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Everything posted by Adumbration

  1. Employment is easy for fake account members. They just make up their new employment. Night shift security guard, hospital wardsman....there are just so many opportunities.
  2. The immigraton floodgates are going to be cranked wide open in the coming years. But because of the merit based immigration policy it will only the rich that move to Australia...and they pay minimal taxes. The middle class in Australia will dissappear entirely. Australia will be the next Argentina....and those relying upon the Australia OAP to live off need to start working on a defensible plan B right now. The RBA is broke also. It has no foreign reserves whatsoever. So the next black swan event that comes along the AUD will be in absolute freefall. An ex housing commission house in Mt Druitt is not worth a million dollars. Therein lies the root of most of Australia's problems.
  3. Incorrect. The OP (who I assume is another fake account) would be grandfathered in to the 25 years working life eligibility.
  4. Zero chance the bill will pass. And they have to keep tradesmen working until they die because there is no one to replace them.
  5. @KhunHeineken you are a year late to my party: Australian dollar is going to hit 40c to the USD in the next two years. Lower if there is conflict in the south china sea. Those surviving here on the OAP need to start right now putting a plan in to place on how to survive when the exchange rate is 10-15baht to the dallar.
  6. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. You are now on my ignore list.
  7. I used to skim data from the SET via the Google finance API. However they depricated it and so it was now longer possible. Yahoo did not cover the SET.....not sure if that is still the case.
  8. No such thing as Thai blue chip stocks that you can buy and hold. The fortunes of all companies here can turn on a dime give the unstable and corrupt governments. Also don't rely on any information from the companies themselves. Most is pure fabrication. And corruption also flows into the brokers as well...promoting stocks not because they are paid for but because of tea money. That is why I moved to only trade Thai derivative warrants. I do not trust any of the underlying stocks upon which the warrants are issued. Just my own opinion on what the stock price will do and buy a call warrant or put warrant accordingly. Who is your broker?
  9. I have traded the SET for nearly two decades. Nowadays I mostly trade derivative warrants. I have published a good deal of material on this topic. Let me know if you have any specific questions. There is lots of information available in English. What broker are you using?
  10. Just shoring up the tea money streams from Thailand"s wealthiest province.
  11. Can't wait for the Koh Tao blockbuster....
  12. The economic plan has always been to provide ZERO opportunity for decent jobs in Thailand. The bulk of working age Thais then have to seek employment as little ghosts in Taiwan, Korea, Dubai, Israel, et al. Then they tax the incoming remittances from these workers when they send money home to support their families. ZERO effort or expenditure by the corrupt, inept and morally bankrupt government and maximum passive income stream. Swill for the trough has to come from somewhere.
  13. Amazing Thailand. The party that won the election are the the only ones not to get a spot at the trough. Who the f**K would want to invest in a country were government is comprised of a 14 party coalition. Pakistan is an abhorent politically unstable sh**thole. But next to Thailand it now looks like Norway.
  14. From the OP photo it looks like he only stayed so long because he was getting free h*ndjobs.
  15. Tracking in Australia is atrocious. Here is an example. If I get a registered letter or parcel sent to me from Australia it does not show up on the Austpost website. However as soon as the item hits Thailand it does show up on the Thaipost tracking website. The reverse is also true, if you send ems from Thailand to Australia you can track via Thaipost website, but as soon as the item arrives in Australia it does not show up, with the exception of one notification when it is signed for by the recipient.
  16. That is all that is left on this forum. Nonsense and piffle posted by fake accounts. It is so very depressing and such an insult to the intelligence of the few remain real members who actually live here in Thailand.
  17. Another nonsense post from a fake account. Most of the contributors to the thread are also fake accounts.
  18. Another nonsense post from a fake account.
  19. If they don't back off on the fake accounts and insanely intrusive ads the outcome will be the same.
  20. This is a Thai forum last time I checked.
  21. He forgot to mention that the "control of retail outlets" will equate to the periodic payment of tea money under the threat of business closure.
  22. Wow...so much to unpack here. First, there is definitely no place in the world where it is easier to get laid than in Thailand. You can be a murderously violent nut job and still have four wives concurrently. Secondly, his partner left him because of his infidelity, but she was ok with him murdering her children and helping him hide their bodies. Thirdly, .....oh...I cant be bothered...this place is a circus, always has been, always will be.
  23. It is sickening to read anything about Thai politics. So predictable, so corrupt, and so morally bankrupt. I wish this forum would cease posting any Thai political news feed.
  24. You are at fault. You broke one of the golden rules. Never, ever leave a Thai in charge of any facet of you life. You should have been there hovering over any work done by a Thai to ensure it was done properly.
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