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Everything posted by 0james0

  1. Sad very sad and twisted. Democracy didn’t go your way this round so you come here and pull a “The View” soiled panty rant. Lookie here buddy - time will heal so be patient and before you know it you’ll be over it.
  2. The FDA is beholden by pharma. Many of the pharma board members are ex FDA admins and vice versa. The system is corrupted and needs to be revamped.
  3. Every single person who was involved in criminally using the law to go after political opponents should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and hung out to dry.
  4. It’s refreshing to see these twisted democratics get their faces rubbed in their own feces and eat too.
  5. Pipe dream joke by the most corrupt DOJ in the history of the United States.
  6. No you won’t. Wokeness is being driven into oblivion. A word of advice-let go before you get taken out by the warrior ethos.
  7. How do these boneheaded nincompoops get loose out into civilization?
  8. He must be dealing with PTSD from previous encounters
  9. Political fact site? Delirious. Amazing you refuse to spot a drunk on camera, a politician drunk at that! Kamala is a total lush!
  10. I didn’t see it but if she showed up it would have been fun to watch. I’m sure her handlers took her bottle away from her before she got up there.
  11. It’s a shame what happened. I don’t like dogs and I’m in no way ashamed of it but would never harm a domestic animal even though those thoughts have passed through my mind countless times- endless barking been bitten a couple times and wanted to delete them permanently. It all comes down to the owner of the pets, do you want to p!ss-off the neighbors and the community or keep things in control? Because if the owners of pets can’t keep control of their animals then something is likely bound to happen. Originating source of the problem is where the blame lies.
  12. Because it is a heavy piece of metal vs a human body
  13. What did you win- did you give yourself a brownie point?
  14. Merry Christmas and sleep tight
  15. Entertaining to read about people coming here to complain about their mistakes.
  16. Posters of the year should go to @Social Media @snoop1130 @Georgealbert @webfact because they get more hits and responses
  17. No- you most definitely are looking forward to it to satisfy your Trump love obsession- Trump this Trump that - oh looking what Trumpy said today keeping you awake during your sleepless Trump dwellings.
  18. 0james0

    Mad Dog Fire

    Smoking ban is a joke. People gather outside puffing on cancer sticks and the clouds of smoke blasting inside the open building choking the patrons reason I do take away if ordering from a watering hole. We ate at a Japanese restaurant/bar in nim that doesn’t allow smoking but the cig smoke was horrendous. At least in the United States there’s a buffer zone and the doors are closed.
  19. I think Trump is toying with the left and the media and having fun with it
  20. .and getting drunk on aseannow trying to rectify Bob posing as a barboy
  21. You are part of the particle model, a finite part at that. So you guys and gals out there try to remember that when you think you have the right answer because on the grand scale of things it doesn’t matter once you’re dead and gone to “dust in the wind”
  22. X is and does not claim to be a journalist news outlet. But a pea brain wouldn’t know that I guess.
  23. Come again? Every living creature on this planet are full of particles from distant regions throughout the universe stuck on the place called Earth, a place that is not a origin of itself.
  24. Where and what is your source of truth? The View, cnn, msnbs, abc or AN? All the above of course and you believe every lie that they spoon feed you.
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