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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Hmm .. doesn't seem to be much. Not really an expat or tourist town, I think. Closest one on Gmaps: HACC No personal experience of HACC, probably more available.
  2. Or simply inventory management. No longer ordering as it didn't sell out before expiring. As many note, fresh milk isn't really a Thai thing, and not exactly inexpensive. Almost 1/3 day's pay for unskilled worker for 2L jug ???? An aside, along those lines, the expat forums in Udon Thani, and folks constantly complaining about lack of western products on the chain store shelves. Before Villa Market arrived. Apparently heard & accommodated, by TescoLotus & CarreFour. Big C never really fell for, even after buying CarreFour, and ditched the western stock. Within a year or so, they (Big C & T/L) removed most western products as simply didn't sell. No market for it. Simply good business. Let Villa Markets fill the niche and charge silly prices to cover expiring product trashed. Obviously enough willing to pay.
  3. Life stories, aren't we bored. I'll play: Wife #1 ... first & last time she lied to me. A friend & myself emptied our apartment, and that was the end of that relationship. Young and no assets. Wife #2 ... mutual, almost. Till death do you part, seemed a bit long for me. I suggested divorce after 1 yr, and she didn't argue the point. Done, still kind of young, and no real equity in assets. Wife #3 (1st Thai wife) ... drank a bit too much, gambled too much, and yea, probably that also. MIA for the weekend, so door locked when she returned, I simply informed her, she doesn't live here any more. Done with that one, I kept & sold all assets. Had Usufruct & POA, about a year or so later, sold the land/house, without her involvement. Wife #4 ... 17+ yrs & going strong. She can bury me in the back yard, and keep it all, actually bought for her anyway. Anyone that can put up with me this long, deserves everything. Without her, we couldn't have invested and built our / her nice little nest egg, as I'm trying to spend all not reserved for her & kid. It comes in yearly, and we try to spend it ... failing miserably, I might add.
  4. You should have probably Googled that, before commenting. Have a nice day ... bye bye
  5. Being I posted the roll on I use, and if you look above my post, something similar, you might ... might be able to work that one out. Take your time. Hint ... most people would compare the price of a similar product.
  6. Yea ... about 100 yrs wasted not fixing an easy problem to see & fix. Oops, the cost of laziness & convenience while one's head is in the sand. Strange that it's only changing now, due to the household's economics. People finally waking up to, alternative fuels, are cheaper, and should /can be available, just have to ask/demand that they are made available.
  7. People & politicians may actually be waking up, and had enough of the fossil fuel control over energy production. They could use a moratorium on the influx of non Californians, as the water table has already been deleted beyond what is needed or replenish-able... IMHO Better late than never ... although I'm not one to wait for others. What's that saying .... 'Just Do It' Hypocrisy - the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
  8. EXIT Ultra Blue about half the price of Nivea and works as good or better. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if they came out of the same production line. Deodorant should be applied in the evening, after shower/before sleep, in case you didn't know.
  9. Maybe ... or not. Born 1949 https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/THA/thailand/life-expectancy
  10. yep ... worldwide indeed. Reading the forum, and guessing most are here in TH, because they got screwed over in the west/homeland. That they didn't learn from those mistakes is a bit telling. BUT ... Blame it on Thai woman. Nothing is ever my fault either ... that's my story, and I'm stickin' to it.
  11. I hear the grass isn't always greener elsewhere. Go Bag at the ready ... nah Rin rin rin ... run run run "People moving out, people moving in, why because of their expat status, run run run, but you still can't hide" - The Temptations ... remastered ????
  12. Hope for ... ... trying to slow what nobody probably can, as seems all a bit natural to me ... ... IMHO "About 71 percent of the Earth's surface is water-covered, and the oceans hold about 96.5 percent of all Earth's water. " ... Earth's water coverage Humans only use about half of that, and people are trying to tell me, humans are the cause, and may have the solution. Seems a bit out of human's control .... ... again, IMHO "Humans use approximately 14.5 percent of the total surface of the planet. As 71 percent of the Earth is water, only 29 percent of the Earth's surface is land." ... Human's actual use of AND ... more than 1/3 of that measly 14.5%, is used for farming, not the polluting metros. "Globally agricultural land area is approximately five billion hectares, or 38 percent of the global land surface. About one-third of this is used as cropland, while the remaining two-thirds consist of meadows and pastures) for grazing livestock." ... 1/3 of that small % is farming And wait, there's more. Yes, it actually gets a bit sillier ... ... "My attention was recently drawn to an estimate that 2.7% of the world's land (excluding Antarctica) is occupied by urban development." ... Say Whot ... only 2.7% So 2.7% vs 97.3% ... and humans are the problem and possibly the solution. Let that sink in, take as long as you need ????
  13. Don't think so, what did I miss, this century ? "As of 2023, there are 20 members in the group: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union"
  14. His imminent return is still in the news, yearly, since he left in 2006 ???? I guess he'll hit Elvis status after he dies, and 'seen' somewhere by someone. He is 74 already.
  15. Posting about a 20% increase would imply happy to me. Reading between the lines isn't really that hard ... is it ?
  16. To your reply, no, to OP, yes. But almost on topic, as OP is all happy about 20% increase YTD, which pales from the drop not to long ago. so only one way to go, and that's UP. Not back to 2021/22 levels, after that drop/low, and just a wee bit above Feb 2021, when new Biden administration took over. Things look different without tunnel vision & blinders on.
  17. S&P (USA) ... Chang (TH) ???? The price of Chang 5 or 10 yrs ago? Stopped drink Chang shortly after arriving, was something like 300 baht a box, maybe 2003. From elsewhere: "May 11, 2009, 8:44 am Hi. Thai GF went to Udon in car yesterday, asked her to get 2 cases of Chang, used to cost me 386 a case, now costs 395" Drank mostly Beer Lao, and that's doubled in price in 10 yrs, I think.
  18. I thought a minor ear infection from swimming at Ao Manao, PKK was a bit of a toilet swim. ????
  19. So basically, slowly recovering to where it was at the end of 2021/beginning of 2022. Reality, still down ... barely, if at all, keeping up with the rate of inflation, whatever BS number they say that is ... well done ????
  20. "At least 57 people fell ill with sickness and diarrhoea after competing in sea swimming events at the World Triathlon Championship Series in Sunderland, health officials confirmed this weekend. About 2,000 people participated in the events last weekend, which included a swim off Sunderland’s blue flag Roker beach. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said it would be testing samples from those who were ill to establish the cause of the illness and any common pathogens. An Environment Agency sampling at Roker beach on Wednesday 26 July, three days before the event, showed 3,900 E Coli colonies per 100ml, more than 39 times higher than typical readings the previous month. E coli is a bacterial infection which can cause stomach pain and bloody diarrhoea," https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/aug/05/investigation-after-57-world-triathlon-championship-swimmers-fall-sick-and-get-diarrhoea-in-sunderland-race
  21. Waking up tomorrow would be nice. Only goal in TH, was staying alive long enough to see daughter out of Uni ... success ???? 10 yr goals were 30ish yrs ago. Met all my goals years ago, before coming to TH.
  22. That one went way over my head. I tend to judge folks by their personality, intelligence, and how they treat others. I'll just leave it at that, without further comment.
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