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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I wouldn't visit again, let alone live there. @ThaiPauly If looking for the island life, consider Phuket instead, as way more options for everything, and can drive off the island if wanting. Living on the mainland, surfside is pretty much the same as living on an island. Plenty of coastline to pick from, and a lot cheaper than both of those islands, without all the tourist. You only know you're on an island, if you drive around it, or at a 360° viewpoint.
  2. Personally, I would only build/invest on a red stamped Chanote in wife's name. Only 1 person to worry about. Invest what you can afford to lose. Think of the 'what if' consequences if wife suddenly (Buddha forbid) passes before you.
  3. Mirrors my experience. Never a withdrawal symptom. Pure silliness, and nothing but a money grab, or excuse for losers to blame something for their misery.
  4. Agree 100% ... did Rocky all on his own, most on borrowed money, no big production company financing the project. Quite the exception to Hollywood success. 100% self made ... that's talent, and why he is so respected by his peers.
  5. @gamb00ler Ours also only registers production for use, now. Before we got the digital meter, we did export on a few days. Our system is 9.7kWh of panels w/8kW inverter, and on our best export day, and on a crappy weather day, as peaks & valleys show, we exported 26.8kWh. Max production hours seemed to be from 1000-1400, with inverter maxing output of 8.8kWh, if sunny. We could probably have an excess of 30kWh, if sunny with our usage. Max production maybe around the 60kWh mark on sunny day. This shows we can hit max production around 1000 hrs, previous graph as late as 1400 hrs
  6. Think you need to add another word .... 'afford' to bang the locals. This is the only country I visited without bringing my 'companionship' with me, as not living with anyone at the time. I get the convenience of renting while on short holiday, but not as a lifestyle living here. Unless that's your thing, as it is with one friend back in USA, he pays them to leave in morning, not for the sex. I want a relationship, not an employee to live with. 4th marriage, so I guess that is obvious, not that I didn't enjoy being single in between, but it gets old fast. Before anyone suggests, 'she is only with me because of my financial status', no, that's not the case. Her family has way more money than me. She doesn't need me for financial support. Actually the opposite, and I've benefitted financially being with her. First wife, yes, and why that was short lived, very short lived.
  7. Feeling is mutual ... ???? I'll keep my socializing limited to the locals, family & friends. Conversations of family, kids, gardening, cooking, holidays, life activities. Not revolve around alcohol & hookers, or bashing other nationalities.
  8. I thought that was the whole point of life, 'to bang the locals' where ever that may be. Or be banged by the locals, I'm easy. While passing time, simply living, doing other things one enjoys. I didn't come here to socialize & make friends, especially with the foreigner lot that seem to come here due to financial issues, social skill/relationship & alcohol problems. Was a bit anti social back in the mother land (USA), even more so here. At least back there, most didn't seem to be the from the bottom of the barrel. Talk about dysfunctional .. making me look good ????
  9. I FF to 19 mins, in time to catch this little tidbit ... "remember, this is a 'poor man's' EV" ... ???? Damn rich people, paying more than 1M for 4 wheels ... rich basstards ???? Not sure if price is accurate or even available in TH yet:
  10. Don't move to a country if you can't afford to live there. When did 400k baht in the bank ever deem anyone as being wealthy. If you can't rustle up 400k, you really shouldn't be living overseas. Maybe have 1 kid instead of 3. Don't know what dual pricing has to do with visa approval.
  11. Apparently not, and Nazi symbols are a fine example. As is denying the holocausts. Free expression is not longer free in the west. Or even using the wrong pronouns or certain words, not yet illegal, but also not allowed. Not catering your services to certain groups you don't agree with seems to be illegal in some place.
  12. If 3 weeks without alcohol is a milestone, you may have a problem. If constantly thinking about your alcohol intake, you may have a problem.
  13. Answer was given, and a few devices are available for that info. I was just posting the 'graph' that JB mentioned. Although TBH, don't know why I bothered, as you don't believe anything anyone posts, and will never buy an EV anyway. You could be standing in the lot, with EV next to you, being scanned, info provided, and you'd think of some silly reason to doubt the info right in front of you. Have a nice day
  14. Enough to know what was in the Blue Book, along my wife is Thai ... go figure. Give it a rest. Again, I go by my experiences. You do a lot of reading, (are those govt sites & in Thai) but it doesn't always go like that in the real world. Amphur/province dependent. Nothing was allowed to be done, with chanote/house, without my permission, for the lots/house I had (all) usufruct on. YMMV
  15. couldn't help myself ... going down memory lane ???? First 3 covered first 5ish years of driving.
  16. Pedal bike pre first purchase, 1974 ... First 1966 (?) VW Van - hippy dippy days Next up, 1950 Buick Special 1965 Buick SportWagon w/glass roof 1963 Chevy Impala 1968 (?) Ford Fairlane Wagon Then moved on to JP vehicles, at least 1 while owning USA crap at same time 1979 Datsun 310 Not in order, but close Chysler New Yorker 1976 Honda 750cc 1980 Honda 900cc 1976 Monte Carlo Caddy Coup de Ville 1986 (?) Nissan Pick up (only new purchase (work) 1980 Pontiac Firebird Mazda 323 1973 Chevy Vega (worst car ever) 1969 (?) Dodge Dart (2nd worst) Ford F100 Pick up Ford Escort (Rebadged Mazda) 1988 Nissan Maxima Thailand ... 2001 (?) 2006 (?) Toyota Vios (2) 2012 Mazda 2 sedan MG ZS (ICE) 2020 MG ZS EV 2022
  17. Kick has had some issues, so may want to Google about them. No experience with it myself. Like the look of the Cross, but again, no experience. Helpful, I know. Google 'nissan kick issues'.
  18. I thought Tug's comment was spot on. If not mismanaged, then they would have been prepared for such an 'incident'. Govts, local, county, state, fed are suppose to pass regulations on 'what if' scenarios.
  19. That would depend on the charge, how long ago, is there a record, and or was it expunged. I've had felony charges/conviction expunged. Actually, I've had every arrest/conviction expunged, and I think just the 1 was a felony. Carrying a concealed weapon without a permit (for that state), as PA, USA permit/license to carry isn't recognized in FL, USA. Lets say for instance it was a drug charge, Many of those in the USA, were auto expunged when the law changed. Remember Trump doing something, that freed many for their charges, and appropriate as the law was quite racially bias. Forget the specifics, but I believer cleared a lot of records. You use to get 10 yrs for a joint in Texas, now it might be legal or just a minor misdemeanor. Anyone can partition the court/state (USA) to expunge a record, neither hard nor expensive, crime dependent. Especially if being a good little boy since.
  20. Please ask a different questing than ... ... how soon to replace battery? ... A - 500-900 kms before they go below 70% capacity, for LFP, and that's actually a negative # (70%). Batteries don't need to be replace, just the bad module (make/model specific) ... How much more do they cost than ICEVs? ... A - they don't. Same price or cheaper as JP imports of ICEVs, even entry level 'Made in TH' cars, though you do get what you pay for. ... How much more fire prone are they to ICEVs? ... A - less prone (reports of ICEVs being 60X likely) ... Are they cheaper to operate & maintain? ... A - yes, 91 petrol now 38.79/L (PKK) PEA 4.25/kwh ... Do they pollute as much when driven? ... A - No For Thailand ... ... Does TH have an excellent CS network? ... A =Hell Yea, to avoid Q on weekends, simply reserve ... Installing Solar is inexpensive, relative to UK, EU, US ... electric PEA/MEA is inexpensive, relative to UK, EU, US ... resale of 2nd is unknown in TH Anything else is an opinion. Are EVs for everyone .... NO
  21. Every query has been answered over & over.
  22. There is no physical addiction, but if someone can make money off of it, they'll surely tell there is. What would be the withdrawal symptoms ... ... social boredom ... less coughing ... loss of weight ... favorite pastry vendor going bankrupt
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