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Everything posted by 0james0

  1. Go back to watching CNN and MSNBC.
  2. You really have no idea what you’re saying, sounds more like brain washed anti American propaganda that was planted in your head by the msm
  3. I think he should keep up with his hard work here so we can monitor the general mindset of the irrational left. PS op, Trump has your back so sit back stop whining-nothing of your wild imagination is going to happen.
  4. Wow how definitive, haven’t heard that one since grade school When will you?
  5. Actually it’s intent is get the left frothing at the mouth and all wound up as is depicted on this thread
  6. From reading your responses here it obviously you’re not old school. You believe that you are a moderate but you are not- you have been pulled and dragged farther to the left by the feel good delusions of the left. Apparently many of you are having a problem recognizing the answers and having trouble differentiating between preemptive pardons for crimes that have yet to be investigated, charged or prosecuted, and those that have already been charged and-or prosecuted. This is because the media has not dictated your opinion yet.
  7. Oh please- don’t you think that it’s about time to get over it? Your party lost because of the filthy practices like this lame OP.
  8. It was great watching Trump roasting biden and harris during his speech- those 2 were getting cooked while trump put their political shenanigans on display and rubbed their faces in it.
  9. Are you lost or just blind? It’s blatantly clear and obvious what these political pardons are all about-so you can stop your pretending. Biden pardon these criminals because they are guilty of treasonous crimes that is soon to be exposed. Don’t you think it’s about time you lefty’s accepting that you have been lied to by the media and your corrupt politicians?
  10. Because they are criminals and the new doj is going to discover a treasure trove of criminal activity that the biden administration has colluded
  11. And you are a smart never accomplished anything that cannot even get close to anything that Musk has accomplished. Now thats stupid.
  12. Looney and delusional whacky that everything on the left is nazi if you don’t fall in line with them
  13. Every lefty should have been forced to watch the inauguration especially trumps speech. I do say it was great watching biden and harris getting roasted by trump.
  14. She’s yours now. You guys can pass that wretched rag doll amongst yourselves, you well deservingly earned her.
  15. Who cares if he’s gay or not gay. He is a butt kicker and that is what matters!
  16. Well in case you didn’t notice-we’re not the losers. And don’t forget that it was you lefties that had used MAGA as a derogatory term. Now it’s time for you to eat what you have served. Eat it and suck it up like a true DEI trooper!
  17. Welcome all! Especially the leftwingers, just know that you are now MAGA like it or not 555!
  18. The MAGA master. And all the leftwingers are his b!tch’s !
  19. Yeah okay another climate change debate argument. Don’t get me started on this topic because I will bring my relentless wreaking ball to the lie that somehow humans are responsible for it.
  20. Why is it that everything that the left and DEI people touch goes to ruin?
  21. Yeah that guy that so many liberals were raving about a few months ago seem to have forgotten about how wonderful of a leader he was.
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