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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Many do ... 'many' like the amount, is relative to TH ????
  2. Slang (or not) for female mammary gland .... ... TIT = This is Thailand Think you knew that though, one or both definitions.
  3. Reads to me like just another day, another Thai bashing thread. But that's me ... ????
  4. Don't know much about Desantis, but like the headliners I see. ... I'm against most abortions of 'convenience', for lack of a better word. ... I like citizens being allowed to defend themselves against career criminals ... I like that he 'reopened' the state, during covid, probably saved many businesses and people's livelihood, unlike some other states. ... I like schools getting back to teaching science & math, instead of teachers subbing for parents, and their lack of (IMHO) parenting on social issues at home. Going to be lots of mud slinging, for those wanting the hot seat for 2024
  5. Wow, imagine that, wanting to get paid for services rendered, before you leave the country. Like it was the hospital's fault he ended up in the hospital with no money to pay. Didn't read and 'thank you s' for saving his life and keeping him alive.
  6. Looks like a Pall Mall or non filter Camel cig to me. Not a tapered end toothpick. Cones didn't, don't exist in my world, so no experience with them. Not a pipe or bang fan. Not even a smoking fan, why I indulge so infrequently. May test out tea making.
  7. Does that without grinding. Don't bite my nails, so no problem prepping to roll a doobie.
  8. NO, no powder here, and all quite nice buds. Break up nicely, and roll up nice, to allow a good draw. Speaking of years past, before primo buds hit the market, and you'd have some shake at the bottom of your bag, hopefully very little. Which was a pain in the A$$ to smoke, unless having a bong. Would not roll up correctly or would pass thru the pipe screen ... annoying.
  9. Think it's called a cigarettes', joint. 1 gr net ganga, and burns evenly, and slowly. If I pay attention, doesn't need to be relit. What more do you want.
  10. Thought already answered, though may have been deleted, yet another of mine today. Answer: I wasn't there, so I don't know. Did something happen, possibly, but to what extent, if at all, still don't know. As I pointed out above, if not deleted, many things reported that probably didn't happen, but are still believed to have happened. TS ... don't know, and sadly, don't care. If that happened (1000s killed), and didn't cause a revolution, that says a lot also.
  11. Right you are, should have stated daily, as night time is more for tourist. Was amazed at the daytime "festivities". Not that I'm a fan of or would partake, actually part of the reason I don't visit Patts, but it is there to enjoy, if your fancy.
  12. Simply pointing out 'estimates', and wide margin at that. So which extreme to believe ? If you look at the 'sources', following that quoted text, half taken from someone 'selling' a book. That's not suspect at all ???? Now if I saw a live feed, from beginning to end, I might, might, believe that. With the CGI tech, even that becomes a bit suspect. I believe info from self, or personally known, respected people. Yep, so it's limited. So I rely on my experiences, which differ greatly from others, especially those stating "I'd never own anything from CH, it's all crap". So they are totally ignorant, with no experience, along with, owning a lot from CH, and simply ignorant to that fact. World respected news sources ... simply Google which ever you think is, and add 'controversy' to the search. Don't know many that haven't been called out for reporting or creating a false story/narrative.
  13. They really need to schedule a party .. as I thought that was a nightly affair.
  14. Condo buyers aren't exactly known for being the most savvy, when it comes to cost per m². I suspect most are buying simply for the convenience and are actually lazier than myself. If not for hurricane season, I would have bought into FL RE 25 yrs ago, since having some of the best values, and RE tax structure. $100k would buy a nice place w/pool & boat dock on the intercoastal back then. Peeked at a few, and very nice.
  15. From Wiki ... "China (Chinese: 中国; pinyin: Zhōngguó), officially the People's Republic of China (PRC) ... ... China is a unitary one-party socialist republic led by the CCP. " "With a change in the leadership, a series of political and economic reforms begun in 1978 has improved the economy and standards of living". For being a 'new' country, they've made great strides forward since 1978. Not that I actually care or can do anything about their internal issues, but by buying 'made in CH', I'm supporting the state, which 'does' trickle down to people, and helps them greatly. Being an excellent value for THB is simply a plus for me. Along with the countries CH supports around the world. It's work in progress. Shopping in or from any country, and they all make krap, along with excellent products. Simple ... choose wisely ... worldwide. OFF topic ... left the USA, so not to support their world terrorism, regime change policies, through tax payments, I'm surely not going to buy any of their overpriced 'made in USA' products if I can avoid it. UP2U ... but I'll buy the best product for the best price offered, and right now, that TH & CH. The wallet and excess pocket money toward "my' family & smile take top priority.
  16. If any new 'democratic' administration cowers to the west, and starts a proxy war with Myanmar, I'd welcome the generals back to take charge again. Hopefully no FTA with the USA either, as both wouldn't be good for TH.
  17. That's few generation too late, and certainly not social media's fault, and falls an very poor parenting. I consider that the root of 'all' problems in society.
  18. I'm not a fan of the ZS's wheels, and thinking of changing when comes time for new tires.
  19. @toast1 This tea seems easy enough to make. How anyone tried to make tea, and is the added 'fat' necessary ? Recipe. You can choose to make marijuana tea with different parts of the plant: Buds: strongest (use ½ gram) Leaves: strong (1 or 2 grams) Stems: mildest (1 or 2 grams) Simmer your chosen marijuana parts with a fat of your choice (½ or 1 teaspoon of virgin coconut oil, ghee/clarified butter, or butter) in 1.5 cups of water on high heat and remove once boiled. Once done, you can make the tea more flavorful by adding a teabag of your favorite tea, or by adding some honey, milk, or sugar. https://cannabis.net/blog/recipes/marijuana-tea-and-how-to-make-it-taste-great Ot this one, pretty much the same: https://www.organicfacts.net/recipe/weed-tea Ingredients Weed Bud Tisane (Medium Strength) 1/2 gram marijuana buds/flowers [7] 1/2 tsp butter 2 cups water 1 tsp honey/sugar (if desired) Instructions Weed Bud Tisane (Medium Strength) Grind the marijuana buds into fine pieces. Then add the ground buds to 1/2 a tsp of butter and mix it well in a bowl. Continue to stir the butter and marijuana together, until you see all of the marijuana coated with a thin layer of butter. In a medium pot, bring some water to a simmer and gently spoon in the marijuana butter mixture. Scrape the sides of the butter/bud bowl to get all the ground pieces of marijuana. Keep the water to a simmer and stir the mixture gently for about 30 minutes while the tea brews. Strain the mixture after allowing it to cool for a few minutes. Add honey or sugar for taste, and enjoy the infusion!
  20. How much energy does an EV (MG ZS) use at idle, using full electronics with AC on high fan ? Dog was chillin' while we enjoyed our Swensens fix., using approximately 1% = 3 kms worth. If 'camping' in the car, for AC comfort, 2% per hour, for 8-12 hrs, and all of 16-24% of battery used. 46.3kWh (usable) of 50.3kWh of battery X 25% = 11.575 X ฿8 = ฿93 < ฿100 for room in the middle of nowhere, in a pinch ????
  21. My last purchases were 8 & 14 baht a gram ... so way more than I'd want to pay for a wee bit faster buzz.
  22. I think OP's numbers 80/50% are way off. My peers, family, friends and coworkers, and I guess 10% at most smoked. Less so here, though I don't know that many folks here. Can't think of anyone, in my family (USA) that smokes, that's alive. Maybe 20 out there, still kicking. But I also don't understand how anyone can smoke or use tobacco products. There's simply too much negative information out there for anyone to even start smoking.
  23. With all my photos of sunset/rises, reckon I captured at least a few along the way. The only only green flash I know, unless a new superhero ???? On books, read all the ones I needed to, and all the ones I wanted to. I prefer to experience, not read about.
  24. If having notes (didn't specify, and I didn't assume), then why ask, as only 1 real place to get ... bank. Exchange booths, are simply extension of, one way or another. Unless we're concerned about a few satang per note, though transport to/from would probably negate that.
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