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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Better late than never…no? No charges against Thaksin. No apology from Prawit. Not really a winning topic for you junta lovers now, is it?
  2. Why have the junta never charged Thaksin for Tak Bai? https://www.thaipbsworld.com/thaksin-hints-at-collusion-behind-tak-bai-massacre/
  3. Convicted and sentenced by coup tainted courts. Do you believe in fair trials and equality before the law? Speculation…???????????? Democracy has won mate.
  4. Interesting. I get the feeling that it’s all tears from here on for the junta loving Thaksin obsessives….July is only a month away - you should probably start stocking up on some Kleenex.
  5. Your recollection is wrong. Also, a “senior banking official” who approved the Ratchapisek land sale to Thaksin’s wife went on to be Finance Minister under Prayuth. Are you opposed to a fair trial under a neutral judge as proposed by MF?
  6. Wow - you know the future. how did you go in the lottery on Thursday?
  7. Wrong. Move Forward’s position is as stated: “The criminal charges against Khun Thaksin [were laid] under the military government…We are proposing to…get him back. “Reopen the cases against him, and the judge has to be neutral…he has the right to a free and fair trial. And if the judgement [goes] against him, he has to accept it.
  8. Unsurprisingly, yours is a very common response from the Thaksin obsessives here. Why is it so hard for you guys to simply state the crimes that you believe Thaksin committed? Do you object to Thaksin receiving a fair trial as Pita has stated MF supports? The fact is, Thaksin, whilst no saint, is far far cleaner than those who corrupted the judiciary and dismantled democracy to push him out of politics because they could not beat him. List Thaksin’s 3 greatest crimes… can you?
  9. In answering a question, Pita said former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has the right to return to Thailand from his exile and given a fair legal trial. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/pita-ready-to-be-pm-to-reform-article-112/
  10. Methinks you are going to be disappointed. Expect the man to be mobbed by supporters and a constant presence on all forms of media for quite some time.
  11. Clearly he does. The military/elites cabal has been vanquished. Nothing but happy days ahead for Thaksin.
  12. He made it very clear what his “endgame” was - to come home and spend time with his grandchildren and leave politics to the new, younger generation.
  13. He is a dud, a fraud and a cheat, S well as incompetent, inept and inadequate - the sooner he exits stage left the better for all.
  14. Once every five and a half years someone asks you for some help and your response is to whinge and bitch about it. Champion.
  15. Where / when has theocracy ever been the right answer? If only the angry scared racist elderly white fundamentalist christian zealot nationalists had more sense - it wouldn’t be so easy for charlatan politicians to exploit them.
  16. Thailand has leapt from the bottom rungs and dregs to the tippy top of quality leadership. The voters got it right.
  17. Interesting view on FDR. Almost universally rated the 3rd best president after Lincoln and Washington. MAGA warps the brain I guess.
  18. All democracies are incredibly fragile. The fundamentals of democracy, particularly regular and honest elections, a free media, the rule of law and the rights of minorities, are under attack around the world. Last year was the 12th consecutive one in which the number of countries becoming more free were outnumbered by those becoming less so. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jan/21/democracy-is-more-fragile-than-many-of-us-realised-but-do-not-believe-that-it-is-doomed
  19. Pardoning convicted (guilty) criminals for political gain - how low are these Republicans willing to go…. there appears to be no gutter or sewer deep enough for an answer to be found.
  20. One person, one vote - deplorable or not, all are equal at the ballot box (even if the deplorable’s have a habit of not accepting the outcome when they lose). Should the MAGA deplorables win - do you think American democracy will survive? (What a sad question to have to ask)
  21. Aahhh. This brings back memories of the 2008 Preah Vihear Temple border dispute between Thailand and Cambodia in the lead up to the coup that bought Abhisit to power. Ultra nationalist stirring up trouble to oust an elected government. Won’t work again.
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