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Everything posted by 0james0

  1. Now @ level g airport c
  2. It’s the same all over the world. The only difference here is that there are no secrets and everything is exposed and everyone in the village or community knows everything because everyone talks about every detail about everyone and everything. This is why adultery is anticipated by spouses or potential spouses, because of exposure. Westerners are good at keeping things under wraps in their home countries.
  3. I would never board an international flight without at least $4k in my pocket. Mishap with a cc or whatever would be very inconvenient
  4. I enjoyed when it was empty. Now seems like chaos and loud
  5. I wonder whatever happened to the open floor clothes shop on the second next to the escalator. They had good towels and cargo shorts.
  6. We’ve been using prefilter sheets for years with no issues. It’s remarkable how much it collects. If you used sheets that put a heavy load on the compressor then it’s probably of low quality sheets or an inefficient or low power system to begin with. Dirty screen filters are the main culprit of an inefficient system. Highly recommend prefilter sheets, and save your lungs. But if you’re concerned about saving energy then run both air conditioner and air filtration systems at the same time and see how much you actually save!
  7. Looks like he’s planning well in advance. English not first language? Dyslexic?
  8. yeah that’s right blend in…or move somewhere else. Why would anyone choose to continue to live in a noisy place unless they like it? It’s your choice, not theirs.
  9. The irony of the above shortsighted statement(s) is that some are here are believing the Thai citizens should conform to the pleasures of the expat guests that are living here uncomfortably and think that they’re untitled to be not infringed on by the local lifestyle that’s been going on way before the current farangs arrived. Incapable ones self education is what appears here to be s*** for brains or not very much on the bright side. Blend in, become a part of it. But if living with it is difficult enough to make public complaints about something that won’t change then it might be time to move on.
  10. A large-ish deposit amount is pretty common, shouldn’t raise any red flags. Not saying this is what you’re faced with, but also what is common is uncontrolled/irresponsible spending of the recipients could and has the propensity to easily get out of hand and bring much disappointment and instability. ——Keep your head—-.
  11. Please don’t be such a troublemaker. It’s like a stick-in-the-mud. A little friendliness could go a long ways. Spend much time conversing with the the lanna neighbors in the community? Or just stuck inside all the time?
  12. Smoking fish and meat isn’t a difficult task. Is quite simple. Personally I don’t mind farmed Atlantic salmon, it has more fat and taste pretty damed good to me. I buy at Makro on ice often. Just might have to smoke some.
  13. Maybe the cashier is desperate to be noticed by her colleagues…like so many of you here I see publicly desperately wanting to be noticed by other. foreigners. It really does have a goofy look, a goofy insecure eyesore look.
  14. As stated earlier, the monsoon troughs tend to come from the west and south from the equatorial weather river, and spin north counter clockwise and unorganized as the weather system, as a whole heads toward the east. Locality (regionally as well) it could be coming from any various directions due to the unorganized nature of the common weather systems that pass through. Unlike, for example the Pacific Northwest of the states where most of the weather systems come directly from the west in an organized cyclonic system
  15. I know this is a long shot- there was a wallless clothing shop on the 2nd floor just off the escalators at Kad Suan Keaw. Does anyone happen to know where they might have moved to? Or if they’re still around?
  16. Looks like the guy was just trying to offer help. But the you responded with a snotty remark acting like a bully. Maybe a little self control and tolerance would go a long way, don’t you think?
  17. Hi there! I thought I’d stop on by this ghost town just to see what all the excitement was about????. Well so-long, I wish you luck and try not to spend to much time talking to yourself ????
  18. Okay, so do a border cross after a 30 day extension. Something I’m unclear about: Is it possible to get another 30 day extension at the IO on the border crossing stamp? Or would one have fly out and return?
  19. After October 1, Will the land border crossing be a 30 day stamp or a 45 day stamp?
  20. If I put myself is a situation that I resent then it’s my fault, not the fault of those I enable around me and I sure wouldn’t publicly complain about it. A lot of guys come here looking for something young and fresh on the dating apps believing that some how they’ll be able to secure the relationship free of the family. Well sorry to break it to you but the world doesn’t work that way in any country. I would suggest staying off the dating apps because I’m sure most are there looking for a free ride. Unless of course your intent is to throw money at short term gratifications or a long term money pit. I don’t think it’s fair to generalize and lump an entire group of people based on the experience of a few disgruntled loud complainers whose situation is of their own.
  21. Right, it’s not a cultural misunderstanding. It’s a mental illness and human nature misunderstanding
  22. The above statement mostly applies to those who till through hookers and begging women at the bars and dating apps. As for the typical Thai friends I know, they are hard working and accountable. so I suppose it depends on what type of bubble one lives in.
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