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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Red Shirts terrorising the city? Of the 100 people killed during the 2010 democracy protests, how many were Red Shirts? Seems the terrorists were dressed in another colour eh?
  2. He’ll be returning as the father of the new Prime Minister, he’ll be fine. When he does arrive back in town, Thaksin will probably go watch Avatar at the local IMAX (large popcorn and coke - exorbitant cinema concession prices are also of no concern to Dr T).
  3. I love how you think calling Dylan by his birth name is clever. It isn’t. You aren’t.
  4. Gibberish. Come writers and criticsWho prophesize with your penAnd keep your eyes wideThe chance won't come againAnd don't speak too soonFor the wheel's still in spinAnd there's no tellin' whoThat it's namin'For the loser nowWill be later to winFor the times they are a-changin'
  5. Gibberish. Thaksin is electoral gold - he wins votes. The others are poison - couldn’t get elected to sh!t.
  6. You underestimate Thaksin’s (and Yingluck’s) popularity and the public hatred of all those responsible for the last 8 years. Should we return to coloured street mobs - Reds will outnumber Yellows 100 to 1. Those above ain’t what they used to be, the democracy monument plaque will be restored. Thaksin will do as he pleases.
  7. Thaksin don’t need Prawit. Everyone in the current regime is electoral poison. Nothing to be gained by linking up with (politically) dead men walking. The daughter will do just fine. Will vengeance then be served???
  8. Thaksin can travel the world free as a bird because interpol don’t pursue bogus charges. Is that so difficult for you to understand? You appear to know very little about the “drug war”. Why is there not, nor has there ever been any charges filed against Thaksin for the “drug war”?
  9. This is Thailand. Constitutions are regularly reversed. The case can be reversed / dismissed / thrown out with ease.
  10. One without 250 unelected Senators, where the courts aren’t used to ban opposition parties and candidates on trumped up charges and international observers are welcome at elections.
  11. Nothing to see here. Jutaporn did a deal to get out of jail. The bromance shall be rekindle once the daughter is PM. BTW - there is no surprise in you agreeing with anyone who is at odds with Thaksin, the obsession is irrational and ridiculous.
  12. It really is such a stupid premise you guys insist on regurgitating. Thailand’s transition to a less corrupt society is not going to happen overnight with the appearance of a white knight in shining armour, it will be gradual, a step by step building of institutional powers and resilience. First and foremost, democracy must be restored. Truth and Reconciliation worked wonderfully in South Africa when Mandela became president - I think it would be the best path forward here. Tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and face no punishment, fall short of this standard then you will be prosecuted and if guilty, jailed. Military dictatorship is the worst of all possible realities - by a long long way.
  13. The attempts may be the same, let’s just wait and see if the result is the same. (ps - it won’t be)
  14. Interesting. Thaksin’s arrival back in Thailand is going to be bigger than The Beatles. Massive outpourings of affection and much much smaller, but no less intense, sprinklings of hatred. Thaksin here before the election, Pheu Thai wins 400 seats. Thaksin here at any time, Prayuth checks himself into an asylum. Bring it on. ????????????
  15. Happy to help: What was the Jonestown Kool-Aid? From a vat, his people drank the cyanide-laced punch, which birthed the phrase “drinking the Kool-Aid,” referring to those who blindly and foolishly follow something. Saying someone is "wearing a tin foil hat" or "is a tin foil hat" means that they have paranoia or a belief in conspiracy theories, especially involving government surveillance or paranormal beings.
  16. You’ve imbibed too much of the kool aid. You’re meant to just sip it whilst wearing a tin foil hat.
  17. The point is this, corruption exists in every society no matter what the political structure. Societies with free speech, a free press, rule of law and a functioning multi party democracy have lower levels of corruption. Why on earth would you want to deny Thailand the above mentioned anti corruption mechanisms by pretending there is no difference between elected governments and juntas? BTW - I am not American, you’re wrong again.
  18. You’re making the classic mistake of projecting your own limitations and shortcomings onto others. The truth is, Thailand is already 95% of the way there (to becoming an open, democratic society that is).
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