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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. When did Triumph stop making motorcycles in England? Production had been progressively been moving to the company's three South East Asian plant since they were set up in 2002-2007 and 2020 saw Speed Triple and Tiger 1200 – the final mainstream models built at Hinckley – move there too, spelling the end of mainstream assembly in Britain. Mar 9, 2022 Triumph Link does imply, as clear as mud, they may start producing again in the UK, instead of just R&D there now.
  2. Even this is dated, so may not be accurate any more. And, I didn't say 'all' Triumphs are made in IN, knowing they do make many here/TH. "Are Any Triumphs Still Made at Hinckley? The majority of Triumph’s mass-production bikes are already made in its Thai factories. In fact, apart from the high-end Triumph Factory Custom (TFC) models, only the Speed Triple and Tiger 1200 motorbikes were still made there. Since 2002, Triumph has steadily been shifting mass production to its three factories outside of Bangkok, Thailand. Thus, we’re looking at the last Speed Triple and Tiger 1200 models to be produced in the UK." Triumph Even they; Speed Triple & Tiger, and not longer produced in UK. Made in TH (?)
  3. Agree Definitely a step up, from the 'mini s' Wuling & Poco that are available here/TH, that are in the <500k baht range, and not very well spec'd. Though if the Nissan came here, it certain wouldn't be 560k baht / $16k USD, in which case, just get the Neta V.
  4. I don't, with exception to tetanus. Note to self; get tetanus booster, or not. I don't buy thinks people have access to, touch/cough or sneeze on, if I can't wash it or cook before eating. Though pastries & such, behind the counter would be handled by staff anyway. Trust my immune system for those things, with minimal exposure. Another reason why I really don't do buffets.
  5. First time, 15 ish years ago, when visiting Dr Oat, at his townhouse, only 1000 baht. Used once or twice a year for about 10 yrs. He is excellent. Last year, wife's visit was 3500 baht, at newest location. I posted earlier of a Chiro @ HH, not used, but others seem quite happy.
  6. Not an issue, unless you don't plan on cooking it, and still would be the least of your concerns. Everything being squeaky clean is not good for your immune system. Every infection strengthens it ... or kills you ????
  7. And rightfully so IMHO. He didn't steal money, but simply made it impossible to compete against his company. Why would he even consider returning, if a pardon wasn't part of a deal. That's just stupid. At his age, 12 yrs, or part of, could be a life sentence.
  8. First house and electric service, living rural, and testing wall sockets, and what a range in voltage, 150-250v throughout the day. That will wreak havoc on your electronics. Had a couple UPCs for that reason. That was 20 yrs ago, so hopefully, better now. Another great plus with having solar.
  9. I didn't have a positive experience with Mark Leoni, which was a bit disappointing. I'll leave it at that. Others seem to be satisfied with his treatments.
  10. No, I haven't used any down here. The HH forum speak highly of the Dutch (?) guy (Henrik), I think, at HH, and a few recommend him. HH Chiro
  11. Waste vs pollution, as you stated 'polluter' earlier. Wasteful, they yes, definitely the USA is one of the most wasteful of countries.
  12. Chanote is owner of the land. Who may restrict, or authorize others to use. May even give up their own right to use. Think usufruct to 'live at & modify'. In which case, owner of the chanote can't make changes without the usufruct owner's permission. Blue book simply a record of the house/personal property, And as stated, master of such, controlling who can be listed on as a resident. Obviously listed on, doesn't require actual living at. All Thais, for identification purposes, have to be listed in a blue book somewhere. Better to state why you are asking, if there is an issue or conflict you are trying to sort.
  13. Still a stretch, as simply too many people in CH & IN for the USA to ever take the top post.
  14. Never think about alcohol till eating something that warrants, deserves, is worthy enough to wash down with the suds of the GODS. Now if they would only start making Kopper again. I have 1 Snowy left, and fear I may never buy another slab of, as it's just not the same. Takes months for me to finish a slab of Snowy.
  15. I've used 3 Chiros here, and they've all used manipulation and adjustments. Two good (Thai ?) & 1 (westerner) was useless, simply not strong enough to do anything.
  16. Dr Oat ... you won't be disappointed, till you pay. He is a bit expensive, unless having insurance. Request him only, as he may have other on staff. I've only used him, so can't comment on anyone else, if on premises. He won't touch you till you get X-rays and bring the snaps with you, or your med records. Or he'll send to get w/referral. https://doctoroat.com/ Gmap
  17. yep ... savings savings and .... savings. No trips to petrol station, minimal to dealer for check ups, and they are fast. Last time, done before I finished my coffee ???? That we don't contribute to the local air pollution is a plus, as I hate being behind ICEV spewing their vile exhaust when on the scooter. That the govt & grid are at the control of fossil fuel corporations is out of my control. What I can control, I do, and try to be as eco friendly as possible. Hypocrisy - the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
  18. What is it with the reading comprehension of members ... suggest you reread my post. Hint: ... 'my machines'
  19. So another 5 yrs, on top of the 5 previous years of spanking for daring to leave the EU. That sucks
  20. I think most of us/AN members, in THs are. Somehow that hasn't clicked, as they tell us we're part of the problem ???? _________________________ Hypocrisy - the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
  21. I keep it simple, even though having 2 yrs of Latin and simply go with: Bye Bye, place 'em on ignore list. If I had broken record, I wouldn't try to listen to it again ????
  22. Me - EV & parking vs ICE version of same Can leave it running w/dog inside (AC on) ... no pollution (ICEV pollutes) ... no worry of fire w/LFP battery (60X fire risk) Cost nothing w/excess solar Uses minimal energy Quiet, disturbs nobody with noise or fumes I can't think of 1 negative, owning the EV vs ICE version of same car, MG ZS. ... better performance ... lower operating & maintenance cost ... expect much longer life, 500-900k kms vs <500 kms at substantial savings. ... and, staying on topic, I can park it anywhere, leave running, without disturbing anyone. At curbside at a restaurant, and nobody is going to ask me to 'turn that smelly think off'
  23. I started on a 750cc, so there was no backwards or down in size, in the USA. Next up for me was another Honda, and 900cc. and more than enough for me & wife. Not as much fun as the 750, but not what I bought it for. Here/TH, the 125s were enough, as not going far or fast. Now have an E-MB (3000w), faster off the line, but top end or range .... nah, but I don't want or need either. Again, not my photo.
  24. There's a few bars in the area, and it is Patts ... bars & women + drunks Bars R Us
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