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Everything posted by 0james0

  1. Sorry for your predisposed position which is where your errors begin. I’d suggest hitting the books and learn what it is you’re trying to understand, it’s very complex and it will take some time for you to understand. But you first need to skip and abandon any political positions. Climatology is in its infancy and no scientist or university has a full grasp of it and neither do you.
  2. It’s remarkable as reading through the posts here many boys and girls especially the millennials really have no interest in researching with an open mind, posting “reports” from second and third parties that are not open to additional scrutiny and information. If science has a theory it needs to be proven by disproving it. Just a lot yelling and screaming here, and it’s so clear that many are not open to other evidence and it epitomizes fascism. Isn’t that supposedly the left is against? Guess not.
  3. Clear your web browser from all the garbage it’s collected because it’s directing you to what you assume what is instead of what is. The mathematics of leaf decay - MIT News In fact, the natural decay of organic carbon contributes more than 90 percent of the yearly carbon dioxide released into Earth's atmosphere and oceans. https://news.mit.edu/2012/leaf-decay-1004
  4. Erroneous exaggeration, 90% of C02 is natural, about 10% is from human activity.
  5. Chatgpt is a toy for the inept. I’ve fussed with it and it’s completely skewed, it offers no real insight. If anyone is interested in gaining knowledge then I’d suggest hitting the books. But from the looks of it it’s apparent that the habitual thread trollers are only interested in quoting cnn msnbc and google search results that make them feel cozy.
  6. Yes it is definitely faster and has more kick from the start. It felt awkward and the seat is quite uncomfortable. I was strongly considering the pcx because it’s more comfortable riding but not nearly as nimble as the wave. Still considering purchasing the pcx or something larger and comfortable. The wave is just plain easy in the city where 90% of my driving and parking occurs. Another deciding factor is the fuel consumption, caltex 95 benzene I’m getting 64-73km/L, I think that’s pretty impressive, if I had a 350 or 500 I’m sure it would be parked most of the time. Everyone has their personal preferences so I have no idea what is best for someone else.
  7. I had a click 125, rode the 160 and wasn’t impressed. GF suggested wave 125 and I resisted. I rented one for a couple weeks and after getting used to it I actually liked it, nimble easy to maneuver through traffic and can climb any hill with the two of us. I have no problem 80- 90
  8. The entire ideology is based on conspiracy theories to counter their opposition, it’s a common theme that goes back to its origins. Reading through the replies it’s clear, and what is even more telling is that those on the left are the ones that always predictably start shouting and throwing insults and censor. It has no resemblance of anything democratic. That is what I see a lot of boys and girls on this site do every day and all day. To be quite frank, it is really weird. I don’t think the future of AI will ever be centrist. But centralized yes it will, I assume those of you on the left want a centralized AI system that reflects the will of the few, not the will of the masses, correct? That is exactly what most of the leftist are spouting whether you realize it or not
  9. I’m sure you are not open to anything that doesn’t fit the narrative of the left politics. That’s is great that you can stand strong with an ideology no matter where it goes. But make no mistake where that ideology is rooted from and what history has shown that the oppression it’s created. AI has censorship embedded in the program, nothing cool about that whatsoever unless you’re one of the extremest ideologues pilfering through this website
  10. You’re getting close but not close enough, not yet anyway.
  11. Can’t, because they’re all on ignore and I’m not going to waste time reading the garbage figuring out the worst.
  12. This entire forum is mostly trolled by argumentative contradictive posters that seem to have very dissatisfied lives and spend hours on end scoring the site looking for anything to oppose. The thread should have been the Nominate Your 4 Worst Posters, because there’s is a heck of more worse that top.
  13. Wasps are not vespas. The Vespidae are divided into the subfamilies Vespinae (yellow jackets and hornets) and Polistinae (wasps). The Vespinae are split into three genera: Vespula (yellow jackets), Dolichovespula and Vespa (hornets). Apis, aka honey bee.
  14. What proper bike? No such thing as a proper bike, unless it’s meant to be a put down then in that case it only exists in your head. Silly, proper bike, give me a break 555
  15. Obviously socially dysfunctional and challenged
  16. Thanks for the useless childish response
  17. 0.39” wider is plenty for this bike, have no interest in changing the rims and stay with tubeless.
  18. I’ve pass the milk (baby food that gives a body oder in adults in plastic containers) section of Tops quite often and it’s always been well stocked.
  19. What kind of bees? Honey or vespa? Save the honey and kill the vespas.
  20. Wider, tread pattern, tubeless and better traction
  21. What useless waste of bandwidth. Does anyone on this site have any intellectual insight or is it all cow brain stew headed nonsense??
  22. Does anyone know if changing the tire size would void the warranty? I have a wave 125i and want to up the tires size. Change from 70/90 & 80/90 to 80/90 & 90/80.
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