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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Our hotel room budget used to be ฿1000+/-, though usually don't do weekends. We don't spend much time at the hotel, except nighttime, so only real requirement is a comfy bed. Pools a nice plus, IF, we are going to use, but usually don't have or use much. Recent price increases of late, and sure our room budget will be going the ฿1500 +/- range. Last few ranged from ฿800-2000, and actually were equally comfortable, just the view & market was different. Chumphon ฿800, setting was riverside https://www.google.com/travel/hotels/entity/CgoIipaB8qu1jMILEAE/photos?g2lb=2502548%2C2503771%2C2503781%2C4258168%2C4270442%2C4284970%2C4291517%2C4306835%2C4429192%2C4515404%2C4597339%2C4723331%2C4731329%2C4757164%2C4778035%2C4814050%2C4821091%2C4861688%2C4864715%2C4874190%2C4886082%2C4886480%2C4893075%2C4902277%2C4905351%2C4906019%2C4918081%2C4926165%2C4926489%2C4928499%2C4930751%2C4930753%2C4931360%2C4936396%2C4937897&hl=en-TH&gl=th&ssta=1&rp=EIqWgfKrtYzCCxCKloHyq7WMwgs4AkAASAHAAQI&ictx=1&sa=X&utm_campaign=sharing&utm_medium=link&utm_source=htls&ved=0CAAQ5JsGahcKEwio-tjp6v_8AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQCw&ts=CAESABogCgIaABIaEhQKBwjnDxACGBQSBwjnDxACGBUYATICEAAqCQoFOgNUSEIaAA Kanchanaburi ฿2000, setting hillside https://www.google.com/travel/hotels/entity/CgoI49K_v6K6la5TEAE/photos?g2lb=2502548%2C2503771%2C2503781%2C4258168%2C4270442%2C4284970%2C4291517%2C4306835%2C4429192%2C4515404%2C4597339%2C4723331%2C4731329%2C4757164%2C4778035%2C4814050%2C4821091%2C4861688%2C4864715%2C4874190%2C4886082%2C4886480%2C4893075%2C4902277%2C4905351%2C4906019%2C4918081%2C4926165%2C4926489%2C4928499%2C4930751%2C4930753%2C4931360%2C4936396%2C4937897&hl=en-TH&gl=th&ssta=1&rp=EOPSv7-iupWuUzgCQABIAcABAg&ictx=1&sa=X&utm_campaign=sharing&utm_medium=link&utm_source=htls&ved=0CAAQ5JsGahcKEwjo1byh7f_8AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQDA&ts=CAESABogCgIaABIaEhQKBwjnDxACGBQSBwjnDxACGBUYATICEAAqBAoAGgA
  2. To the title of thread ... don't need any more rules, as they are strict already, simply not followed.
  3. Just because some folks don't tip, myself included, usually, doesn't mean, they, me, don't give to others, possibly to the more needing than those already working and living, OK. At least they are with food & roof over their heads. Though TBH, my charity days have wound down to about -0- since years past. Any extra is now going to family, which in some aspects, relative speaking, is quite a bit of charity already.
  4. Depends on the make of course, if at home, one could always consult the owners manual. Possibly for the first time ... ???? For OP & others, now you know one option before calling for assistance, which they may or may not be able to offer. https://goodhomeautomation.com/why-wont-my-tv-turn-on/#:~:text=If your TV won't,plug your TV back in. https://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS00062957/#:~:text=With the TV turned on,your TV should be fine.
  5. Yes & no. If you can't control your vices, or manage your finances, it doesn't matter what you vice is or not. The result will be the same. Has nothing to do with the weed, but the person. I smoked a lot of weed, from 15-45 yrs old, and still functioned quite successfully, and retired at 46. I know people who didn't smoke or drink, and still struggled, retiring at 65/66 with a pittance of fixed income for their remaining years.
  6. You're assuming yours is the only tip of the day. If they clean 10 rooms, X50, they've probably more than doubled their income for the day X23 days, and X2 their monthly income.
  7. Here's one on the river, VN GuestHouse, basic/budget, and has decent restaurant & veranda at, besides sitting riverside outside your room. Have a few 'floating rooms', and did NOT stay in, but riverfront room gave you the same view, depending which room. Was actually my 'go to' since a CC at the time, and comfy enough, along with close enough to some food vendors. But basic accommodations, and haven't stayed there for quite some time, though doubt if anything changed, hopefully. https://www.google.com/maps/place/VN+Guesthouse/@14.029827,99.522657,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipM3T9nBndzC60YQb1od_WUYhRAuJxYz0rw48xwG!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipM3T9nBndzC60YQb1od_WUYhRAuJxYz0rw48xwG%3Dw203-h152-k-no!7i5120!8i3840!4m9!3m8!1s0x30e374ea9f03e1b9:0x35347d17aa39778!5m2!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d14.029827!4d99.522657!16s%2Fg%2F1td10qdt
  8. @Yodarapper but in Europe everyone says not enough infrastructure yet - guess here it’s worse? ... actually here is much better, as few EV per CS (charging station) ratio, and never a problem when on the road. I don't do weekends, so can't comment if busy at CS. You can reserve your time, so planning should eliminate any Q'ing up. how do you charge it at home? ... just plug in to house current, using the granny/emergency charger provided with EV. Charges @ 2.3 kWh The house is Solar. We also have the MG free, provided & installed Wall Charger (@7.4kwh), But on the grid, and I'm too much of a CC, spiteful basstard to give PEA any baht of mine. How often do you have to charge? ... depends, if on a local O&A (out & about) as 2 days ago, then the next day, and it took all day on the granny charger. Today, I actually charged after using, from 100% to 95%, just a local park/dog run. Topped it back up when I got home, which is rare for me. Usually charge once a week, and that usually about 20-25% top up. what if you go on a road trip? ... have done 3 road trips, that required overnight and use of CSs, and no prob: https://aseannow.com/topic/1276247-ev-owners-…-real-life-experience-help-thread/page/4/#comment-17756935 is it harder to sell in the future? ... that's a big question mark, and unknown, since they haven't been around long enough in TH. BUT, if we keep at least till warranty on battery is up, 8 yrs, how much is any 1 mill baht car worth 8 yrs old / 180k kms on the clock ? Plus about the EV, it has a 50.3kWh battery pack, so at worse, if the car can't keep up with the battery pack & electric motors, we have a 50kWh battery pack to add to the solar system ???? Try buying that in today's market and you end up spending about 500k baht. Don't think a 8yr old/180k ICE will give you that return. Another plus about buying now, our EV cost 949k baht, and is now insured for 960k baht, if totaled, thanks to govt incentive. Actually appreciated driving off the lot. I'm a big fan of EV, if haven't noticed, and would never get an ICE again. Matter of fact, having the EV for a few months, I starting to realize how silly the ICE/big oil companies control of the auto industry & electric utilities is such a joke and amazed it has continued, their control of, for so long. Damn embarrassing really IMHO.
  9. I'll await the shower stalls to be added at the mall & PTT stations ????
  10. I don't usually do the tourist ghettos, tip happy staff areas, so rarely tip, and only when deserved, which is rare. Actually leave most paying up to the wife, who does what Thais do, don't tip, or just small tip. Nothing like a Yank 20% tip, which I had a problem breaking that habit when I first got here.
  11. Yes, I saw that/wiki, and tpb will have complete 4 or 5 seasons. One I downloaded was 4 seasons, complete. And yes, S01 was a head scratcher, and actually didn't realize they were 'short' seasons, one story line ending, then 2nd starting. So I then opened the folders, saw 'my' season 2 (or 3 depending how you want to number them), was 2 files ... say what ???? A good thing, no mucking around, and quite enjoyed all 4 or 5 seasons.
  12. Your first ... really ???? They are usually quite good, 99% of the time. Have to disagree with lopburi, as they let it ring a bit, and I'll usually not answer if wife near me. let her answer. If outside, they'll call back, she'll answer or she'll call them. Always call to make sure we're there, then call on arrival, as time is money. If I know they are out front, I won't answer, saves them the call charge. Most are COD, so they always try to deliver also. Some will say 'on their way' when calling 1st time, though their version of 'on the way' and mine is different, 30 mins vs 5 mins. When by myself, I'll answer, they start talking, wait for a pause, then I say "you ban krup" / I'm home, usually reply 'ok" ... if not, then I send ph# to wife and she calls back ???? Delivery service with all companies has gone from iffy, to excellent the last few year. There networks are well established now.
  13. marginal ... as I have to dry my butt ... less moisture down there, good for comfort & no jock itch. Don't feed the fungus ... ????
  14. I've always used PP photos, I think, and they are on light background. Always accepted. Hua Hin prefers you not to use same photo in PP, or same photo they have on file from previous year. The whole photo thing is silly to begin with, as they/HH imm. take your photo when there. I used my DL photo once, as only different one I had with me, surprisingly, and had to be 10 yrs old. Mind boggling. IOs used, Udon Thani, Nong Khai, Hua Hin
  15. No, though never ask for anything, and many times, leave the room as clean or cleaner than when checking in, since travel with a dog. We clean up pretty good. Actually travel with top sheet & broom, so no dog hair left behind If spending more than 1 night, staff never clean the room, and we simply ask to restock water & coffee/tea if provide, and soap if needed. Think most appreciate that. Tax & SC included in Hotel charge. If not shared with staff, or compensated, good motivation for them to move on to better employment opportunities. All my years of travel, never tipped hotel staff, as didn't know it was a thing, till joined travel forum, and only when in TH, which is a non tipping country most times.
  16. For those searching torrents, that's how they are listed/downloaded on some sites, others may actually separate S1 as 2, for 5 seasons. Also the order on IMDB/4 seasons.
  17. I don't need to pay for sex, directly anyway. I would definitely check out a meeting if I ran out of partners.
  18. Economics, supply & demand for said product, You can always sell it, but is it the price you want. TH no different than worldwide, plenty of avenues to sell or buy something. Dealers will have 2nd hand folks that will probably offer the insured book value on most cars. Then haggle up from that, or sell yourself. 3 cars with haggle up with 2nd hand dealers, and last car we sold.
  19. Terminal 21 toilets at Bangkok are high tech, with built in remote. Direct spray, pressure, even warm air fan dryer ???? On use at home and splashing all over, just adjust the pressure. Hopefully folks wash their hands anyway, afterward. Though may be a future exercise:
  20. Self Sufficiency forum ... ???? I don't need no stinkin' govt, PEA, MEA, PWA, fossil fuel BS
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