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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Self diagnosis & medicating is fine for some things. Others should require professional advice. Also consider, if haven't already, alternatives to control what ever, diet & exercise works wonders in regulating body functions.
  2. organism. [ ôr′gə-nĭz′əm ] n. An individual form of life, such as a plant, animal, bacterium, protist, or fungus If that's what they want to tell themselves to make themselves feel better about their decision. It IS a living thing. If you don't kill it .... what happens ? That's called a life. We KILL things all the time, that don't have brains or consciousness. One life killing another, to eat & survive. One life killing another, because it's an inconvenience. There something inherently wrong with that.
  3. Most call it a 'baby', unborn or not. I've never heard someone say; We're having a fetus ... I'm pregnant with a fetus / unborn baby. At the point of conception, it's a living thing, a life, it's growing, cells splitting .. bla bla. Only way to stop that is to KILL IT. Stop life = KILLing life NO exception in my mind. There is no ... little bit pregnant or little bit alive or little bit dead. If it's no longer living, growing, you KILLED it. People can't say it's not a life, as it is, unless you kill it. Only thing that will stop it from being birthed, is killing it. Stopping a life, once started, is KILLING IT. Just accept that fact. UP2U if you can live with that fact.
  4. Do to it's calming, anti aggression effects, it keeps a lot of people out of prison.
  5. You might want to read what it actually includes.
  6. 1.5 % ... yikes. Spend it, as it's worth more today, against future inflation vs earned interest. And the best I've seen is 0.9% taxed (15%) Spend it ...
  7. Add in 2017 to 2022, and you're probably knocking on the total population of Thailand. That's a lot of irresponsible people. One has to wonder if many are not simply using abortion as 'birth control. "ABORTION statistics The Consequences of Roe v. Wade. 63,459,781. Total abortions since 1973. Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2017," https://nrlc.org/uploads/factsheets/FS01AbortionintheUS.pdf
  8. I went a different direction, sort of, although, its the same, table top convection oven. High temp (coil), powerful fan. Difference, larger (12L), see thru, and a whole lot cheaper, ฿850 Tested some pastry cooking the other day, and perfect results. Didn't have to fire up the 70L oven, or deal with the small inconsistent, exposed elements of the toaster oven. Strangely order from Sonar, at ฿762, had order for a week (52 in stock), but never shipped. So order from LAZ (Sonar flagship) ฿850 & Central ฿890 ... LAZ shipped first, so they won. xcld other 2, Central acknowledging & thanking as not shipped yet. Sonar ... nothing. LAZ & Central stating ... sent from Sonar ???? SONAR Hot Air Oven
  9. Unfortunately for some people, that not their choice. Either adheres to the Constitution, or it's declared unenforceable. Out of here ???? Although, coming from a federal level, there's a lot of leeway, for states to push the limits, until it violates the Constitution. On other matters anyway. Now on abortion, Feds are out of it, now it's entirely up to the states, and what the voters decide. You really can't get any fairer than that. TBH, I really don't think much is going to change. Really don't understand all the drama. Seems more like distraction to me. Those with strict laws already, will probably move closer to a total ban. Probably with an exception or 2. People can always travel few states over, as if they aren't already doing it, or simply start acting responsible. If not wanting kids, don't get pregnant. Here's a map of now, and maybe, and really not any big surprises, accuracy unknown, source NY Times:
  10. Going to have to disagree with that. Especially since ACA (obama care) came into play. It's damn expensive to get a script and get filled, with deductibles and overall family plans, before things are covered. Depending on one's plan of course. Go to GP, cost you, get script, maybe refill once, depending what it is. Costs again, once or twice. Then back to the GP, additional cost for new script, repeat, for another 1 or 2 week supply. If no insurance, then off the gov't hosp, more cost, and very short supply of meds, after hours waiting to get seen, depending on where you live. Or you could just see Charles, Bubba or Jesus, down on the corner for some Oxy, cut that in 4, save you time and probably cost the same ... ????
  11. E85 & E20 were definitely here in Sept 2020, and pretty sure, quite a bit early.
  12. Think you need to 'fact check' your 'fact checkers' ... "Using a vehicle's air-conditioning system increases its fuel consumption more than any other auxiliary feature. An air-conditioning (a/c) system can increase fuel consumption by up to 20% because of the extra load on the engine." https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/energy-efficiency/transportation-alternative-fuels/personal-vehicles/choosing-right-vehicle/tips-buying-fuel-efficient-vehicle/factors-affect-fuel-efficiency/vehicle-air-conditioning/21030
  13. It is mid-terms ... maybe some will actually pay attention with their vote this time, and in 2024, if abortion, for or against is an issue for them. Many should have thought about that back in 2016 ... oops I guess they were too busy watching the crazy man vs the criminal show. It was well publicized for those paying attention, the SCOTUS, was up for grabs the next administration or two. Along with lots of Fed Appellate judges. It gets worse, if you were a lib or Dem: "Trump appointed 54 federal appellate judges in four years, one short of the 55 Obama appointed in twice as much time. In the process, Trump “flipped” the balance of several appeals courts from a majority of Democratic appointees to a majority of Republican appointees. Trump also had a major influence on the nation’s highest court. The three Supreme Court justices he appointed – Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett – are the most by any president since Ronald Reagan (who appointed four) and the most by any one-term president since Herbert Hoover (though Richard Nixon appointed four in his first four years in office)." https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/01/13/how-trump-compares-with-other-recent-presidents-in-appointing-federal-judges/ If people actually care about such things, they should probably pay attention once in a while. Not cry after the fact ... som nam na
  14. I'm NOT a DOC ... But with such a low dose, once and early in the your routine, I doubt if you'll have any issues with dependence, or even needing to increase dosage, as long as your pain level doesn't increase. You are way below what many are prescribed for pain relief: "Usual Adult Dose for Pain: Adults (17 years or older): 50 to 100 mg orally every 4 to 6 hours as needed for pain" https://www.drugs.com/tramadol.html
  15. I believe that's more so, they rule on their conscious and doing so in line with what the Constitution says, rather than being politicized, and worry about not having a job, if they go against their 'boss'. Job for life, erases that fear. It IS the last checks & balance of the Republic & democracy base on the Constitution. Granted, getting there, may have been political, but once there, the job is secure and in theory, politics shouldn't sway their rulings. More than a few judges have voted, contrary to what 'their party' expected when appointed. Remember, every appointee has to be confirmed by a majority of the elected representatives. No system is perfect, but the Constitution has endured for 235 yrs. If they, a Judge does screw up bad enough, in theory, they can be removed. If only the voters actually paid attention to who they are electing, along with their voting record, instead of who puts out the best commercials at election time. How many yanks actually 'know' what the ruling was, instead of 'abortions are now banned' by Republicans ... hmm This thread pretty much proves that point. IMHO
  16. Not with the MG, and kpL was marginal difference between grades, for my driving habits. As stated, MG was specifically designed (tuned) for E85, to maximize performance economically.
  17. Nothing to do with abortion, just life's choices. If you can't afford to have kids, then don't have them. I didn't want, or thought so, after a certain age, so got a vasectomy. Great song, (Mac Davis) and probably his best, Mac & Elvis. IMHO
  18. Yep, those S Thai border towns get full up with them 'good' Muslim 'tourist'.
  19. Anything I could think of posting .... would be offensive ???? Thankfully, the world is a funny place.
  20. Depends what you used, and are using now. Did you go from 91 to E85, and would think your kpL may or may not be effected. Our MG is specifically designed (I think) to run on E85, though will accept E20, 91 & 95. I've tested 3, not 95, and decided to stick with E85, kpL - cost p/L- and performance, and E85 works best for us. Actually performs better, IMHO, on E85. Being the least expensive of the lot, is just a major plus for us. Designed for, and accepting, is a fine line to which it performs best on. Maybe with some component adjustment, it will perform better on a different fuel.
  21. Good thing we don't, and never will, live under Sharia Law ... ???? If I want to buy bacon on a Friday, I can, and enjoy those ribs, without law or judgement from fanatics. Equal time to Christians: If I don't want to eat fish on Friday, you can't make me.
  22. Seems to be the flavor of the month, though I see tough competition with all thing soon to be blamed on ganga. Last month top flavor pushed was crosswalks.
  23. Did they lie, or simply send that decision, back to the people, who have to live with that decision. Not 'rocking the boat' vs setting it free. Bit of a difference IMHO.
  24. Is it though, on the subject of abortion. We won't really know, until another year or so, and see how many states, change their abortion laws, since now not being forced to allow them. If the majority of voters of said states, feel they are against abortions, then many may be surprised, how the 'majority' really feels, as states start banning the practice. Wait & see situation ...
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