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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I'm 68 already ... if & when, doesn't matter much really at this point. Just have take up a new hobby ????
  2. Use that uncommon common sense ... ... you'll avoid all scams. Stop downloading krap you didn't research first, especially on public WIFI. SOM NA NAA
  3. No need to ask why one of the reasons I live below Hua Hin. 75+ AQI is horrendous as far as I'm concerned. Thankfully only a couple months a year down here, though getting worse every year.
  4. Agree, and great that he does reviews on both continents, and gives a great perspective for those looking. Doesn't help watching EU reviews, in your home language, if you are based, buying in TH. As he points out, the same models aren't the same in all markets. He did the 'MG camping' review ... I can fit 2 Asian women with me in the back .... oh hell yea, I'm buying.
  5. The info can't be that hard to find. Though anyone asking on a forum, how to spend more than a few 100k baht on a new car ... guessing research isn't their forte'. Find the info, take them both for a test drive, decide, or if need more time, rent each for week, and get more hands on. It's not rocket science. Both companies, cars, have their pros & cons, and everyone's driving style is a bit different, so stranger's input can be a bit useless. Especially for a possible, expensive investment. I wouldn't buy either, and for the same price, get MG EP Plus, or ZS. Maybe even the new MG4 or another brand. But that's me, options abound outside the ICE market. Seems the OP's priority is 'power' and 'long term reliability', in which case, electric motors will provide more of both. Think outside the ICE box ... just a thought. Take an EV for a test drive, trust me, you won't be buying an ICE again afterwards, if power is what you want. Instant torque, none of that Yaris @ 4400rpm BS.
  6. Didn't open the link, or read replies ... BUT, why the need to 'bring home' Obviously he loved Thailand, so why not take a holiday, BBQ here, and leave in a local Wat that he visited or dump in sea. I really fail to see the need to 'return home'. I told the wife to bury my A$$ in the yard, and don't tell a soul ... keep collecting that SS as long as possble.
  7. IF ... you can maintain a 2 beer limit per day, then you are in control of your problem. IF Sadly, I don't know anyone who tried moderation, that succeeded at it. They simply lacked the will power, or it's true, and it is an uncontrollable disease. I stopped abusing alcohol about 15 yrs ago, though I was only a hobbyist, and it wasn't an everyday lifestyle. Actually extremely easy for myself, and have always had it as a hobby instead of a lifestyle. Use to drive my alcoholics friends crazy. They couldn't understand how I could sit and drink 1 or 2 beers, and be quite satisfied. They always asked "how do you do that ?" Set yourself a limit, 2 per day, and if you find yourself slowly exceeding it, go back to full on stop, before you have an oops and hurt someone or yourself. GOOD LUCK.
  8. That was actually just 2 slices of homemade bread. Toast it first, so bottom crisps up and (heated) sauce doesn't make top soggy, then simply melt the topping in the toaster over. Damn tasty for what it is. Already had saute'd mushrooms under the cheese. Make my own pizza dough, which isn't much different than simple bread dough. Only real difference is addition of olive oil, which I toast the bread with anyway. Quick & easy pizza, since having all the ingredients handy. Sadly, as good or better than what most restaurants put out.
  9. I guess a Pro Death hat would have been better ???? Outrageous: Smithsonian Kicks Out Students for Wearing Pro-Life Hats A federal institution, the Smithsonian’s National Air & Space Museum, just kicked out an entire group of pro-life students and their chaperones simply for having a pro-life religious message on their hats. It’s absolutely outrageous, it’s unconstitutional discrimination, and the ACLJ is fighting back. https://www.lifenews.com/2023/01/27/outrageous-smithsonian-kicks-out-students-for-wearing-pro-life-hats/
  10. The little things keep me busy & happy around the house, if not O&A. ... Another day, another loaf of bread ... Made nice ham & shroom soup ... Winds died down, so flew the drone ... Set camera up in bathroom to vid bird nest ... Usual, dog taking me for walk at the park, and cruise surfside, make sure it's still there. ... of course the wife is here to enjoy her company ... plan the next outing, coffer shop / viewpoint
  11. In the bedroom, purifier is <4m away, although the bedroom door is open, and the other main room, also has a Xiaomi purifier in it, so the 2 are cleaning about 105m² of area. Ceiling shy of 4m. ACs have air purifiers in them, but they don't seem to do much.
  12. Some info about Q10 & statins ... https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-q-and-a-statin-use-doesnt-always-mean-coenzyme-q10-supplement-is-needed/#:~:text=Some researchers have suggested that,for people who take statins.
  13. I think more than a few folks need to actually go exercise themselves, during pre-work hours & after work hours, and you'd see the parks are packed with Thais exercising. I know when I used to catch sunrise surfside, there are plenty. And after work hours, I avoid the park, as to many folks there. Seems people see, or don't see what the want to.
  14. Not so sure about that, just honest reviews. Owned MG EV for years, until he could afford a Tesla. I don't know anything about EU EVs, but at 2X the cost of MG or more, you'd expect a bit more quality, and software does seem to be a weak point with CH cars, aside from Tesla (CH). Tesla seems to get more fit & finish complaints, and a bit of a surprise. Why I'm not a fan of options, as usually where most complaints come from. Thai roads don't help with driving assist software, as painted lines aren't consistent as I'm guessing the are in EU. I turned off the 'lane assistant' in the MG ZS, as a bit annoying, though worked fairly OK, considering Thai roads. I'm not trusting of the software & Thai roads playing nice together and the constant nudges while holding the steering wheel is annoying. I'd never let any car drive itself, as I'm not that trusting. He's been at it a long time before his TB/Tesla channel, and makes sense of course ... marketing. Remember seeing some of his content 7+ yrs ago. He help me decide on both of my EVs, MG & DECO, from his vids. Don't like reviewers that don't point out any negatives, as simply can't be trusted. One of his older vids, a few years older than the channel he started or changed to TeslaBjorn. TB logo is new, again, just good marketing.
  15. Nah, it's just a machine to get from A to B. Materialism isn't a goal, staying happy is. Better toys help, but not needed.
  16. If you need a vehicle for that ... ... nuff said
  17. Everything the birds & squirrels have been eating. Tomatoes, figs, green/red peppers, mulberries ...
  18. Alaska, though haven't researched it. Yellowstone National Park area, mainly for the park, and at the park for as long as possible. Need 3 days to travel, at least, so 10 days. Too far, then Japan, for mountains & snow. Maybe even St Petersburg. Depends on weather.
  19. Nope ... whole country is smogged in. Even Phuket is in the 70's. We're still knocking on 100 AQI, and we're 1 hr below Hua Hin https://www.iqair.com/air-quality-map?lat=11.82098&lng=99.7841&zoomLevel=10
  20. Age 13-19 resist urge to kill father, don't die 20-23 ... smile as much as possible, don't die 23-28 ... test out being a 'working class hero' & retire 29-45 ... screw that, smile as much as possible, don't die 45-68 ... oh krap, I'm still alive, now what ? Move to TH, smile as much as possible 68- ... don't die
  21. Both, along with the other two for air quality. Temp & RH also.
  22. I'm prepped ... Solar, transport & drinking water ... garden is getting there. Daughter pointed out our greenhouse (45+m²) will be 50% larger than her condo ???? Plenty of blades to deal with the walkers ????
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