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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Agree, not necessary inexpensive, some things, but a very good value, for most things, especially large ticket items & mandatory monthly expensive, dependent where one hails from. Along with anything that involves a bit of labor. I like the lack of any real RE Taxes, and accessible and inexpensive healthcare vs silly USA prices. That's a lot of extra money in the pocket. Got an ECG yesterday, no referral or appointment needed, and the ECG itself cost ฿200. Same ECG back in Philly, PA, USA, and price starts at ฿19,000 / $550 USD ???? Took all of 5 mins, and it's not exactly an expensive machine. OP's lifestyle, if believable, would be considerably less expensive here.
  2. He's got a Celerio, and possibly a pick up, from reading his posts.
  3. Completely understood ... others seem to have difficulty reading and understanding #s ????
  4. Like any product, it will depend who you buy from. And have a local (Thai) ask the price. Haven't bought in long time, but you'll notice wide range in pricing & quality.
  5. Oh course his phone will state full charge at 100%, if that's what he's reading instead of capacity. But how long does it last vs when new ?
  6. Cause of both fires ... unknown, but had o EVs ???? LFP ... still await the first real news of 1 fire ???? Agree, the facts just don't seem to matter to the anti EV'ers.
  7. I use Banana Boat sunscreen 50+, over the entire car, 30 mins before sun exposure of course. One must read the instructions. Reapply after it gets wet of course. I'm stocked up with a few 1000 tubes, though I did have to refinance the house to buy. But as a prepper, you can never be too careful. Who needs milk when you have an EV. Priorities ????
  8. So now the argument is, don't buy an EV, since you can't charge at home with solar, because the solar panels will catch fire. I await someone to post you can't park EVs in the sun, as they'll catch fire. What silliness next ?
  9. Not familiar with BB, but enjoy his work through out his career. Reading @ 83 rather than my age or younger is inspirational ???? R I P
  10. You can't fix stupid. Good for him, but I almost feel sorry for folks that were regular readers of his trash. Trink was interesting & informative at times, but stickman ... Holy Buddha, what trash.
  11. I'm feeling extremely poor, when I see these prices. £60k = ฿2,653,366, the cost of our MG + House ???? Or...extremely intelligent ????
  12. Ours was ฿949 vs ฿2.5M, and even slower, I think 8.5 sec. I like the thought of getting paid every time I step on the accelerator, but arriving 5 seconds later ... ???? Especially considering how often I'm the lead vehicle from any intersection ????
  13. Agree, that horse is dead, leave it alone. They're simply people, no different than anyone else, just picked a different profession. Relationships work or don't work, for numerous reasons, but rarely because of one partners job (past or present), unless it takes them away from home. I know some that didn't work, but most I suspect meeting in a bar, did work. I'm really not one to ask, "where did you meet".
  14. Just when you thought the discussion couldn't get any sillier ... ... now solar panels catching on fire ???? That would be some really poor installation and not up to code obviously. DIY'er which didn't do their research. I was a Chimney Sweep, and had to report a few home owners to the Fire Dept to tag their fireplace or wood stoves for poor installation or lack of maintenance, once coated with creosote slag. Simply my responsibility to do so, and helps avoid law suits for not. Hard to believe how irresponsible people were with their family's lives. Some were damn scary and accidents waiting to happen. I'm sure the same happens with so many electrical installation, whether solar or other DIY projects. I little bit of knowledge can be extremely dangerous.
  15. We're talking middle class obviously. Couples with incomes around 50k a month & up, or groups of youngins, all staying in same room on budget. Maybe on Mommy & Daddy's sip baht. Krung Thep weeekenders, surely few from villages afar. Cost of petrol and just camping, let alone hotel stays, would be burden on their budget.
  16. Having a hard time believing the OP's concern about $3500 a month to live in TH, exceeding most expats income (or so I read), and wants a bit more, when already paying $5k a month for sex in the USA. With that type of income/expense, why not just find some friends w/benefits. Guessing a troll, or he is really fat, ugly, or lacks any personality, or simply extreme introvert. I can understand P4P on a holiday, as simply convenient, but on a daily life existence in your home country long term. I must be missing something or lived a different lifestyle than many.
  17. Who pays their wife or GF a salary, she's not an employee ... unless she is of course. Kind of changes the dynamics of the relationship, if you can even call it that. He, she, it is either your partner in a relationship ,,, or: ... hooker who cleans & cooks, hopefully ... maid who has sex with you Is she there for you, or a salary ? Nothing wrong with that, as long as it's established in the beginning.
  18. I'm thankful for that. Loving most are too lazy or impatient to go the extra 100kms/1 hr drive to our area. Pure Bliss. Easy to understand why the #1-2-3 choice, <2 hr to Patts from T21/Asok, or 2-3 hr to CA/HH area, without traffic. A nice break from the city.
  19. the 60X stat is claims paid for ICEV fires, and that is a per 100k stat (link posted a few times already). 150X more cars, simply would mean 150X those same 60X. If you are correct, that's a lot of ICEV fires. Scary stuff indeed. I'm still waiting for the news-blip of that 1 LFP battery powered EV that had a fire, and apparently, that hasn't flamed up yet. .... I'll wait.
  20. My stats are from them, but pay out by insurance company. Real stats paid out. Consider those are old stats, and probably don't include any LFP fires, or which, I don't any have ever been report, and we're not talking on YT. Real news.
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