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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Watching the vid, it was a larger golf cart type of EV, and I may be wrong, but that squarish, rectangular box thingy, sure does look like where the batteries would be placed, and surprisingly, looking intact. Was it really a lithium battery, as if that is the battery compartment, it's way bigger than needed for a 72v lithium battery. Or could simply be support for the seat, and battery bay was elsewhere. Was it being charged at the time of the fire. A few question that need to be addressed, such as 'the cause'. Extinguishing the fire in 20 minutes, counter to the reports of how hard it is to extinguish lithium battery fires. Just a thought. I'll await the follow up, which will never arrive. All safe, and that's all that matters ????
  2. How many times are you going to post it ? There's a few more EV thread you can post it on. A 5 day old story, and the echo box news-blips seem to be leaving out these to little tidbits, possibly from the original story, 5 days ago ... .... "All 12 individuals are safe and taken to the Sri Rayong Hospital for check-ups" ... "The university said an investigative committee was formed to determine the cause of the fire." Taken to hospital for smoke inhalation, not burns or flying bits & pieces. https://www.newsflare.com/video/582899/twelve-people-injured-when-car-battery-explodes-at-school-in-thailand
  3. Didn't dismiss anything, just stated what wasn't stated. Not denying EV's batteries have oops, that's a proven fact.
  4. Catchy headline, but a 72v battery (I think) would be used in a golf cart type thing, or a MB. My scooter has a 72v battery, and wouldn't power much more than a golf cart, which wouldn't go far with much of a load. Not much info beyond the headline, and 'injured' may be a stretch. Other 'echo box' news-blip ... "All 12 individuals are safe and taken to the Sri Rayong Hospital for check-ups" Along with ... "The university said an investigative committee was formed to determine the cause of the fire." 5 days later, and still no cause reported, and if not the EV's battery as the cause, will that fact make the news ... doubtful. Here's a better story for your spin. Sh!t happens, get over it: https://tpnnational.com/2020/10/02/two-school-buses-and-a-school-building-burst-into-flames-after-electric-bus-battery-explosion-at-international-school-in-bangkok/
  5. It's a start, a work in progress, but as stated above, they really need to use a universal battery, as would make things much simpler. Need to break the grid's dependence on fossil fuel generate electrics. Solar on every rooftop would be a practical start. Mandated for all new construction, where applicable.
  6. Just ignore the troll ... easier. Agree, has nothing to do with religion, as some folks, like myself, Atheist, just isn't interested in the P4P industry, or have any use for it. Fun people watching, at times. I'm certainly not anti-self employment, as actually a big fan of it, and respect their choice. Do agree many hate the work/customers, but love the pay. Pretty much my opinion of most of my salaried jobs. Then surely others, quite enjoy the work & the pay. I wish I got paid for sex and if lucky, they get to pick their customers, or at least charge silly price to tolerate the rest.
  7. Clouds, rain, even high pollution levels block the sun's rays from hitting the panels. Very real production fluctuation because of it. I can look at the inverter showing real time drop in production as sunlight is blocked by clouds. As stated, if needed, simple solution would be more panels. Thankfully not needed, as when the sun isn't brutally hot, no need to run the ACs as abusive when temps are high. Of course if need to charge your EV, and didn't plan it well, may need to supplement with the grid. Advantage of having 2 EVs, as 1 is always topped up.
  8. If not for bad luck, I wouldn't have any. It's only dumb luck, that I didn't kill myself, with some of the stupid crap I did & survived. I had every excuse to be a total failure; home life, useless parents, no guidance, access & use to some of the most powerful drugs. Once past that stage of suicidal behavior, self taught & self motivation got me to financial independence & early retirement. And a few speed bumps along the way, after giving up the recklessness, but all worth the effort.
  9. Another inaccurate headline: "77 years ago, on April Foolʻs Day 1946, Hilo and the surrounding coast was hit by the most devastating tsunami in Hawaiʻi’s modern history. The death toll was 158." Along with ... was it a natural disaster? as cause of fire is unknown. Was it powerline ignited, or someone's brush fire that got out of control ?
  10. That's not creepy ... do you stare at them, hoping they will ? Do you try to initiate eye contact with Thai men also ?
  11. Been there a few times myself, not a fan, and can't think of a reason to return to the area.
  12. Then move there or elsewhere. I chose to live here in TH, nobody forced me, or is forcing me to stay. The system was here before I got here, and has changed very little, actually none that affects me. You have choices.
  13. Suggested before, Khao Kho, Phetchabun then keep going to Nan - Bo Kluea - Pua, - Nan Loop
  14. Tak-Mai Sot then up to MHS, or down to Umphang/Thi Lo Su Waterfall, research the falls first though.
  15. @bignok Nice list See you're missing the far west, Tak and along Myanmar border. And Kanchanaburi and up to Mon Bridge/Sangkhla Buri District of Kanchanaburi. Our O&As this year (8 months), mostly June/July, and headed to the far S (gulf side) next week or so, maybe hop over to Satun/Trang on the way back up.
  16. I gave them all a reprieve a while back, and that took awhile, as had to do each individually. Used to be a 'clear all' but it's not there, or I missed it. Now, just shy of 1 page filling up on ignore list, as they offer nothing I want to read. Others I simply ignore when reading, know not to reply or it will be endless silly repeat replies. I ignore most of the threads that enticed my fan club to reply to me. The forum really is a fast read of late. Still have about 5 that feel the need to reply to me. I just ignore them.
  17. When lived in Udon Thani, we had regular forum meet ups, once a month, and met lots of folks. A few friends from those meetings, where I'd pop over to there house, or them at ours. Or just at the meet ups, and TBH, once a month seeing anyone is enough for me. Also met a few too many, whose true colors came out after a while. Some down right nasty or scammers. Now, I don't know any expats where I live, or with few exceptions, have struck up a conversation with any while out & about locally. There are a couple groups of expats, that sit surfside, nightly and or every so often, along with 2 new venues, where they hang out. Same 5-10 that live in the area. None of which I've met or made an effort to. Have never dined out either place, as menu doesn't interest me. Enjoy the Thais that I know here, and we've been to each others houses, or hung out surfside together. All positive thinking, open minded folks you don't mind talking with. Same with family when together, though most live a far now. Use to see them weekly/monthly when lived in Udon Thani. Mirrors my social life in USA, and not much difference at all.
  18. Plenty of intelligent, respectful people on here to chit chat with. Others, I simply reply to comments. Certainly doesn't mean I'd want to meet them. I did have 8 pages of ignore list at one time. And I ignore a lot of posters, and threads. Will usually respond when someone quotes me, though if taking you for instance, usually regret that I bothered ... ????
  19. Cast iron; skillet for most things, smaller one, just for eggs, and open one, size of a pizza, for pizza, flatbread, pancakes. Heavy bottom SS for anything else; boiling water/pasta.
  20. 1 in 10 yr usage ??? Just buy one, as not expensive, and you can use to wash your car/mb. For mold removal, you need one with 2 wands, or you either be stripping the paint off our vehicles, or not being able for blast the mold away.
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