes that we hear would make expats vacate the country ???? What next, no 90 day pulse checks ... the horror
  16. He's obviously making up his own rules, or holding out for some 'motivation'. If won't do the usufruct, tell you need the lease for Imm. TBH, the lease is useless as any protection for yourself, as wife can cancel it, after 1 of divorce, I believe, or use to be.
  17. Actually, them Yanks picked tipping up from them Euro folks. "But wealthy Americans, visiting Europe, brought the practice to the U.S. in the mid-1800s, unsurprisingly eager to mimic European customs. " Yank origin of ...
  18. It's a race ... will they really be stopping to enjoy all those 'hidden gems' ????
  19. That's me/us ... I had to Google that ???? ... "Fully Independent Traveler (FIT)"
  20. My dog Someone to talk to, and even lets me win an argument ... once in a while.
  21. I don't have a tipping practice here, as very rare to do.
  22. After having the E-MB, would never consider one with ICE. Performance, ease of automatic and smooth ride vs top end or range, both I don't need in a MB. No real complaints about my Honda Wave, but I didn't enjoy riding it, or maintaining it, or putting petrol in it to ride. Plus I get that warm and fuzzy feeling, from not adding to the local air & noise pollution with EV. Which disgust me when I'm in traffic with the ICEVs. That's just arrogant & rude ... ???? After the light changes, thankfully, they are all behind me ???? Did I mention performance ?
  23. That would really depend on which Big C, which brand/model (current) and of course, who is installing it vs price. Would hope anyone buying is researching the brand & models available, before just buying of the display. Read the specs & ratings.
  24. A lot has changed, for the good in four years, but also, a lot hasn't, as market is flooded with E-scooters (stand up), ebikes, and ebikes (in name only), and more like mini MBs, just happen to have pedals. With different battery chemistries. Really have read the specs, and know what you are buying. Some of the specs are silly & deceptive. Range ratings are always at a low speed. As are speed ratings, with low load, or even without load ???? Need to know battery size for motor. I see a lot that advertise way over their capabilities with the specs. Battery v/Ah has to match or exceed your motor size at least or you're not going very fast or far. V X Ah = W. Mine for example, has upgrade battery now, a wee bit. Motor 3000w Battery Type LITHIUM Battery/Battery Capacity 73v/58Ah 73v X 58Ah = 4234w ???? A very simplistic guide, with other factors, weight/load, controller.
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