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Everything posted by Adumbration

  1. No. If you do it 45 days early the renewal date is the same. That is you get one year from the expiry date of your current extension. Some offices only allow 30 days but mine is 45. I always do it early because there is always some idiotic new requirement or often completely new staff in the office. Over the past decade there have been at least a dozen new/different paperwork requirements. Years ago I was required to submit two copies of all documents including a photocopy of every page of my passport (even the blank ones). That changed with a change of staff. I like to go early because if there are any show stopping hitches then I can head off to Patts and use and agent. A friend of mine here had to do just that last year. New female IO was being a *ick with him and he exploded and gave them all a serve. They refused to do his extension and so he had just two days to get to Patts and use and agent.
  2. Mine is due in late feb. But I will be doing it 45 days early.
  3. Me too. PM me to let me know how you go and I will do the same.
  4. I have to do my extension next week. I will see how it goes. I am going 45 days early in case there is some new moronic time wasting requirement. Just doing another map of my house location drawn by hand. This ridiculous requirement was introduced 12 or so years back as I recall. So immigration have at least a dozen pieces of my artwork. I wonder what gallery they sell them to?
  5. Probably would not of happened if it did not cost 10 baht to take a piss in Patong.
  6. Yep. This is the only sensible post I have read in this entire thread. I will not be doing anything...until I am told to. And the only time that could happen is when I apply for my visa extension. No other interaction with government officials year in year out. I will also cease transferring any money here and live off the money I already have in Thai banks. When that is gone I will also spend my 800k that I have had deposited for decades and use and agent. I also want to transfer money I have in thailand into crypto.
  7. The math will be different if you have to pay tax on wise transfers. Cash will be tax free.
  8. I could not give a *uck about taxation. It is the paperwork and time wasted record keeping that will see me leave Thailand. Also after living here for two decades I have yet to find a single Thai accountant that is trustwortny and competent. I will see how this unfolds but I will be out the door if it means more paperwork to do my retirement extension.
  9. Prior to the creation of the Polis, law was not even a valid construct.
  10. Interesting to see this old thread of mine bumped because I was talking to the GF about her brother just yesterday while we were travelling down to Phuket. I very seldom raise the topic of her family, and she also. But we were talking about all of the great fish I have been catching this year and GF said her brother would be much better off if her were chasing the expensive ocean fish that I catch, instead of the 50 baht a kilo fresh water ones he nets up in the village. While on the topic of older brother I asked about the young wife and how things are going. Young wife is still living with the GFs brother, in the GFs mum and dad's house. Mum and Dad live there also and one other late teen (son of GFs older sister who is working in Korea), whom Mum and Dad have been taking care of now for about 7 years. GFs mother reports young wife is bone lazy and gets out of bed after noon on most days. She does not work, but there is little to no work in the village unless you sell something (in a little larger neighboring village). No kids yet or news of pregnancy so she must be on the pill (and taking it). Their shared interests amount to going to morlam in the next village and getting on the sauce. Young wife finished with school now and has let her hair grow out. I saw a recent photo and can confirm that she is a very attractive girl. Slim and fit looking with a beautiful face and complexion. Can also confirm that older brother's only income is still from net fishing in the nearby lake. His total catch sells most days for between 200 and 300 baht. This is his only income. Very interesting to note that older brother is also apparently unhappy with the relationship because the young wife does not do enough around the house. I pity the GFs mum (now in her 70s). GFs dad (80s) is now quite ill with limited mobility, so she is taking care of him, plus the older brother, his teen wife, and the older sister's teen boy. I have only been to the GFs village once a long time ago. I ask her every year if she wants to go visit, especially since her dad became ill (multiple surgeries), but she is not interested one bit. I understand why. She would be straight into the grinder to take care of everybody.
  11. For those that do not have time to read this piffle, here is a summary: The OP thinks that someone should be in charge of who is allowed to *uck.
  12. A million years ago at uni. I used to boil bush leaf in Ghee and then make cookies from it. The effects were very strong with a number of people who tried my baked goods passing out.
  13. The house I am sitting in now is full rendered brick, split level and 145 square meters. It is on a full red chanote block. It is 5 minutes from the beach in a quiet dead end street with zero through traffic. I paid 270K for it with the vendor paying all transfer and tax costs. Why would you buy a knockdown? Just find an existing thai house that has decent bones then renovate it.
  14. Australian pensioners cannot afford it.
  15. It is not a property boom. It is a money laundering boom. And where the *uck are these world class ammenties?
  16. The company has nothing to do with you.
  17. The bar was out of straws.
  18. I have a house and two farms all on separate chanotes. They are all in my GFs name. I have a usufruct over each plot. Three different land offices. Cost is 75 baht (stamp duty) to register the setee gep gin chiwit plus a few pennies for some photocopying of your passport and the tabien barn and the Thai owners ID card. Make sure you have a Thai translation of you full name before you go to get the usufruct because the machines at the land offices cannot print English on the back of the Chanote, only Thai. My GF has a will leaving all three properties to me in the event she dies. Lots of BS and misinformation about usufructs, including in this thread. It is not a difficult thing to do, but as some have mentioned the relevant land office must want to play ball otherwise all bets are off.
  19. Knock on his door and politely ask him to log off your internet because you need to use it.
  20. Problem here is not cheap imports. Like most problems in Thailand the root issue here is corruption. All of the manufacturing in Thailand is held by a few of the elite. So Thais have to put up with the same poor quality, lack of choice junk year in year out. Go to one of the mum and pop plastic shops. They are selling exactly the same junk they were 15 years ago. Compare that for example with the new DIY franchises (from Malaysia). Lots of nice new and modern style goods. Same goes for shopping online. Thai products are the same tired poorly crafted garbage, but the Chinese stuff (not all of it) is modern and of reasonable quality. The tough measures here are to protect the profits of the Thai elite by eliminating competion.
  21. Everything online in Thailand is poorly coded, fragile, and held together by string and brown paper. Most of the time it does not work. Like most other issues in Thailand, the root cause here is corruption. Contracts to install hardware, code architecture and maintain the systems are never EVER given to those who are most compentent. They are awarded to friends, family and those who are willing to pay.
  22. You can buy rice bags for 5 baht each. Then buy SCG red structural cement by the bag and a cube of sharp sand and a cube of blue metal. Hire two blokes for a day to dry mix the ingredients and put them in the bags and then stack the wall. Make sure you have a big tarp incase it rains before the bags are stacked into place.
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