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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. To be expected, as most countries consider 18 (not Thailand, '20' for here) as the age of an adult, some, as the USA, need to be that old just to work later at night, depending what state you live in. And only 1 state / province in USA has legalized prostitution. The rest of the country still considers it uncivilized ???? Lower than 18 yrs, for age of consent, IMHO, are to protect minors from criminal prosecution for having sex, if consensual.
  2. I do, if any of the virus version was as 'airborne' as people are saying, there'd be a lot more cases, including myself. Social distancing and my immune system will only get me so far, and we were out & about quite a bit, with plenty of unavoidable constant, customer service folks contact, physically / arms reach, so if airborne, yea, me, no mask, no goggles, I'd been sick long ago.
  3. Take scooters out of the equation, and roads here are as safe as any western country. As with every country, no need for any vehicle to have a top speed much over 125 kph, and get there in less than 10 seconds. Voted yes / wave of the future ... how ever far away that will be. Not in my life, unless the prices come way down, or the tinker toy cars become fashionable like in China. About the only thing most can afford, and if going to charge the same ICE entry level car prices, need to bring the specs way up.
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