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Everything posted by Adumbration

  1. Sigh....some guy with a fake account on Reddit posts some fictional click bait story and gets a pathetic 300 replies and now we are expected to chime in on this thread. How utterly depressing the content on this forum has become.
  2. Oh....look....another fake account. What is your fictional back story?
  3. Interesting. I do not qualify for the OAP because of my assets. But if I did have to go back I already had the same thought as you. However my plan is to buy a recumbent bike with a sun shade over the top and a small trailer in tow.
  4. Why are you using today's exchange rate to do your calculation. During your two years imprisonment in Australia the AUD is going to collapse to 40c on the USD. Your fortnightly OAP will then get you circa 15K THB (if you are lucky). https://www.news.com.au/finance/economy/australian-economy/why-the-australian-dollar-will-hit-a-record-low-in-the-next-five-years/news-story/2dec137f147d8ac624d93489e60dd353 https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2023/08/australian-dollar-40-cents-in-2024/ https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2023/08/australian-dollar-40-cents-on-track/
  5. Hmm..... Lovely.... Long blonde hair, tanned skin and fit and firm. Met her at the University games in Fiji. Constant knocking on the toilet door by the cabin staff did not interfere with her getting the job done. I probably should of married her. Brilliant too. She invented a new dna mapping process for marine species and is a professor now.
  6. Jeezus wept more fake content.
  7. Junk funds hold a portfolio of subprime corporate bonds. B, BB, BBB, CCC and so on. They diviersify risk across various industry sectors and also geographically. There is heightened risk in the junk market at present because of the rapid increase in interest rates. Google zombie companies to better understand that issue. Trying to hit homeruns, huge returns with a small investment is a mugs game and a very poor strategy. That is why the majority of traders go bust. As I already posted, I consistenly skim 2-3 percent per month on the funds I trade. So over the year that results in a return somewhere between 24-36 percent on each 100K block that I trade. How much money do you want to make. If you only have 1 million THB to trade you could return circa 300K THB on that over the year. That would equate to around 25K THB extra per month for you household budget. And as I have already stated most months I only place one trade in and one trade out so roughly 12 buy orders and 12 sell orders per year. Because they are all GTC orders (which I always place after hours) my total time commitment over the year is probably 40 to 50 hours. I should add that often I am only in a trade for a few days each month and never more than 1 week, so over a year my totally time exposure to the underlying assets is usually under 3 months. The funds I trade all have monthly distributions of circa 11 percent pa. So even if I get trapped in a poor trade, or there is a blackswan event, I am still getting a monthly distribution at 11 percent. I have not yet been trapped in a trade this year. But a screw up is awaiting me, they always are. For more than 15 years I have also traded derivative warrants on the SET and have published extensive content regarding that topic.
  8. https://youtu.be/JH3Hrtth8fI?si=fJ2axsCyn7HX0Ygv
  9. Screw that. Just find a new GF.
  10. You are lucky you had a good family to provide you with stability and all your toys. I was in survival mode in the 80s after my mother died of cancer and my father took off with the neighbor's wife leaving me to fend for myself. As a young teen I worked two full time jobs and rented a car garage from a friend of my mum in a <deleted>ty housing commission suburb to live in.
  11. All profit margins are eroded by VET fees especially with toy breeds that have difficulties with birthing. Unless you are heartless and operate like the Thai puppy factories in BKK and CM and just let animals die. To be competitive with a business that is evil you have to also be evil.
  12. "grossly incompetent but expensive" I took the liberty to edit your typo.
  13. Going to be some fire sale properties in the coming year mine included. If they tinker with the 800K in any way whatsoever I am out. I will have to get all of my pets put downs because I would not trust a Thai to take care of them properly. I have been selling stuff for the last six months and continue to do so. Anyone that is not preparing a bug out strategy right now will be caught off guard. And for those scraping by on the Oz OAP. They will be forced out by the exchange rate when the AUD collapses to 40c on the USD. https://www.news.com.au/finance/economy/australian-economy/why-the-australian-dollar-will-hit-a-record-low-in-the-next-five-years/news-story/2dec137f147d8ac624d93489e60dd353 https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2023/08/australian-dollar-40-cents-in-2024/ https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2023/08/australian-dollar-40-cents-on-track/ @4MyEgo is planning to spend two years away from his family in Australia to getting a piddling 40KTHB pension. Thing is after two years inprisonment the exchange rate on the AUD will be so pathetic he will be lucky if he is getting 25K per month.
  14. If you can remember the 60's you didn't really have that good a time did you?
  15. There are lots of opportunities to make money online. That is not the issue. The difficult part is getting paid. Paypal is now off the table as a payment solution if you are living in Thailand. Even if you have an account in your home country you will still be geoblocked if you try to access it. Simon43 bumped into this problem already because he was receiving his teaching wages via PayPal. I think he is now using Payoneer but that could also be blocked in Thailand moving forward. Ignore any suggestions to do written or task rabbit style work online because ALL of that work will be absorbed by AI in the next 5 years. Poorly informed posters here are warning you that for unskilled task you have to compete with people in the third world who are happy to work for less than $5 per hour....LOL... AI works for free. Facebook recently launched Threads which is a Twitter (X) style platform. Twitter cost billions of dollars and millions of man hours to build. Zuck built Threads in three months using a team of just 6 people running AI agents do all the heavy lifting. I trade junk funds. They are relatively stable but channel between 2-4 percent each month. I just use bollinger bands and no other analysis tools. I set a buy order just inside the lower band, and then a sell order just inside the upper band always using GTC orders. I skim at least 2-3 percent each month on each fund. I trade in 100K usd blocks. If I get trapped in a trade the underlying funds pay 11% + monthly distrubution anyway so worst case scenario is I only get 11% return but of course if trapped in the trade I am exposed to greater risk of default in junk portfolio held by the fund.
  16. Good grief....the biggest hurdle on Thailand's horizon is it inverted population pyramid. And you think that legalising gay marriage will help that issue. Jeesuz wept.
  17. Every statistic coming from the Thai government is entirely fabricated.
  18. Hilarious...why would I be jealous of someone who is leaving his family for two years, to implement a plan based on fraud, in the hope of getting a piddling 40K THB per month? Moderators, is there not a rule on this forum that prohibits talking about criminal activities?
  19. So the basis of you plan is fraud? Why would you admit that on a public forum? You are overlooking one show stopper.....but I will let you bump into it on your own.
  20. Everything engineered by the Australian government has the underlying purpose of channelling all available funds into the residential property ponzi scheme.
  21. Australian government already knows you are married because the embassy certified your free to marry stat dec back when you got married. Or did you overlook that issue as well.
  22. He wont receive 40,000 because Centrelink will take into account his income from the savings account and reduce his pension accordingly.
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