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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. ICE vs EV ... pretty simply actually. Continue to let them steal you money, or do something about it: https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2023/02/07/bp-boasts-record-profits-as-oil-giants-report-historic-windfalls/?sh=6617d57f26a8 "BP Boasts Record Profits As Oil Giants Report Historic Windfalls"
  2. As long as he does 30, that will probably be a life sentence, at 48 now. Shame death sentence wasn't an option, save the tax payer some money. Along with a few new inmates getting raped by him. Maybe a fellow inmate will do the right thing, and save the govt some money. One can only hope.
  3. Yep, that entry level drug, I remember it well, but it's the only thing my parents had it the liquor closet. Thankfully got off the alcohol as soon as possible, as caused a few issues I would have preferred to avoid back then. Thankfully weed didn't cause any of those.
  4. Pretty much it, along with getting off the couch, and at least just walk around every now & than ... like daily. Walk to the 7-11 that's 100 or more meters away instead of driving to. Maybe walk up those 2 flights of steps, instead of waiting for the crowded elevator. If you're not going to burn it off don't eat it. My weight as fluctuated from 73 to 100 kgs, and intermittent fasting, the past 5 years, has made it easy to maintain 80 kgs +/-, with very little dieting effort. Simply eating almost healthy & moderation. Still eat mostly whatever I want, within reason.
  5. Don't see it on IMDB or usual suspects for DL
  6. Poutine .. sounds like a great way to ruin an order of fries. Pizza cake name alone deserves .. W T F Not a fan of the 'fish soup', and how do you compare that to a kimchi anything. People need to stop reading krap and just eat what they like.
  7. Check that, speed reading, only notice the 2nd page entry, now see they are replacing quite a bit. That does make sense now. 670 sounded way too cheap ... ???? Ouch
  8. Certainly can't beat the Thai pricing, why I asked if just a 'bushing' / rubber part needing replacing, as sounds a bit inexpensive. If they even come as separate pieces, tie rod (steel) & rubber bushing. Usually when tie rods are out of whack, you'll notice vehicle pulling to one side, or slight vibration in steering wheel at speed, or just uneven tire wear. Does need to get replaces though.
  9. your last photo, looks to be a bit worn, overly compressed, and mid photo, a bit dry rotted. 11 yrs, don't last forever. Photo of a new for a Triton 4WD: From Ebay, but ballpark idea of the part: https://www.google.com/search?q=triton+tie+rod+end&newwindow=1&sxsrf=AJOqlzWds35P0pWyYuhQPSBkZg5CFaNccA:1675760011683&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj3l-bBhIP9AhU5TmwGHS7VD_4Q_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1229&bih=577&dpr=1.56#imgrc=liMcAog29MH31M
  10. No, that's not normal maintenance, or I wouldn't think so. But if out of whack, then yes, should be corrected. Must not be too out of whack, or they'd suggest replacing ASAP. Do you know if it's the actually tie rod, or the bushings ? End ? Gtranslate ... "set of ball joints, bow ends, right" ... suspect it's the rubber bushing and wearing out, or not, but yes, do replace... ... ball park idea of what it is, though probably different for different vehicles, just basic steering diagram: https://stirlingautoparts.com/blog/when-does-the-tie-rod-end-need-to-be-replaced/ I had to replace one once, after a horrendous crash ... .... Oh wait, that was one of my RCs ... ????
  11. Money left out could easily be assumed to be a tip. Though I would think, left on the pillow would indicated it is actually a tip, and just not forgotten in the room. Never tip, so don't know the 'protocol'. If so, I'd give it directly to the person providing the service, as I do at restaurant, when I do tip, and then leave something with the bill for the rest of the staff. The gal that doesn't let my beer go empty, and refills with another frosted glass ... yea, she's getting a tip ????
  12. If he was worthy HiSo, he wouldn't have to ask, they'd find him ???? Grown men asking where to find woman ... nuff said
  13. Can't even buy 1/2 rai of surfside land here for that. Want 20 mill for 100tw.
  14. Less smog means South, which means higher temps ... ... you're screwed. 'undercover sex worker' ... ???? Do tell ... Do you have transport ? Simply check the AQI of areas of interest. It's warming up a bit, so does give some AQ relief. It has locally, but I'm south of, and 30°+ daytime temps now. Kanchanaburi is registering <50 AQI. Apologies for those living there with that recommendation.
  15. Plane is available, OK time killer ... 6.6 (17k) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5884796/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0
  16. I can only be with a like minded 'retired' person, or one willing to be, as I'm way too needy ... ????
  17. Instead of a 'diet' as they usually don't work. Simply try intermittent fasting. Basically, you don't eat for 12-15 hrs a day, which I do overnight till about noon. Usually eat something, snack about 2100 hrs, as can't sleep on empty stomach. If asleep by midnight, usually wake 0600 +/-, and once up, have a large cup of coffee, and keep busy till noon; internet, take dog to park, surfside cruise, hit Makro if I need to. Coffee postpones any hunger, and staying busy. Quite easy, since 9 ish hrs is overnight and I'm sleeping most of it. Surprised how good it actually works, and keeps my weight good for me, without really dieting. Eat whatever and as much as I want between noon & 1800 hrs. Usually in bedroom with the wifey & dog around 1900 hrs, that's some kinky sh!t right there, catching up on torrents, then internet again. Maybe planning something, an out & about for next day, or just trolling AN ???? I'm 68 yrs old, so not youngin'. Decades past, living in temperate zone, I'd put on weight over the window, then quick diet, and lose it come spring. Not so easy when hitting 35-40-50 yrs old. Especially in retirement years where activity has slowed down a bit ... damn hot outside, or couple months of smog, so not the best conditions for outdoor activities, besides being a LPOS. Good Luck
  18. You probably couldn't afford the SinSot of HiSo marriage, Yes marriage, or she wouldn't be from a good family, what ever that is and good luck with that.
  19. If he confessed, probably got an 8 yr sentence as seems to be the standard for murder, no matter how gruesome. That's what the Nazi got in Udon Thani for stabbing his GF 17 times in front of her daughter. EDIT; he received a 10 sentence, and curious if the is 'the' sentence, or was it cut in half for confessing. As the Nazi @ UT got 16, halved for confessing. https://aseannow.com/topic/1090705-report-on-sentence-for-thai-taxi-driver-who-killed-american-with-a-machete/ So both, if not already, may be out soon.
  20. Used to do the same, inkjet also, when having a printer. Now go to print shop or Kodak, I think 6 or 10 for 100 baht. Not Patts, so no recommendation, but if have printer, just do your own.
  21. The obvious, better seating position when at the computer. I'm actually laying down when on the internet, since I have back issues. Sitting at 90° or less, just doesn't work for me, except short period, when eating. My brother was a big fan of the chair you kneel on, and puts your back at about 130° or more.
  22. Most mass shootings are gang bangers & drug turf wars, as rickudon pointed out the obvious. For me, gang bangers taking each other out, that's a win win, as long as nobody caught in crossfire. If look at FBI stats, random shooting are rare, most people murdered by husband, wife or acquaintance. Moral ... don't Pisss people off. Had this discussion over & over, with links & stats, and yet, people still spew the same falsehoods. Have a nice day. Peace Out
  23. Don't care what happens in CA or USA. Just tire of reading some folks with little real knowledge of the USA, justice system, laws and more importantly, enforcement. Plenty of firearm laws, but with a revolving prison door policy, what's the point. You got 1 million or so criminals entering the southern border now per year, since Trumps policy has been rescinded. They get court date, and most disappear. And if they go to CA, ICE can't even enforce the laws and apprehend & deport them.
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